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A place 4 all


About Me

I converted to Islam 13 years ago, and would like to tell that Islam is a misunderstood religion. Most Muslims is peace lovers as the religion is based on. And every real Muslims is against every kind of aggression. And every Muslim has a obligation to respect other religions. Islam " and any other religion" is not showing of to others in dress or how much you go to prayer, BUT in what you doo everyday to people around you. Islam is in your heart, and behaviur, not in your mouth. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do some relief work in a Danish relief organisation called ISRA. It is a great comfort to me that Allah gave me the strenght to make a difference, in the work for peace and suffering. I also had the pleasure to be a member of a study group, of a, Christian priest a professor in religious culture, a Danish Imam, a university student and me, that has no other background than my love for ISLAM, that met once every month to discus differences and similarity in our religions. In light of what we learned we found a need for an organisation that could help Muslims and Christians to co existents. So I had the pleasure to be co. founder of, Islamic Christian study centre, that educate and promote, about both religions, and is a great success, in integration and understanding.................. That was now, but if anybody has an interest, I gladly tell about my background and how I became a Muslim. Before I met my wife I had been married 2 times, and to be frank, I was a selfish idiot. My wonderful wife” we have been together now for 23 years” taught me the real meaning of love, and to how to treat other people. We married 13 years ago, and got a vacation to Tunisia in as a gift, I must add that I was a non-believer, but my wife insisted to take a tour visiting some great musk’s, and so we did. When we arrived to “the worlds 7th most holy musk, I was told, sorry I can’t remember the name”, I lost my breath totally, and felt the presents of God, I knew that I would never get peace in my mind, before I could go to a prayer and worship God. It sounds like a cliché, but it is the truth, it absolutely changed my life, I suddenly knew the direction of my life, and when we came home to Denmark, I found an Imam and converted to ISLAM. To be honest it wasn’t easy I lost most of my friends, but my life was on track and, and I had full support from my wife and children. You already know the rest. Tank’s for reading my story. God bless all of you: Baris-Rahim.

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My Interests

Searching for the truth , other peoples lifestyle. Music, i love oriental music. I play some guitar, "sounds awfull, but i have fun playing"

I'd like to meet:

Everyone that is working for peace. I don’t care what religion ore what way you do it, just that you someway do it, as long it is based on peace.


Everything from clasic to heavy metal, i especial injoy Turkish music, but love of all kind of MUSIC.....stop the clash of civilizations


The message. But i am only human so i love action and funny films too.


I love TV.documentury and soaps


I dont read much, but if the Kuran, Al-Muwata hadith, and biografies.


Everyone that works for peace, and understanding.