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James O Born


About Me

Hi, I'm Emily, James O. Born's daughter. My father is a florida crime fiction writer. He has four books, Walking Money, Shock Wave, Escape Clause, and Field of Fire..
James O. Born is an FDLE special agent which is were he draws much inspiration for his books. Prior to his current job, James worked for the US marshalls, Drug Admisnistration Enforcment, and has worked with the ATF. During long police survaliances, James would pass the time by writing novels which are the result of his outstanding novels.
Now Born in addition to continuing FDLE work is an author for Putnam, the editor which also publishes authors shuch as WEB Griffin and Tom Clancy.
his official website(since mine isnt good enough apparently) is jamesoborn.com click to go there

My dad on WPTV (above)

My Interests

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With Walking Money, James O. Born was hailed as "the real thing" by Elmore Leonard; Shock Wave was called "a constant blitz of action" (The Miami Herald); and with Escape Clause, Born was celebrated as "the best thing to happen to Florida crime writing since Elmore Leonard hit the Sunshine State" (Chicago Sun-Times). Now Born takes it to the next level with a remarkable novel of corruption, fraud, and the messy business of murder by explosives.Since returning from Bosnia, ATF agent Alex "Rocket" Duarte has been slowly reacclimating to life in South Florida. But when a gunrunner's car explodes, Duarte's life kicks into high gear in a high-profile hunt for what appears to be a serial bomber. Teamed up with a lawyer from the Department of Justice who herself is looking into possibly related bombings in Virginia and Seattle, Duarte crisscrosses the country, following the bomber and hoping to anticipate his next move, but as he peels away the layers of deception, the lines between friends and enemies begin to blur-and the results are explosive.-field of fire book jacket