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Di Nigunim

You provide the revolution...We provide the music.

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Member Since: 12/26/2006
Band Members: Cymbalom, Fucking Drums, Accordions, Blunt Objects, Piano, Violin, Trumpet, Euphonium, Guitars, 1.618, Lotsa Vocals, Trombone, Clarinet, Percussion, Foot Blood, Bass, with no end and coming soon...
Influences: Klezmer punk rock, Bach on the way to... Yegor Letov, Spent Instruments, Vladimir Visotsky, All night dancing and bloody feet, Tom Waits, Kurt Weill + the Lovely Lotte Lenya, Morning Rain Clouds Rain, R. Buckminster Fuller, Silence at just the right moments, Theodore Bikel, Lajko Felix, Revolution, Rilke, Taraf De Haidouks, Broken plates, murder ballads, De Kift, Crass, the wailing ghosts of capitalism’s past victims, Kocani Orkestar, Robot Farts---, our beloved and dearly dep[arted, drnken balagan and that moment you know youre gonna die but just don’t care.

Sounds Like: Lon Chaney

Type of Label: None