Concert in Huddersfield
Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut, bass guitar + laptop
Pierre-Alexandre Tremblay, bass guitar + effects
Performance in Huddersfield, UK
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ICMC 07, Copenhagen
I went to Copenhagen, Denmark, in late August 2007 to attend the International Computer Music Conference. I presented a paper there that I wrote with Juan Bello and Diemo Schwarz. "How Musical are Images? From Sound Representation to Image Sonification: An Ecosystemic Approach".My piece "portrait sonification" was also played there. You are lucky, you can listen to it on this page :)
COGSCI 07, Nashville
In early August 2007, I went to Nashville, USA, to attend the Cognitive Science Society Conference (CogSci). I presented a paper that I wrote with Pat Healey: "Sketching Musical Compositions".Besides the conference I had a good time there. I took a lesson of Country music dance and I went to many concerts of Bluegrass on Broadway. I also visited the wax museum, which has wax statues of all the Country music stars you can imagine.
Sound Glasses
I just wrote an article for the French English magazine ICONOfly. I've been asked to write about glasses, from my composer's perspective. I illustrate the paper with the example that you can listen to above (Jackie's glasses).
Using a picture of Jackie Onassis's famous sun glasses and the software Sonos (link below), I created a sound in which you can hear both a crescendo and a decrescendo of frequencies, according to the curves of the glasses.
(spectrum of the produced sound)
software beta release!
2nd of April 2007: Sonos is in Beta testing - download it now!
Sonos is an audio program that uses images to transform sound
Pompiloop won an award at JIM 06! download it from
Pompiloop was developed in 2005 for a workshop at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. It's a music program for children that helps them to create short compositions.
I am interested by the relation between sounds and images. I develop computer programs that help me to sonify images or videos: movement, color or brightness are transformed into sonic events. I'm exploring whether visual structures, easily understood at a glance, could be heard if they are transformed into music.The piece "portrait sonification" is composed after the picture of Alla Tkachuk, who commissioned this piece for the National Portrait Gallery in London. The 3 music videos that you can see on my blog have also been composed using parameters extracted form the images.
I developed my programs using Max MSP and Processing. I should release them soon.
Je suis principalement intéressé par la relation image / son. Je développe mes propres programmes qui m'aident à sonifier des images ou des vidéos: le mouvement, les couleurs ou la brillance sont transformés en événements sonores. Je cherche s'il peut exister une relation entre une structure visuelle -facilement identifiable au premier coup d'oeil- et une structure sonore.
La pièce "portrait sonification" est composée d'après le portrait photo de Alla Tkachuk, qui m'a commandé cette pièce pour la National Portrait Gallery, à Londres . Les trois vidéos que vous pouvez voir sur mon blog ont aussi été composées en utilisant des paramètres extraits des images.
Je développe mes outils avex Max MSP et Processing. Ils devraient être disponibles bientôt.
The video below has been created by Scorpene Horrible. The music has been done using the process described above.
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