About Me
Last Updated 12-15-07
Hi all this is Saint. I wanted to take some time to say there are two of us that write and respond here. Mike Turner, our singer, and myself, Dan St.Laurent, the guitarist. Page is under minor construction and should be done at some point today. I’m basically still reworking 2 blogs, and may add a few more things here and there. I’ll be sure to sign any responses or bulli’s as Saint so you will know who you are speaking with if you decide to comment or rant. Some general info...I’m independent. I have moved from the left right paradigm and now find my own resolve around the issues on an individual basis. This page is meant to be by-partisan. It is not a republican, democratic, or liberal journal of any sort. We prefer to think of ourselves as a neutral, and reporting on activities by any politician which may warrant closer inspection. That said, it is true we are supporting Ron Paul for president. If the mainstream media didn’t ignore some candidates, we would feel secure in the equal coverage provided by them. But that is not the case, and we have taken it upon ourselves to "R3volu7ionize" this page. It is our sincere hope that this page still serves the purpose for which we intended it, while giving added coverage to one candidate in particular. We also recommend that if your candidate of choice isn’t a top tier candidate, that you do the same. This could be one of the most important elections in this country’s history. We are at a crossroads, and can only move in one direction as a nation.
Okay, a few things going on. Sorry its taking so damn long to update all the pages. Spending some time on this one because I’m feeling inspired over the last few days. We’ve been researching and learning alot lately, and we have some things to share.
The new quote which is up is a quote from Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, in 1791. We’re going to change that as often as we can to put up some food for thought.
So I hope you all have heard that Mitt Romney is buying Clear Channel. Well I suppose that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but there is potential there for more corporate media influence, if the people behind this merger wanted it. Here’s a link to the Clear Channel page with investor info from Clear Channel itself showing on September 25, 2007, it’s share holders agreed to the merger with Romney’s company Bain Capitol. I think it’s a little too dangerous, allowing a politician to have ownership in a media conglomerate. But thankfully, it’s so fucking stupid it’s ridiculous. Really, more and more people aren’t getting news from MSM anymore, since they suck. I tend to think if he believes that a million radio stations blaring his name at me would make me vote for him, he’s mistaken.
Giuliani may be in some hot water, again. He may have broken the law by receiving commissions for getting federal contracts for the data mining company Size Int. with his company Giuliani & Partners, apparently to the tune of about 30 million dollars, after only by being employed by Size Int. for a month! His firm set up meeting between Size Int. and the Dept. of Homeland Security, which lead to the feds purchasing Size’s program "Matrix", used to data mine americans, creating massive databases on me, you, and all of us. Hmmmph, interesting isn’t it? Above all else...for his company to receive commission for securing contracts with the federal government, is illegal.
Two more things to rant about. First, what is up with ex-white house mouth piece Scott McClellan coming out and saying that he was fed misinformation by Bush, Cheney and Rove on the Plame case (see Sibel Edmonds)? No suprise there, except that he has said it on many MSM outlets, and this is going where? I don’t know, but I’m wondering why it’s taking any time at all TO START AN INVESTIGATION around here!!! Obviously he’s coming forward to that end. What the hell is it gonna take, how many offenses will pile up? This is absurdity in it’s purest form. The only good news is there is a new impeachment bill, I’ll get the details and post it or bulli it. It is not the same bill as Kucinich’s. Here’s a link, it should be relatively easy to find more links in MSM on this one.
CNN coverage of McClellan revelation.
And what is up with the cable guy rolling over on the NSA? His name is Mark Klein, and he worked for AT&T as a technician for 22 years, and is the guy who hooked up the splitter for the NSA PC’s to get EVERY PIECE of data in the US. He has testified before the senate. Our phone convos, our emails and net traffic, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. The device used to split the signal is a "dumb" device, that is it cannot interpret the data it sends through to the secret room for the NSA. This is bullshit...really. Check the Whistlebower blog of ours, he has three videos listed.
Thats about it for the moment, I’m still here and making changes, and will update the above with more details. Peace...