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lounge art


About Me

Lounge Art is a cultural association founded in Naples in 2005 open to all kind of performative - visual arts; the mission of lounge art is the development of emerging artists specialized in the live representation of their works and performances, including: painting, sculpture, installation, video, photography, contemporary dance, experimental theatre, acrobatics, light design... The main aim of Lounge Art is the fruition by the audience and the realization of specific site works in a space/location normally not used for artistic subjects.lounge art are: Sirio Schiano lo Moriello & Valentina Rippa



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lounge Artists are:I edizione 2003: BANDITI (Dario Troncone, Mariano Ferrara), teatro. VALERIA DE RIENZO, pittura. MEDITERIA (Danilo Capasso, Francesco Quarto, Lucio Luongo, membri di AVATAR41), performance audio-video. MASSIMILIANO MIRABELLA, performance pittorica. ROMINA CAPOZZI, body painting. SIRIO BETA, LUDOVICA SODO, performance.II edizione 2004: BANDITI (Dario Troncone, Mariano Ferrara, Maria Scotti), teatro acrobatico. ADELAIDE DI NUNZIO, performance fotografia. LAB ART DANCE STUDIO, coreografia di Marco Augiero, danza. MASSIMILIANO MIRABELLA, performance pittura. CLAUDIO PIERONI, MARCO BRANDIZZI (Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari), performance. MONIA, PAKY, giocoleria acrobatica. MARCO ZEZZA, performance. SIRIO BETA, PASQUALE BASSO, IACOPO DI GIROLAMO, LUDOVICA SODO performance audio-video. ESC QUARTAPITTURA, evento.III edizione 2005: ALESSIA SCALA,danza. GABRIELLA CRISCI, installazione. ALESSANDRA CIANELLI, video. MARCELLA ANGRISANO, performance sfilata. SIRIO BETA, MARIA SCOTTI, FABRIZIO COMPARONE, performance acrobatica. DOMENICO ANTONIO MANCINI, installazione. LORENZO SCOTTO DI LUZIO, performance. MARCO ZEZZA, performance.IV edizione 2006: ALESSIA SCALA, performance danza. BROS (Alfonso e Massimiliano De Angelis), Installazione. MARCELLA ANGRISANO, performance pittura. LOOP FORNELLI (Giancarlo Lanza,Luca Canciello, Alessandro Quintavalle), performance audio-cucina. ROSSELLA E LUCA CANCIELLO, audio-danza.


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