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4-D Films

4-D Films

About Me

4-D Films is an independent film and video production company. Features, shorts, documentaries, avant-garde, music videos, promotional spots. We are in pre-production on a few shorts now as well as a documentary on a friend of mine and I am writing a screenplay or two, when I find the time. I also do freelance work, so if you need a freelance cameraman, director, producer anything just let me know.It's all about the vision, from the writer to the director to the cinematographer and yes even the executive producer and translating that vision to the screen creating something to hold their attention and pulling the audience in making them care about "your" vision.
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My Interests

Making movies. Director, Producer, Writer, Camera. Restoring on my 1957 Chevy. (Click my logo to check out my 57, she is a work in progress) Collecting cameras (Click on my logo at the top of the page to see just a few of the hundreds of cameras in my collection) Just a few tools of the trade: Arri, Panavision, Ikegami, Canon, Sony, Bolex, Anton Bauer, GlideCam, SteadiCam, Lowel, Mole-Richardson, Matthews, Kino Flo, K5600, Bogen (Manfrotto), Digital Juice, Avid. I love the whole retro "Pinup Model" look, nothing sexier then a classy tease. hhhmmm I think I need to start working on a screenplay about pinup models. Italian-American "Viva Italia" Playing Bocce (if you dont know what that is, it's Italian lawn bowling)

I'd like to meet:

Actors, actresses, writers and directors who want to work in indie films. Send me an email along with a head shot a bio about your self and your past theatrical work be it stage or screen. We are always looking for so called "undiscovered talent". I like working with new unknown actors.

I also want to meet artists, performance artists, painters, singers, musicians, free thinkers, designers, poets, the so called "lunatic fringe", anyone far outside the "Norm" (if the "Norm" even exists). I like people who think for themselves, who are living their lives the way they want and need to live them.


Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, (The RatPack baby) Louis Prima, Mel Torme, (I believe that I have every song ever recorded by Mr. Frank Sinatra in my collection now. Be it on vinyl or CD. Gotta listen to Frankie at least once a day, or at least Dean Martin.) Elvis, Billie Holiday, Jazz, Big Band, Swing, Pre-War Blues, music from the 20's to the 50's. Rockabilly, love it when I am workin on the Chevy...................... That's all the old school stuff now the rest of what I like. The Stooges, The Remones, Velvet Underground, The Cramps, Slayer, Rush, Iron Maiden, Y&T, ACDC, HSAS, Tool, Sex Pistols, Black Flag, The Clash, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, The New York Dolls, The Pretenders, Led Zeppelin, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Motor Head, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Band, Molly Hatchet, Black Oak Arkansas, Ram Jam, The Tubes, Paul Katner, Greg Kihn, Bonnie Hayes & The Wild Combo, Full Moon Tan, Eddie And The Tide, The Pixies, Kate Bush, The Smiths, Surf Punks, Plimsoles, The Beatles, Neil Diamond, The Doors, 80's metal, 60"s Surf music: Dick Dale, The Ventures, The Beach Boys, Jan and Dean


Just in random order: Taxi Driver, Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror, Reservoir Dogs, Jesus Christ Super Star,God Spell, Hair, Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunter, Animal House, Life Boat, On Borrowed Time, 12 Angry Men, Midnight Cowboy, Rock & Roll High School, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Breakfast Club, Empire Records, Big Trouble In Little China, Blade Runner, The Big Night, Moon Struck, Tremors, Oceans 11 (the Frank Sinatra original ONLY), 12 O'clock High, Casino, Anything by Russ Meyer, Hard Days Night, Magical Mystery Tour, Magic Christian, Sgt. Pepper, Field Of Dreams (best baseball movie ever made), Help!, Yes I liked Lord Of The Rings (all of them)


News Channels (NOT FOX), Current TV, PBS, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Red Dwarf, The Prisoner, The Weather Channel, Speed Racer, BBC Comedies i.e. Monty Python, The Vicar, Chef, Faulty Towers, IFC, The Avengers (with Diana Rigg as Ms. Emma Peel), NO reality television!!! (It's putting good writers out of work)(and it's all crap),


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My Blog

The NRA Show this weekend... No not that NRA the other one.

The National Restaurant Association show here in Chicago... a great show. Two days to cover it all... Saturday and Sunday... alota walking.   
Posted by 4-D Films on Sat, 17 May 2008 11:44:00 PST

Vegas anyone!?!?

I think I need another trip to Vegas. Don't think I can hold out till the 4th of July week... Anyone up for a trip??????????????
Posted by 4-D Films on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:04:00 PST

NAB Show... Who’s going?

Hey, How many of y’all out there are heading to the NAB Show out in Vegas next week??? I will be out there for the show from the 15th to the 18th (may stay for the weekend but not sure yet)...
Posted by 4-D Films on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:02:00 PST

More Fortune Cookie Logic... well kinda.

Here is my fortune from lunch today... and yes, I do eat alot of Chinese food.   "You need only to understand that it is not necessary it understand but only enjoy"   What...?!?!?!?&nb...
Posted by 4-D Films on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST

I’ll be there... will you???

OK all... Who is going to be in Vegas for Super Bowl weekend??? I will be there... I want to hear back from y'all on if you are going to be there or not!!!!! Well..... tell me damn it...LOL Hope you ...
Posted by 4-D Films on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:23:00 PST

WGA strike talks resume. . . . . studios and writers still far apart on issues

--> -->Amid fears that the resumption of talks between scribes and the studios would be openly hostile, Tuesday's session proved surprisingly smooth -- but there are still key differences between the...
Posted by 4-D Films on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:56:00 PST

Quotable quotes......

"No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle."   ... Winston Churchill   "Horse sense is what a horse has that keeps him from betting on people." ... W. C. Fields  ...
Posted by 4-D Films on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 10:00:00 PST

Did you know...... (repost)

Hey y'all,  Did you know that there is an over population of equine (horses) in this country!!!And that tens of thousands of horses are sold to "kill buyers" each year for meat for Europe and for...
Posted by 4-D Films on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 01:47:00 PST

The Networks and unlicensed broadband.

Networks slam unlicensed broadband Unlicensed portable broadband devices that Microsoft, Google and other tech companies plan to make and market threaten the future of digital television, a group of b...
Posted by 4-D Films on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:17:00 PST

New doc in the works. . .

New doc in the works...... Well at least in the very early pre-production stages anyway. hhhmmm...... check out my page and see if you can figure out what this upcoming doc is going to be ab...
Posted by 4-D Films on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:45:00 PST