I am home to billions of different life-forms. The Sun and the rest of our family of planets, comets, and asteroids reside in the outskirts of the Milky Way Galaxy about 28,000 light-years from the center.
You all believe that you are the most important life form when it is actually the phito plancton, without them no other life form would even exist and they supply half the oxygen that life needs to survive and exist.....yes they match the output of the trees and forests put together.
I am called Soopa Earth cos this is a glimpse of your future Earth and how it would look, if you all tried a little harder to love one another, seek knowledge and coexist in peace.
Peace be upon you...
One race,many nations
Remember, we are all family, made from the very elements that made our sun, moon, and other planets.
I love you all!
I encourage you all to learn about me and especially about the universe you live in.
Yes there was a creator of all this who helped make the Big Bang happen, I can prove it too as the chances of getting the bang just right are impossible! Had it been too small or too big then we simply would not exist.
The comets that collided in the making of me also supplied half the water that makes up the oceans today........accident?.....or pre planned? The gravitational pull around the sun and the gravitational link of the moon on my oceans just could not have happened by luck, so while you all argue about evolution or adam and eve.........remember this........without me none of it would have been possible and I know I didn't happen by accident as it is a scientific improbabilty.
So it saddens me that you all still fight about our creators name, Allah, God, Buddah or the almighty creator/force, when whats important is that the creator made all of this possible, so what should be important is to live in peace and use your knowledge to prosper, love one another and be happy.
As I was being born I went through many changes and in the beginning you all lived on one soopa big continent called Pangea to begin with, which the hot core of my molten soul along with my constant volcanic eruptions split and moved you all onto different continents that you now all call your seperate nations.
You all started life on the continent you now call africa and spread your wings like young children do when they leave home, and you evolved and changed too. So please remember you are all one family by blood and genetics and will all one day be united again on ONE SOOPA CONTINENT as my plates keep you all moving to this day still.
Our creator knew that the one true message would be too difficult for your ancestors to understand and translate in one go and chose to deliver it in parts that could be easily delivered via messengers or prophets and then to let that message be spread as you spread across the globe, so remember there is a place for ALL religion, the early non abrahamic faiths are simply the people who created religion to have a system at a time when there was no other system sent to you, and before the holy messages were delivered to you all, as the prophets started to deliver the message the old man made religions should have been done away with but you also have the freewill and love of your creator to decide for yourself when you are ready to hear that message for yourselves.
So I hope that through my eyes you will see the story of how you all grew, and how that message was delivered to the children of Israel and how the message was supposed to have been spread, never was it meant to cause war, but to show you the love of our creator, you really are all so silly for mixing things up and always so ready to fight over the smallest of things.
As a species you also only use 10% of your brain power at present and when this increases you will understand many things much faster and much clearer than you do right now. Yes the creator made many species before you and some of them became extinct so that you could have fuel etc from their fossils, do not dispute the existence of dinosaurs etc or what came before you, for our creator had a plan from the very beginning of time and all of it was so that you would also have the lives you now enjoy, so remember also oil is not a commodity to be fighting about but a gift from your maker to help you sustain life and help your fellow human, it is a choice how you use your gifts.
You have been given many choices thanks to the animals/species that lived on earth before you and you have been given the intellect to use that wisdom to prosper or disappear too, so do not waste technology on plastic bags that hurt myself and my animals, do not invent weapons of mass destruction when that science/knowledge could feed, clothe and shelter every man, woman and child, I have space for you all and you have the resources to share all the resources with all of your cousins too. Remember greed is destructive.
Much of what you see was pre planned and much of it is in your own making too!
If you could see things through your mothers eyes you would all understand that in my years you are all just a blink of an eye and I still remember when you were just babies and innocent of greed and hate................Wars make me sad and wars hurt me too.
You make up such silly things like racism when there is no black/white/yellow or red people lol, you are all just shades of brown. Some of you are light brown and some maybe dark brown but you are all shades of brown and I love you all equally. In the future you will all use science, knowledge and education to get the answers you all seek and see that there was only ever one truth and one almighty creator of all this.
So remember your origins and that you are all one and will also one day all be the same again, it is the tapestry of human life and it is also your destiny to do great things and love not hate one another.
Some of you also talk and argue about climate change, and save earth, please do not worry about me as I will carry on and evolve and survive as I have done so many times before, what you should all be concerned about is will the human race be the first species to make themselves extinct. Even with global warming and if you all disappear another species shall evolve and become the dominant species of the new earth, so the question you should all be asking is do we want to extinguish the human race? And more importantly be the ones who caused your own demise?
Some general facts about me:
Mass - 5.98 x 1024 kg
Mean radius - 6.37 x 106 m
Free fall acceleration (at surface) - 9.81 m/s2
Escape velocity - 11.2 km/s
Magnetic dipole moment - 8.0 x 1022 Amps * m2
Mean electric field (surface) - 150 V/m, down
Average Density - 5515 kg/m3 (water = 1000 kg/m3)
Orbital Tilt - 23.45 °
Composition - Iron Core, Silicate Surface
Age - 4.4 to 4.5 billion years
Distance to my best friends:
Our Moon - 3.82 x 108 m (1.3 light-seconds)
Sun - 1.5 x 1011 m ( 8.3 light-minutes)
The moons gravity helps me control the tidal movement of my oceans and seas to sustain all life.
The Sun helps me by giving us all heat and energy for life to grow and exist, but too much can also harm me and you.