Karen [for Ron Paul 2008] profile picture

Karen [for Ron Paul 2008]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Aaron Russo's
Freedom To Fascism

Outing the Constitutional Criminals How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part 1 How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part 2 How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part 3 How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part 4 How the Federal Reserve Runs the US - Part 5 We're Going to Have to Break the Bank The Fed: Jekyll Island Monster Paper Money and Tyranny
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Distribute the Call to Drive out the Bush Regime, available as a pdf [click above], to everyone you know, and take it out to people you don't know (on the subway, at concerts, etc.). This call powerfully describes what this regime is doing and how it can be stopped, and needs to get out to the millions who are thirsty for it, and generate a national conversation.
YOUR GOVERNMENT, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.
YOUR GOVERNMENT is openly torturing people, and justifying it.
YOUR GOVERNMENT puts people in jail on the merest suspicion, refusing them lawyers, and either holding them indefinitely or deporting them in the dead of night.
YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.
YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses the science that doesn't fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.
YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.
YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.

Lies...All Lies
7 World Trade Center was a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that stood across Vesey Street north of the WTC complex. It was not hit by any plane and collapsed at approximately 5:20 p.m. EDT on the evening of Sept 11, 2001. According to experts, no building like WTC7, a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire.
The official report of the 9/11 Commission does not address the collapse of WTC7. The FEMA report says that its proposed explanation of the collapse of WTC7 has only a small probability of being correct. NIST has several times postponed the issue date of its report on the collapse of WTC7. Some 9/11 researchers say these examples show that an explanation of the collapse of WTC7 is quite difficult, unless controlled demolition is introduced to explain it.
9/11 researchers have proposed the idea Building Seven collapsed as the result of a controlled demolition. Support for the demolition theory came from the visual observations of the collapse, the pulverization of concrete, the lateral ejection of debris from high up for large distances, and the reports of molten & partly evaporated steel found in the debris. Advocates for this theory point to the speed and the near symmetrical fall of the structure. The building came down in just under seven seconds.
Early tests conducted on steel beams from the World Trade Center show they generally met or were stronger than design requirements, ruling them out as a contributing cause of the collapse of the towers, federal investigators from NIST stated Building Seven was not struck by an aircraft nor were the fires inside caused or sustained by jet fuel. The official working hypothesis is that Building 7 collapsed as the result of structural damage from the collapsing Towers in addition to prolonged fires throughout sustained by fuel stored for emergency generators. Further discussion of the intensity and severity of the fires is mentioned below. Engineers refer to this type of destruction as a "progressive collapse."
A kink or crimp near the center of the building is identical in appearance to many that have occurred when implosion professionals have made buildings collapse inwards to minimize damage of the surrounding structures.
This observation appears to support the demolition idea which suggests that a carefully calculated fall took place.

9/11 Mysteries

Why 9/11 Was An Inside Job
1. No steel frame buildings had ever before in history collapsed either from fires or planes hitting them. They are designed to withstand those hazards. On 9/11 three of them fell, and fell perfectly straight down. Why do you think demolition experts spend weeks planting charges and timing the explosions with millisecond precision? To make sure the buildings implode and fall straight down, just as the three WTC towers did. That perfection does not happen by accident. Further, the timing of the falls are indicative of linear controlled demolitions, not accelerating natural gravitational collapse. An engineering failure of this magnitude would normally demand an exhaustive study as to the mechanism of failure to ensure it never happened again, but all the evidence was quickly whisked away and melted down thus ensuring the cause was never discovered.
2. The 1/3 sized wheels, turbofan and diffuser found at the Pentagon crash are not part of a 757, but of a much smaller military aircraft the A-3 drone. Two civilian defense contractor employees — told to remain silent — say other workers quietly retro-fitted missile
and remote control systems onto A-3 jets at Colorado public airport prior to September 11. Bush claims a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon then vaporized, and that is why there was no wreckage, but that is utterly impossible. The titanium used in the 12 tons of engines does not even melt at temperatures reached by mixing jet fuel and pure oxygen much less vaporize. Think about it. Titanium was chosen for the engines because it would not even weaken when subjected to an optimum mixture of jet fuel and air for hours on end during ordinary flight. Further, there were not even broken windows where the engines purportedly hit the Pentagon. And to top it off, photos show no sign of a fuel fire like the ones hitting the two towers. So, according to Bush, not only did the most of the plane vanish, a mysterious shrinking ray made the wheels and turbofans shrink to 1/3 the normal diameter and change into a type used by A-3 military drones. Give us a break! How gullible do you think we are Mr. Bush? Bush is peddling an utterly preposterous lie. It amazing he got away with it so long. See the video Loose Change, part 1 and Loose Change, part 2 . So it was an A-3 drone that hit the Pentagon. This is so patently obvious from examining the wreckage that Bush must have know that all along, but decided to lie.
3. The hole in the side of the Pentagon is far too small for Boeing 757 flight 77 to pass through. The wingspan is 124 feet with a fuselage diameter of 13 feet. It is 44 feet from ground to the top of the tail. There was almost no debris, no bodies, no blood, no body parts, no baggage, no wreckage typical of a 757 plane crash, and of course no sheared off wings. Further there was no fire or smoke damage similar to the other two crashes. There should have been. The plane had a similar load of fuel. In contrast, after the shuttle disaster, it was possible to find pieces of the seven astronauts' bodies spread over hundreds of square miles. Some of the rubble appears to belong to a small Global Hawk drone (44 feet long by 15 feet high) including the tiny engine, including a tiny turbofan engine. The Pentagon blatantly lied in its story published by the Washington Post, saying the hole in the Pentagon was five stories high and 200 feet wide. Photos show it is no bigger than 18 feet in diameter. To fit in that tiny hole the wings had to have been sheared off. Where are the wings? Further the Pentagon crash did not show up seismically, because the object that hit was too light. Recall your high school physics. We know object that hit the Pentagon was traveling at 400 mph.
mass = energy / velocity2
The low energy of the hit means the object had to have considerably lower mass than a 757. The other two other hits, including another 757, registered seismically. Whatever hit the Pentagon was not nearly heavy enough to be a 757 as the Bush conspiracy theory claims. This is so patently obvious, Bush must have know that all along, but decided to lie.
4. See David Griffin's on-line lecture. This will painlessly give you a brief outline of some of the holes in Bush's story. Griffin has written two books on 9/11 .
5. Mike Ruppert's book, Crossing the Rubicon. This book explains exactly how Cheney pulled this off, and provides 700 pages of backup for this admittedly wild-sounding accusation.
6. There were no Arabs aboard flight 77 as claimed by Bush. Without Arabs, you have no highjackers. Without a highjack, why would the three American pilots all suicide unless Bush had threatened their families? The only other explanation is the planes were flown by wire. In other words, either way, 9/11 was an inside job. The key to Bush's conspiracy theory, the Arab highjacking, is a total fabrication. His whole lie comes unraveled just from the passenger and autopsy lists alone.
7. Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's advisor and lead attorney in the 9/11 victims case says he has both documentary evidence and sworn testimony that Cheney and Bush ordered the 9/11 attack.
8. All of Bush's cabinet met with Mahmoud, the bankroller of 9/11, in the week prior to 9/11.
9. No planes scrambled to intercept the hijackers. This is standard procedure. Normally a plane would be in the air within four minutes. Just prior to 9/11 Cheney inserted himself in the highjack command loop. He is the one who ordered them to stand down.
10. There were all manner of war games in progress on 9/11 some simulating a 9/11 style attack. This deflected most of the air force out west. It further confused air traffic controllers who had to deal with insertions (fake planes for the war games on their radars). No body was really sure if the attacks were real or part of the game. No cave-dwelling terrorists could have arranged so convenient a distraction. The Pentagon publicly admitted this many times, including when Representative Cynthia McKinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on C-Span 2005-03-24. transcript.
11. While every one else was in lockdown on 9/11, Bush got the FBI to arrange private jets to collect the bin Laden family and take them safely out of the USA without interrogation. At that point airspace had been reopened to commercial flights but not private flights.
12. Kevin R. Ryan, Site Manager, Environmental Health Laboratories, for Underwriter Labs, wrote that the fires in the World Trade buildings were not nearly hot enough to cause the UL-rated steel to fail.
13. CNN's reporter, Jamie McIntyre, on the scene announced that no plane hit the Pentagon.
14. Rudy Giuliani pre-announced the hit on the Pentagon. How did he know it would happen?
15. Rudy Giuliani announced a hit on the Sears tower. This part of the conspiracy was foiled, but apparently nobody told him. He announced it, as it was planned.
16. Rudy Giuliani gave a series of extremely polished speeches on 9/11. How did he find time to rehearse?
17. All three World Trade Towers fell faster over the first half of the collapse than physics allows by free fall. That meant they had to have an assist, e.g. an explosive push from pre-planted demolition charges, not just gravity pulling them down. The maximum collapse for free fall is computed by
distance = ½ g t²
where g is the acceleration due to gravity 32 feet per second per second, and t is time in seconds. In other words, free fall collapse should start out slowly and accelerate faster and faster for the big finale.
18. Why did the terrorists hit the west wing of the Pentagon? That required an extra complex flight maneuver. The west wing was being renovated. There were no military people there. Why wouldn't terrorists try to kill the top brass in the east wing?
19. David Ray Griffin's objection from The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11.
President Bush has also been criticized for behaving somewhat bizarrely on 9/11.
As he and the Secret Service got word that a second plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and that three planes had been hijacked, there could have been no possible doubt in their mind that the United States was under terrorist attack . . . The most horrendous attack the United States had ever suffered. And they would have had to assume that one or more of them were heading toward President Bush himself. and so upon learning about this, the secret service surely would have whisked him away immediately. In fact, one secret service agent on the scene said, "We're out of here." but obviously he got overruled because president Bush stayed there. After Andrew Card reported the second crash on the World Trade Center, the president just nodded as if he understood and said, "we're going to go ahead with the reading lesson." and he sat there another 15 minutes listening to the children read a story about a pet goat. This was a photo op and when it was over he lingered around talking to the children and talking to the teacher.
Bill Sammon, of the Washington Times, wrote a very pro-Bush book, yet he comments how casual and relaxed the president was given the fact he'd just learned the country was under attack. He said Bush took his own sweet time and in fact called him "Our Dawdler in Chief." And then the president went on national TV, going forward with an interview that had been planned and announced in advance . . . then they took their regularly scheduled motorcade back to the airport. In other words, [Bush and the Secret Service] showed no fear whatsoever that they would be targeted for attack, which strongly suggests they knew how many aircraft were being hijacked and what their targets were.
Couldn't it have been that he was trying to project calm in the eye of the storm, that this was Bush projecting Churchillian resolve in the face of calamity?
People who want to believe such things can, of course, imagine such scenarios. But the president in a situation like that does not make the decisions; the Secret Service team makes the decisions. And the guys in the Secret Service are trained to be ready for a catastrophe like this where they make snap decisions and whisk the president to safety immediately. They would have had an escape route planned; they would have had contingencies planned — they always do. It is at least not very plausible to think they would have remained there and endangered the lives of all the children and teachers at that school in order to exude that Churchillian confidence.
Consider that the event was publicly scheduled and presumably known to any terrorists. A school is not a very secure location. Bush was recklessly endangering the lives of the children he was with unless of course he knew there was no danger because this was an inside job.
20. Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were busy discussing the Iraq war in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Why were they so unconcerned about 9/11 unless it were an inside job?
“I expected to go back to a round of meetings [on 2001-09-12], examining what the next attacks could be, what our vulnerabilities were, what we could do about them in the short term. Instead, I walked into a series of discussions about Iraq. At first I was incredulous that we were talking about something other than getting al Qaeda. Then I realized with an almost sharp physical pain that Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were trying to take advantage of this national tragedy to promote their agenda about Iraq. Since the beginning of the administration, indeed well before, they had been pressing for a war with Iraq. My friends in the Pentagon had been telling me that the word was we would be invading Iraq sometimes in 2002.”
~ Richard A. Clarke, White House Counter Terrorism Chief, Against All Enemies
21. The alleged highjackers on their eve of a supposed religiously-motivated suicide attack went to a strip bar, drank alcohol and ate pork, all in public. They left copies of the Qu'ran behind presumably to help witnesses remember them. Devout Muslims are insanely fanatical about avoiding pork. They would sooner eat feces. In Saudi Arabia, drinking alcohol is considered so shameful it could get you killed. That is not plausible behavior for religious fanatics about to face judgment day. bin Laden is a Puritanical religious fanatic.
22. Seismic evidence shows the two main world trade towers were taken down by demolition.
23. A FOX reporter reported the plane that hit South Tower II of the World Trade Center had a blue logo. UA Flight 175 would have had a black and red United logo. The US air force uses a white star on a blue circle.
24. Bush at first tried to get noted war criminal Henry Kissinger to handle the 9/11 commission whitewash.
25. Put options (short selling) for American Airlines and United Airlines were massively above normal just prior to 9/11. Investors made a killing off foreknowledge of 9/11. Cheney claims he investigated these investors but claims no wrongdoing and he refused to say who profited from the carnage or to explain why he thought that. Some of the investors would have been people jumping on a bandwagon, not knowing what was afoot, just presuming insiders must know. But at the core were people who knew the day of the attack. How did they know?
26. Bush at first refused to testify at the 9/11 commission, and then agreed only reluctantly under the condition he and Cheney always appear together so could keep their stories straight.
27. As if they had prior knowledge, within four minutes after the Pentagon crash, FBI agents quickly confiscated:
* video tape from a gas station security camera aimed directly at the exact point of impact while recording the size of the plane and/or missile.
* security camera video film from a nearby Sheraton hotel.
* film from a Virginia Transportation Department freeway overpass camera.
They have never released these tapes, nor any of the on-grounds security camera tapes. What's the big secret?
28. Rumsfeld accidentally told the truth:
“Here we're talking about plastic knives, and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building, and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center.”
~ Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of War, 2001-10-12 Parade Magazine interview.
29. Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of tower 7, confesses on tape he had the building demolished to prevent the spread of fire. This building was not hit by any planes. Larry Silverstein look out long term leases on all the WTC numbered buildings three months before 9/11. He insured them to the max. He not the building's owners was the beneficiary. He was able to get double the usual payout by arguing the attacks were sufficiently separated in time to count as two separate attacks.
30. Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. Bush's company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center up to the day the buildings fell down.
31. The following evidence is not available to the public. Either it does not exist, somebody destroyed it, or Bush is withholding it. In all three cases Bush is deceiving the public.
* Airport lobby video showing alleged hijackers on the targeted flights.
* Evidence tying bin Laden to the crime. All we have is Bush's say so. One day he claimed he had no idea the attack was coming, and the next he was 100% sure who did it.
* Recordings of air traffic controller communications with the flights. These were shredded and thrown into five different garbage cans.
* Remains of any of the targeted planes.
* Remains of the Twin Towers and Building 7.
* Blueprints of the Twin Towers and Building 7.
* Black boxes from any of the targeted planes.
* Photographs documenting the crime scenes before they were disturbed.
32. Mike Delbert Vreeland tried to warn the Canadian authorities of the coming 9/11 attacks. He was incarcerated, so his warnings were ignored. However, he was correct about the targets and the date of the attack.
33. Two days after 9/11, Michael Powell, (Colin Powell's son) chair of the FCC, moved to eliminate the few remaining restraints on media concentration. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the majority of all news media in the United States. Today only six do: Time Warner, Disney, archconservative Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. (Fox’s parent company), Bertelsmann, Viacom and General Electric Co. It was as though Powell has this all ready to go, and waited for the right moment to spring it, behind a smokescreen. His behavior implies he knew 9/11 was coming. The technique is similar to one favored by Canadian politicians to pass unpopular legislation on Christmas eve when no one is looking.
34. Cheney and Ashcroft claim they drafted the 600-page Patriot Act in less than a week. It is a very complicated document· It even included unrelated pork for pharmaceutical companies like Merck, to get them of the hook for legal liability for contaminated vaccines, past, present and future. I can't believe they could have put this intricate, deceptively worded document together in only a week. They must have had it ready before hand waiting for the right moment to spring it, behind a smokescreen. Legislators passed it in a panic without even reading it first. It annulled the Bill of Rights. This behavior implies Cheney and Ashcroft knew 9/11 was coming. The technique is similar to one favored by Canadian politicians to pass unpopular legislation on Christmas eve when no one is looking.
35. Carmen bin Ladin (she spells her name differently), bin Laden's estranged sister in law, says in her book Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia that the bin Laden family all believe Osama had nothing to do with 9/11.
36. Bush used 9/11 as a pretext to invade Afghanistan, even though Saudis ostensibly committed the deed. He then installed ex-Unocal men to run the country. They built a pipeline for Unocal and raised trillions by restarting the opium trade.
37. Bush used 9/11 as a pretext to invade Iraq even though he later admitted the two had no connection.
"We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th attacks."
~ George W. Bush, 2003-09-17
38. Bush used 9/11 as a pretext for the Patriot Act to nullify important constitutional rights such as habeas corpus, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
39. In 1976 the US Army prepared a plan to take down the two World Trade Towers using commercial airliners, using plastic box cutters to get through security, as part of its "antiterrorism" activities. In 1976, Rumsfeld was Secretary of State, Bush 41 was CIA Director, Nelson Rockefeller was Vice President, Ford was president, Cheney was chief of staff, almost the same crew as was in charge for 9/11.
40. The elaborate Patriot Act was allegedly written in a few days after 9/11, but Cheney and Ashcroft somehow found time to insert some irrelevant pork to get Merck off the hook for contaminating vaccines with mercury, freeing it from liability for the autism it allegedly caused. They must have had the act ready prior to 9/11. They cleverly panicked the house and senate into passing it without even taking time to read it.
41. No high-rise buildings have collapsed before or since from fire elsewhere, yet three supposedly did on 2001-09-11 in New York City. Whomever chose those two buildings to hit either did a detailed engineering study to discover their vulnerability to collapse by fire, or took the buildings down with demolition. I have trouble imagining cave dwellers pulling either of those two feats off. Blind luck would be plausible if it were not for the fact Bush 41 had a detailed plan in place to take them out formulated in 1976 using airliners and box cutters. Bush had the rubble quickly shipped to China to be melted, even though it is illegal to destroy rubble from an engineering failure or a crime scene. You have to investigate precisely what caused the failures so that you can build safer buildings in future.
Our Addiction To Fear
Ah, yes, the six faces of the terrorist.

You Passed the US Citizenship Test
Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct! Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test?
What Did You Learn In School Today Tom Paxton
What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned that Washington never told a lie
I learned that soldiers seldom die
I learned that everybody's free
That's what the teacher said to me
And that's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned that policemen are my friends
I learned that justice never ends
I learned that murderers die for their crimes
Even if we make a mistake sometimes
And that's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned that war is not so bad
I learned about the great ones we have had
We fought in Germany and in France
And someday I might get my chance
And that's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned that our government must be strong
It's always right and never wrong
Our leaders are the finest men
So we elect them again and again
And that's what I learned in school today
That's what I learned in school

A Must-See Film:

Why We Fight
a documentary by Eugene Jarecki

What people are saying:

“Why We Fight” should be required viewing for anyone who still believes that the U.S. presence in Iraq has anything to do with freedom. A masterpiece.

...it’s the best documentary about militarism and America’s political reach that I’ve seen, just edging out the 1972 Vietnam documentary Winter Soldier.

Jarecki’s “Why We Fight” is a cynical account of the state of a world that is becoming, more and more, under the control of governments and corporations...

...should be mandatory viewing for any voting citizen. Eisenhower was not the first President to warn us against the downfalls of unimpeded military buildup. Another military man, George Washington, warned against the same thing.

The film's strength is that it isn't hesitant to name names on either end of the political spectrum.

Whichever truth you hold to be self-evident, "Why We Fight" will encourage you to reassess your beliefs and reconsider the meaning of national security.

What will you do if you register and there is a draft?
Many people think they won't have to go to war because they are conscientious objectors (COs). A CO is someone who registers, convinces his draft board that he "opposes war in any form," and does unarmed military duty or poorly-paid civilian "alternative" work instead of fighting.
If you're planning to try for CO status, and you want to help prevent a draft or a war from happening, you might want to think twice about registering. A conservative think-tank reported that the SS wants to "accommodate with minimum divisiveness those who would seek CO status." The government gives COs special status within the system to keep them busy, quiet, and helpless to resist a war.
COs have to register first, and then take their chances with a draft board. Many genuine COs won't get CO status, or will "conscientiously object" to their alternative service jobs. You can't "un-register" if your CO claim is denied. But if you don't register now, you can always change your mind, register late, and try for CO status if you get an induction notice. Conscientious Objection is not an easy way to beat the draft.
You should talk to a draft counselor if you have questions about conscientious objection or resistance. Whatever you do, you won't be alone. All over the country, people are finding ways to oppose registration and the draft.

Before You Enlist!

"Food Not Bombs is one of the fastest growing revolutionary movements and is gaining momentum throughout the world. There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people, protesting war and poverty. For over 25 years the movement has worked to end hunger and has supported actions to stop the globalization of the economy, restrictions to the movements of people, end exploitation and the destruction of the earth."
Food Not Bombs - Official site
Start A FNB - in 7 easy steps
Find the Food Not Bombs near you

from the Gulf War. These photos are extremely disturbing. So disturbing in fact that I couldn't post one on my profile and look at it each day. To do that, would risk my being desensitized. One SHOULD be shocked. If you are not, you are not human.

Life Exists Beyond Our Borders

How to Build Global Community
Think of no one as "them"
Don't confuse your comfort with your safety
Talk to strangers
Imagine other cultures through their poetry and novels
Listen to music you don't understand
Dance to it
Act locally
Notice the workings of power & privilege in your culture
Question consumption
Know how your lettuce and coffee are grown: wake up and smell the exploitation
Look for fair trade and union labels
Help build economies from the bottom up
Acquire few needs
Learn a second (or third) language
Visit people, places, and cultures - not tourist attractions
Learn people’s history
Re-define progress
Know physical and political geography
Play games from other cultures
Watch films with subtitles
Know your heritage
Honor everyone’s holidays
Look at the moon and imagine someone else, somewhere else, looking at it too
Read the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Understand the global economy in terms of people, land and water
Know where your bank banks
Never believe you have a right to anyone else's resources
Refuse to wear corporate logos: defy corporate domination
Question military/corporate connections
Don't confuse money with wealth, or time with money
Have a pen/email pal
Honor indigenous cultures
Judge governance by how well it meets all people’s needs
Be skeptical about what you read
Eat adventurously
Enjoy vegetables, beans and grains in your diet
Choose curiosity over certainty
Know where your water comes from and where your wastes go
Pledge allegiance to the earth: question nationalism
Think South, Central and North – there are many Americans
Assume that many others share your dreams
Know that no one is silent though many are not heard
Work to change this

Human Rights

Myths & Facts About GLBT People
It’s important to remember that most of the negative stereotypes of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are based on erroneous or inadequate information. Here are some myths and facts to help you flesh out what’s what:
It’s a “choice.” Sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices, any more than being left-handed or having brown eyes or being straight are choices. The choice is in deciding whether or not to live your life openly and honestly with yourself and others.
It’s a “lifestyle.” It’s sometimes said that GLBT people live a gay “lifestyle.” The problem with that word is that it can trivialize GLBT people and the struggles they face. Being GLBT is no more a lifestyle than being straight — it’s a life, just like anyone else’s.
Same-sex relationships don’t last. Same-sex couples can, and do, form lasting, lifelong, committed relationships — just like any other couple. And just like any other couple, sometimes same-sex relationships end. The primary difference is that same-sex couples have few opportunities to marry or enter into civil unions or domestic partnerships.
GLBT people can’t have families. According to the 2000 Census, more than 1 million children — probably many more — are being raised by same-sex couples nationwide. The American Psychological Association and other major medical and scientific researchers have stated that children of gay and lesbian parents are as mentally healthy as children raised by straight parents.
GLBT people aren’t happy. In 1994, the American Medical Association released a statement saying, “Most of the emotional disturbance experienced by gay men and lesbians around their sexual identity is not based on physiological causes but rather is due more to a sense of alienation in an unaccepting environment.” What that means is that the discrimination and stress that GLBT people face is the root cause of a great deal of pain for many GLBT people. That pain can be alleviated by knowing that there is a vibrant, growing community of GLBT and straight-supportive Americans who know and care about GLBT people and the issues they face.
GLBT people can “change” or be “cured.” No scientifically valid evidence exists that shows that people can change their sexual orientation, although some people do repress it. The most reputable medical and psychotherapeutic groups say you should not try to change your sexual orientation as the process can actually be damaging.

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My Interests

* He has never voted to raise taxes.
* He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
* He voted against the Iraq war.
* He voted against regulating the Internet.
* He voted against the Patriot Act.
* He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
* He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

The Real Origin of AIDS
U.S. Tuskegee Experiment

Since it has been decreed that an HIV/AIDS vaccine is to be tested in TnT, it is appropriate to decode, decipher and delineate the real origin of this deadly disease.

At the outset, it must be stated quite emphatically and categorically that the origin of AIDS has absolutely NOTHING to do with the green monkey, Afrikan people nor the Haitians.

The stark reality is that according to 'The Strecker Memorandum' (1983):
-AIDS is a man-made disease
-AIDS is not a homosexual disease
-AIDS is not a venereal disease
-AIDS can be carried by mosquitoes
-Condoms will not prevent AIDS
-There are at least six different AIDS viruses in the world [1]

What this writer wants to add is that AIDS represents the most potent medical weapon in the armory of Europeans to annihilate, decimate and castrate Afrikan, Hispanic and Asian peoples under the rubric of European supremacy.

Why and how was AIDS created The AIDS virus was created 'as a political/ethnic weapon to be used mainly against Blacks [2] - and the United States controlled World Commission 'decreed' that 2.7 billion non-white people must be eliminated from this planet by the year 2000. [3]

This decree was issued in the late 1970s. 'AIDS is biological warfare at its Euro-supremacist zenith. According to Malcolm Turner (9 June 1991)': 'AIDS is not an act of God against homosexuals; it did not appear out of thin air and it did not come from Africa. It was designed to kill people of color and a review of the statistics show that this is exactly what is happening. . . . .; it is the creation of a sick, demented white racist power structure . . . .' [4]

'The creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blood successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa'. [5]

The creation of AIDS 'was not an accident'. It was deliberate. [6] AIDS 'is nothing less than GENOCIDE by white racist against the rest of humanity. [7] The real origin of AIDS The AIDS virus 'was created by the United States government at Fort Dietrich in Maryland, a biological warfare laboratory in building number A550 in the P4 lab'. The sum of US $10m was requested by the Defense Department to build the lab under the House of Representatives Bill number H.B. 15090 in the 91st Congress in 1970. [8]

According to Dr. Theodore Strecker (1989):'(the US) National Cancer institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrich (now NCI). They combined the deadly retroviruses, bovine leukemia virus and sheep vlsna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those infected'. [9]

Dr. Strecker further contends that AIDS couldn't have engineer itself. It was engineered in a laboratory by virologists. [10] The record reveals that the World Health Organisation (WHO) vigorously: 'called for scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans: An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus'. [11]

The AIDS epidemic was triggered by 'the mass vaccination campaign which eradicated smallpox. [12] In fact, the WHO itself has studied 'new scientific evidence suggesting that immunization with the smallpox vaccine Vaccinia, awakened the unsuspected, dormant human immuno defense virus infection (HIV)'. [13]

In the words of an adviser to the WHO: 'I thought it was just a coincidence until we studied the latest findings about the reactions which can be caused by Vaccinia. Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS. [14]

The fact of the matter is that the powers-that-be at WHO concluded that 'in the relation to the immune response, a number of useful experimental approaches can be visualised. [15] As a result, 'they suggested that a neat way to do this would be to put their new killer virus (AIDS) into a vaccination program, sit back and observe the results'. [16]

The WHO used smallpox vaccine as their vicious vehicle to spread the AIDS virus and the geographic areas chosen were Uganda and other Afrikan countries, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present 'AIDS epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas'. [17]

As an addendum, 'there is also substantial evidence' to show that a confidential source in the WHO has revealed that there is 'a strong correlation between the proportion of people in different central African countries who consented to the smallpox vaccine program and the proportion of those now infected with AIDS'. [18]

The stark reality is that 'the AIDS virus must be a man-made' and a bio-engineered virus'. [19]

Hence, it need occasion no great surprise that the WHO, in true Euro-supremacist modus operandi, 'started to inject AIDS-laced smallpox vaccine (Vaccina) into over 100 million Africans (as part of its global non-European population reduction programme) in 1977'. [20] According to Dr. Theodore A. Strecker, 'who unraveled this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all time': 'if the African green monkey could transmit AIDS to humans', the present known amount of infection in Africa makes it statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey biting someone, to have brought this epidemic to this point.

The doubling time of the number of people infected, about every 14 months, when correlated with the first known case, and the present known number of cases, prove beyond a doubt that a large number of people had to have been infected at the same time. Starting in 1972 with the first case from our mythical monkey and doubling the number infected from that single source every 14 months you get only a few thousand cases. From 1972 to 1987 is 15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number of cases, then there would have been 13 doublings, 1 then 2, then 4, then 8, etc. In 15 years, from a single source of infection there would be about 8,000 cases in Africa, not 75 million AIDS infected people. We are approaching World War II mortality statistics here without a shot being fired. [21]

The fact of the matter is that under the current European global policy of annihilating people of colour, 'AIDS is expected to kill more people and orphan more children than all the wars of the 20th century combined'. [22]

Global Impact of AIDS The spread of the AIDS virus is omnipresent among Afrikan peoples and people of colour. AIDS is without any doubt, the largest epidemic in human history. The global magnitude of the impact of AIDS is such that as at June 2001, 'more than 70 percent of the people with the virus that causes AIDS are in sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest region in the world. [23] AIDS has transformed Afrika into a 'killing field'. [24]

In fifteen years, 'AIDS has killed 11 million Africans, more than 80 percent of the world's AIDS deaths'. [25] AIDS 'has struck some 36 million people, 25.3 million of them in Africa and orphaned 13 million children'. [26]

According to the United Nations (1998), 'there are 5,500 AIDS-related funeral every day in Africa. [27] In Zimbabwe, 1,200 die each week from AIDS'. As of February 2001, there are 5.8 million AIDS cases in South/Southeast Asia; 1.4 million in Latin America; and 640,000 in East Asia. In fact, in June 1991, it was reported that 'by the end of this decade, Asia will be the epicenter of the worldwide AIDS epidemic, host to the fastest-growing AIDS population in the world'. [28]

As of February 2000, the Caribbean has as high as 700,000 people infected with AIDS, thus making this region 'the second largest incidence in the world after Africa'. [29] In the case of the United States, Afrikan-Americans account for about 11 percent of the national population but 57 percent of the AIDS cases. In 1999, Afrikan-Americans and Hispanics accounted for almost 70 percent of new HIV infections.

On the contrary, it is very ironic, albeit strange, that 'death rates in Europe of people infected with the virus that causes AIDS have fallen 84 percent since 1985'. [30]

The reality is that whereas two-thirds of the people in the world infected with AIDS are in sub-Saharan Afrika, only about 2 percent is in Western Europe. That is NO accident. This is ultimate European supremacy wearing a fake medical mask while conducting planned, concerted, organised and deadly surgical operations on non-European peoples throughout the world.

The sole purpose of this man-made heinous virus is to reduce the global population of Afrikan peoples and people of colour through AIDS decimation, annihilation and castration, by any and all means necessary.

AIDS represents a medical intifadah declared against Afrikan people and people of colour. U.S. Tuskegee Experiment Another germane companion analysis is the Tuskegee experiment that was conducted by the U.S. government on innocent and unsuspected Afrikan-American males from 1932-1972.

In 1932, the United States Public Health Services solicited and recruited about 400 Afrikan-American males as guinea pigs in 'one of the most notorious medical experiments'. [31] On the study of the effects of syphilis in Macon County, Alabama.

These subjects never gave informed consent for their participation in the study. 'The Black men were never told they had syphilis nor were they told their disease could endanger their families'. [32] They were told they 'were receiving free treatment for bad blood'. [33] And even when 'a penicillin treatment cure for syphilis became available in the 1940s, the men in the Tuskegee syphilis experiment were not allowed to receive the antibiotic'. [34]

By U.S. government decree 'other doctors in Macon County were forbidden to treat any of the men in the study'. [35] These Black men were sharecroppers with no formal education. 'Many had never seen a doctor, much less been treated by one. Anything white people asked them to do, they did'. [36] The U.S. has stated that 'the purpose of the study was to record the destructive effects of untreated syphilis and to follow closely the medical progress of the group until each man died'. [37] However, according to Martin P. Levine (16 February 1987), 'the experiment was easily justified by physicians and scientists' because 'it was widely believed that Black racial inferiority made them a notoriously syphilis-soaked race'. [38]

These physicians and scientists were convinced that: '(The) smaller brains (of these Black men) lacked mechanisms for controlling sexual desire, causing them to be highly promiscuous. They matured early and consequently were more sexually active; and the Black man's enormous penis with its long foreskin was prone to venereal infections. These physiological differences meant that disease must affect the races differently'. [39]


In sum, the U.S. government-sponsored Tuskegee experiment is germ, biological warfare committed on its own citizens for 40 years. It must be noted, however, that in 1974, a US Civil Rights attorney won a $10m settlement from the government for the Tuskegee victims and their heirs; another $2.1m payment was received in 1976. And on 16 May 1997, Pres. Bill Clinton issued an official public apology on behalf of the U.S. government to the victims of the Tuskegee experiment as follows: 'The United States government did something that was wrong deeply, profoundly, morally wrong. It was an outrage to our commitment to integrity and equality for all our citizens. What was done cannot be undone, but we can end the silence. We can stop turning our heads away; we can look at you, in the eye, and finally say, on behalf of the American people, what the United States government did was shameful and I am sorry'. [40]

In this new millennium, let us hope that such an experiment will never be repeated. Never again! Never again!


1 Is AIDS manmade?: The Strecker Memorandum. Distributed by The Strecker Group, Eagle Rock, CA., 1983.
2 Jack Felder. (1989). AIDS: United States Germs Warfare at its Best with Documents and Proof, 6.
3 Felder. (1989).
4 Malcolm Turner. (24 June 1991). AIDS is Biological Warfare: A Warning to African People, African Connection, 9.
5 Turner. (1991) and William Campbell Douglass, (17 October 1990) Who Murdered Africa, The Challenger, 25.
6 Douglass. (1990), 25.
7 Turner. (1991), 25.
8 Is AIDS manmade?: The Strecker Memorandum (1983).
9 William Campbell Douglass, (undated), Who Murdered Africa: Organization unleashed killer disease on unsuspecting mankind in biological boondoggle of the century.
10 (Undated). Is AIDS man-made? Strecker Memorandum claims AIDS was created and deployed by scientists with an on-going cover-up. Opinion expressed by Dr. Theodore A. Strecker on TV program AFor the People.
11 Douglass. (undated).
12 Pearce Wright. (May 1989). Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus,' Times, 25.
13 Wright. (1989).
14 Wright. (1989).
15 Douglass. (17 October 1990).
16 Douglass. (1990).
17 Douglass. (1990).
18 Turner. (1991).
19 AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic. (1988). Aries Rising Press.
20 Felder. (1989).
21 Douglass. (1990).
22 Federal Information Systems Corporation, Federal News Service. (21 September 1999). Speech by Pres. Clinton to the 54th United Nations General Assembly, New York City.
23 Ravi Nessman. (6 June 2001). AIDS expert for U.N. warns epidemic is likely to worsen. The Plain Dealer.
24 Angus Shaw. (16 September 1999). U.N. agency says AIDS scourge is making Africa a killer field'. The Plain Dealer, 7A.
25 Shaw. (1999).
26 Maggie Farley. (26 June 2001). U.N. chief to world: Face facts on AIDS. The Plain Dealer.
27 Donald G. McNeil. (16 December 1998). AIDS epidemic alters Africa's culture of mourning. The Plain Dealer.
28 Jim McDermott. (23 June 1991). Asia-Epicenter of the AIDS Epidemic. The Washington Post.
29 Jeannie Relly. (26 February 2000). HIV infections up in Caribbean. The Plain Dealer.
30 Emma Ross. (27 November 1998). AIDS toll falling in Europe, study says. The Plain Dealer.
31 Felder. (1989).
32 Felder. (1989).
33 Felder. (1989).
34 Felder. (1989).
35 Felder. (1989).
36 Barbara Day. (20 June 1991). Deadly Tuskegee syphilis study 40 years later. The Capital Spotlight, 6.
37 Felder. (1989).
38 Felder. (1989).
39 Felder. (1989).
40 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. (16 May 1997). Remarks by the President in Apology for Study Done in Tuskegee, 2.

An analysis by Dr. Kwame Nantambu
Dr. Nantambu is an Associate Professor, Dept. of Pan-African Studies, Kent State University, U.S.A. a Public Policy versus Human Needs

Animal Rights

It's All About Empathy

Animal rights, or animal liberation, is the movement to protect animals from being used or regarded as property by human beings. It is a radical social movement as it aims not only to attain more humane treatment for animals, but also to include species other than human beings within the moral community by giving their basic interests for example, the interest in avoiding suffering the same consideration as those of human beings. Animals should no longer be regarded legally or morally as property, or treated as resources for human purposes. The movement seeks an end to all forms of animal exploitation, including the use of animals in experiments, as sources of entertainment, and as food.

Critics of the concept of animal rights argue that, because animals do not have the capacity to enter into a social contract or make moral choices, and cannot respect the rights of others or understand the concept of rights, they cannot be regarded as possessors of moral rights.

[I guess that's the way some people feel about children. Shall we do to children what we do to animals?]

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