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Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim. All Praise is due to Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

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Myspace BackgroundsClick or drag edges of pages to turn them. Add this to your page A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding IslamReligion, spirituality, and morals are all very important to me, as is graciousness. I abhor prejudice being that I've had to deal with it more in recent years. I am a practicing and pleased Shi'a Muslim. I really embraced Islam starting in the eighth grade after beginning to read the Qur'an and learning about Malcolm X's story. I value kindness and generosity, but I am the type to hold grudges. SOME RANDOM AND NOT-SO-RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME. It's long, so definitely feel free to scroll. I won't be offended. (I wonder if anyone is even going to find my page.) *Quiet and eccentric. I'm not very social, but I'm definitely not antisocial. In fact, I'm friendly. I just love staying home and being with my family. I easily get homesick. *Germaphobic. *Love traveling and acting. *I'm a Who's Who Among American High School Students Student and a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. (Graduated HS in 2006.) *Proud Persian who loves learning about the history of my ancient country. *Traveled to Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Amsterdam, Canada, Mexico, Germany, England, Italy, and of course, my beloved Iran. *My oldest sister is a talent artist. *I'm opinionated and outspoken. I pray for peace and justice. *I'm really put off by a lot of things I see on Myspace and the Internet in general. Thus, I don't like posting my pictures or searching for other people's photos. (Gosh, I find the Internet disturbing sometimes). I'm surprised I started a myspace page. *Very intolerant of people who don't treat my loved ones or me well. Some people think it'd be better if I were more forgiving; I disagree. *I love my mother more than words can tell. God only knows how much I love her. She and other admired relatives overcame so much and still manage to be successful, forgiving, and generous. She is the hardest-working person I know. And I love you so much Mamany and Babayee Jans! *I wish our American Congress would impeach Bush. Overwhelming facts to sway the vote for the betterment of mankind. I wonder if he could sleep at night knowing many deceased Americans and Iraqis (and more) have him to credit. Families are mourning, people! What I am saying here is PATRIOTIC. Don't be mistaken. This is because I know, as do others, that the United States deserves a respectable and honest president. *Never really liked journaling until just recently. *Enjoy swimming, tennis, and basketball but dislike watching sports. (I didn't watch the Superbowl this year.) *I've realized I've reached the level where I care much less what others think about me and much more what I think of myself. All that's truly cathartic to me is that God knows the truth in everything. *Feel comfortable saying I'm wise beyond my years. *Been to Las Vegas probably over 10 (or 15) times. Happy to say last time I was there, I met Criss Angel. *Like entertainment news, like Access Hollywood and E! News, because it's mostly stressless. Like real news, on the other hand, because it's what we should care more about. It's very stressful, though. *Have quite a bit of secrets. None scandalous, of course! *Would love to learn several languages, including Arabic, French, and Chinese. Currently, I know Farsi, English, and Spanish (can't speak Spanish very quickly though). *Moved four times before settling in current abode, #5. *Pretty good at computers. *Distantly related to the Safavid Dynasty of the Persian Empire. *My favorite actors are Denzel Washington, Ben Kingsley, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Will Smith. Fan of Michael Moore's work. *Realized I like the sounds of several English musical artists, such as Mika, Joss Stone, Natasha Bedingfield, Lily Allen, Amy Winehouse, Freddy Mercury (and more). *The Fugees, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Tupac, Boys-II-Mens, and even Coolio remind me of my kindergarten/elementary days. Thus, I like it...especially "Crossroads," "Killing Me Softly," "Changes," and even "Fantastic Voyage." :) *My mom is a real estate broker and loan consultant. More well-known clients include Katt Williams and Dylan and Cole Sprouse. *In my opinion, Angelina Jolie and Aishwarya Rai are very beautiful. *As you may have been able to tell, I like many genres of music, including Islamic, Soul, Motown, R&B, Arabic, and more. *I plan on performing a pilgrimage to the Islamic Holy City of Mecca, Insh'Allah. *As I mentioned before, I hate prejudice. I know good and bad exists in all TYPES of people (I'm not saying everyone is genuinely good). I met wonderful straights, gays, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterns, Native Americans, Blacks, Whites, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. Our world is diverse, but as the Prophet Muhammad said, (Peace be Upon Him) "God is one, and mankind is one." *Nobody you or I know is perfect. We all have flaws, some more than others..haha--(see next bullet). *Don't get me wrong, I don't love everyone. I HATE bigots, racists, sexists, and all other forms of prejudice, ignorant people who don't care to change. Hate is a strong word, and I mean it. *Favorite talk shows: Late Night with Conan O'Brien, the Ellen Degeneres Show, and the Tyra Banks Show. *The two news reporters by whom I'm frustrated, very angered, and shocked: Definitely Bill O'Reilly and Pat Robertson. Favorite Movie: Spike Lee's Malcolm X. Favorite TV Show: Criss Angel: Mindfreak. *Amazed by how small we are in our universe. I know every natural surrounding is truly a miracle. *Easily mess up my sleep schedule. *Believe in the freedom and power of mind. Nonetheless, I do think there should be some First Amendment restrictions, such as censor hate. I could only hope. *What would our world be like if politics was not so corrupt? We are all being controlled by the corrupt forces of tainted political leaders. Still, society wouldn't function without government.THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST. IT'S NOT GOOD TO SIT IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER SCREEN FOR TOO LONG.MY FAVORITE BLOG POSTING (YOU CAN FIND IT IN...MY BLOG): On American news stations, there's a degree of censorship, both for our own protection as well as to our disadvantage. We rarely see the video of the Iraqi girl and innocent victim of a suicide bombing shrieking in pain. We don't see the Palestinian baby's skull exposed after a Zionist attack. We don't see video of the American soldier losing his leg to a landmine. We don't see the Iraqi female being group raped by a few misguided, bitter American soldiers. We don't see the practicing Muslim beheaded by a kid who calls himself a Muslim. The fact of the matter is that Muslims hate the Islamic terrorists, for they not only commit atrocious crimes, but they're also using the name of Islam in their selfish endeavors. I am a faithful Muslim and I HATE the quote-on-quote Islamic terrorists. These terrorists are not Muslim. They read the Qur'an with a blind eye turned to the many verses about dealing peacefully and justly. Islam is a religion of peace; it's the terrorists who want to believe otherwise. Don't agree with these inhuman human beings.Honestly, I can say I hate the terrorists more than the average American. Why? Because they kill innocent people (which, fyi, is a HUGE SIN in Islam...In fact, the Qur'an reads "killing one person is the like of killing all of mankind"...murder is punishable by the Hellfire) AND they are degrading the image and name of Islam. They can never degrade the religion itself, but they can distort the perception of it. MUSLIMS WORLDWIDE CONDEMN TERRORISM. Major aspects of Islam include the encouragement of forgiveness and peace and the restraint of anger.This article is my own form of jihad...might be a surprise to you that jihad is not what the terrorists think it is. The greatest form of jihad is getting rid of the demons within your own soul. I am also combatting the evil that is ruining the perception of my beloved religion. I love Islam, I love Allahu' Akbar Al-Rahman Al-Rahim (God, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful), and I love peace. I am a proud Muslim.May God Bless. If any of my fellow peace-loving beings would like to post my blog, I give you the permission to do so without having to credit me. (Of course, you can credit me , if you'd like! :) )If you are against the war in Iraq then click here to join my antiwar group /
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The Holy Qur'an

My Blog

Thanks for the blog comments.

If I haven't posted a reply, it probably means I don't have any further useful input than that which is already in my blog post.  But I read and appreciate them all.  Thanks my friends. ...
Posted by Pseudo on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:11:00 PST

Post by Arundhati Roy Supporters

Comment by Pseudo: Read the below post (originally posted back in February 2007) by Arundhati Roy Supporters .  Being that I've been to Iran and am of Iranian descent, who better to tell you who ...
Posted by Pseudo on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 04:58:00 PST

I think Im becoming a misanthrope

I IN NO WAY want to appear in favor of Ahmadinejad (read a below blog I posted for more info) because I definitely don't like the conference to prove the validity of the Holocaust and the tr...
Posted by Pseudo on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:02:00 PST

He’s practically my dream candidate!!!! KUCINICH

To learn about Dennis Kucinich: He won the Gandhi Peace Award (check out above link and learn about him) To see him on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last ...
Posted by Pseudo on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:37:00 PST

Whoa, hes our leader?

George Bush is an evil genius for manipulating the country (although it's not much of a stretch for a conservative to fool a conservative, if you know what I mean).  On the contrary, we rightfull...
Posted by Pseudo on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:14:00 PST

Who Id like to see fight. Im sure then theyd feel foolish.

Anyone who is so passionately in support of this war but have the pleasures of dwelling in the comfort of their own homes, going to the cinema with friends, sipping on their martinis at the ...
Posted by Pseudo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 03:47:00 PST

Update: what Lone*Star wrote to me and what I wrote back to her

This is my response to what she wrote (can be found directly below my response): In fact, I have read the Bible as I have the Qur'an.  Just as you so like to cover the truth of the harsh verses i...
Posted by Pseudo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

I was reading through the MySpace "Debate of the Century" and was disappointed to see

Lone*Star express offensive and defamatory remarks about my religion: Islam.  This is a letter I sent to her.  Tell me what you think... When I found out about the debate, I thought everyon...
Posted by Pseudo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 10:38:00 PST

You must check this out and SEE the brilliance. Im SO impressed.

Check out all the blogs of the following talented and intelligent Liberal ladies.  I recommend you add them.  They rocked the debate and totally won.  I want to say "whoa" on how t...
Posted by Pseudo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:52:00 PST

Thoughts from me, a Persian-American, on the Ahmadinejad Columbia University Speech.

Have you any idea how heavy it is to be a Persian-American Muslim?  (FYI-I use the terms "Persian" and "Iranian" interchangeably.)  I've never felt a stranger feeling than that I h...
Posted by Pseudo on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 02:08:00 PST