jeremy jones Pirats,UFO,Pippilongsocks&PeterPan!one day i'll bring the magic steack and sing and dance with magicabula salagabula bibbidi bobbidi buuu...... in the proof of my hearth i wanna live my life in a positive balance with the universe,help each others and love the animals .))E LOLIA...MY SUPERPOWER BIATCH! Locally Optimized Least Interference Algorithm
PUNK-DARKSIDE OF TECNO CONTROPOTERE Dez my best favorite Dj and bro' Love DUB & AND DANCING @***trance FESTIVAL** HATE MINIMAL!no passion no party people no smiling face! CLP 6 SANGUE MOSTRO listen NEWZEALAND bird's/listen my Father song
fantasy,fantascenza,where u can switch off from the reality Kubrik,Cronenberg,Spielberg,Tim Burton.....
not read much....
who's fighting for Freedom homless,barbons,people born unlucky less them me.ANIMALIST LIBERATION FRONT