About IslamMiracles oF Allah..Science & IslamThe name of God the Merciful, ark of Noah finaly discovered!! In mount Judi "turkey" ..exactly the place that the holy Quran had summoned!?? ???? ??? ?????44 ???? ???? ?????: (???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ? ?? ???? ????? ? ??? ????? ? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? ? ??? ???? ????? ????????) 44. Then the word went forth: "O earth! swallow up thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated, and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!"
Salam on those who follow the Guidance! How are you my dear friend and partner in Humanity? Comment ça va mes amis? Como esta? I like all French speaking people who are honest, sincere, pious, cultivated, broad-minded, revolutionary, tolerant, Truth seeking, free-thinking and peace-loving people.! I love all the people all over the world and want them all to be happy, successful, aware of Satan and its assisting darkness elements and to be guided to Truth and the Straight Right Path as I did!Just read my story in: www.islamtomorrow.com My aim is to spread peace, love, tolerance, awareness, good, and respect all over the world. Will you join me in my Cause? For your real happiness and the happiness and peace of the worldWhat does Islam really teach? 'Abû Hurayra (qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui) a dit: Le Prophète (pbAsl) s'étant un jour montré au public, un homme vint lui dire: "O Envoyé d'Allah! Qu'est-ce que la foi?". - "C'est, répondit-il, de croire en Allah, à Ses Anges, à Son Livre, à Sa rencontre, à Ses prophètes et à la Résurrection". - "O Envoyé d'Allah! Qu'est-ce que l'Islam?", reprit l'homme. - "L'Islam, dit le Prophète, consiste à adorer Allah sans jamais Lui donner d'associés, à s'acquitter de la prière prescrite, à verser l'aumône légale (Az-Zakâ), à jeûner le ramadan". - "O Envoyé d'Allah! Qu'est-ce que la perfection (al-'ihsân)?", demanda l'homme. - "C'est, répliqua le Prophète, d'adorer Allah comme si vous Le voyiez. Car bien que vous ne le voyiez pas, Lui certes vous voit". - "O Envoyé d'Allah! Quand est-ce qu'aura lieu l'Heure Suprême?", reprit l'homme. "L'interrogé, dit-il, n'en sait pas plus que celui qui interroge. Je vous parlerai plutôt de ses prodromes: Quand l'esclave enfantera son maître; que les va-nu-pieds seront à la tête des gens; et que les pâtres des moutons se vautreront dans leurs constructions élevées. Cette Heure fait partie des cinq (événements) que Seul Allah détient le secret". Et le Prophète (pbAsl) de réciter ce verset: La connaissance de l'Heure et auprès d'Allah; et c'est Lui qui fait tomber la pluie salvatrice; et Il sait ce qu'il y a dans les matrices. Et personne ne sait ce qu'il acquerra demain, et personne ne sait dans quelle terre il mourra. Certes Allah est Omniscient et Parfaitement Connaisseur. L'homme s'éloigna aussitôt et quand le Prophète (pbAsl) ordonna de le faire revenir, personne ne put déceler la moindre trace de l'homme. "Cet homme, dit alors le Prophète (pbAsl), est Gabriel; il est venu enseigner aux hommes leur religion".Numéro du Hadith dans le Sahîh de Muslim [Arabe uniquement]: 10
Surat Al-Ar'af (Verses 19-30) -Al Afasy
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Beautiful recitation of Quran : THE FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM There are five pillars of Islam: 1. The declaration of faith: To bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His messenger to all human beings till the Day of Judgement. The Prophethood of Muhammad obliges the Muslims to follow his exemplary life as a model. 2. Prayers: Daily prayers are offered five times a day as a duty towards Allah. They strengthen and enliven the belief in Allah and inspire man to a higher morality. They purify the heart and prevent temptation towards wrong doings and evils. 3. Fasting the month of Ramadhan: The Muslims during the month of Ramadhan not only abstain from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset, but also from evil intentions and desires. It teaches love, sincerity and devotion, It develops a sound social conscience, patience, unselfishness and will power. 4. Zakat: To pay annually 2.5% of one's net saving on which a year has passed as a religious duty and purifying sum to be spent on poorer sections of the community. 5. Pilgrimage to Makkah: It is to be performed once in a lifetime, if one can afford it financially and physically. Besides these pillars, every action, which is done with the awareness that it fulfills the Will of Allah, is also considered an act of worship. Islam enjoins faith in the Oneness and Sovereignty of Allah, which makes man aware of the meaningfulness of the Universe and of his place in it. This belief frees him from all fears and superstitions by making him conscious of the presence of the Almighty Allah and of his obligation towards Him. Faith alone is not enough. It must be expressed and tested in action, hence, the "five pillars of Islam" which are the manifestations of faith.
___________________________________ ________________________________________________ ___________________________________Who are Muslims and what do they believe? There are an estimated 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide. No more than 20 percent of Muslims live in the Arabic-speaking world. The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia. Muslims believe in One, Unique, and Incomparable God. They believe in the Day of Judgment and individual accountability for actions. Muslims believe in a chain of prophets beginning with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus. God's eternal message was reaffirmed and finalized by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on them all). One becomes a Muslim by saying, "There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God." By this declaration, the person announces faith in all of God's messengers.What is islam?Allah is Known Through ReasonThe truth of Life!Scientific Miracles of QuranAmazing Islam Miracles ?????? ???????
"the HOLY QURAN" ....... The Quran is the record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. It was memorized by Muhammad and then dictated to his companions. The text of the Quran was cross-checked during the life of the Prophet. The 114 chapters of the Quran have remained unchanged through the centuries.
prophet mohammad(PBUH) HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE : ISLAM'S RATIONAL APPEAL Islam in its clear and direct way of expressing truth has a tremendous amount of appeal for any seeker of knowledge. It is a solution for all the problems of life. It is a guide towards a better and complete life, glorifying in all its phases, God, the Almighty Creator and the Merciful Nourisher