This site is pretty cool and unexpected because it´s got everything going on in Wellington, which also covers the Hutt, Porirua and Kapiti Coast. It´s got the full range of happenings´ everything from mainstream to the dark dungeon, and even places to stay, plus mega cafes and bars, which is why it´s got a huge audience.
The Gig Guide keeps everyone up to date and is a real help for bands and artists because it´s a way to get the message out to more people.
I asked them if I could promote gigs and bands in there so I keep a link from my page in myspace as well. If you want, just enter an event or gig for free by clicking Register your Event . You can also list yourself, a band or whatever, provided it fits into one of the categories at Register your Organisation. Bands and artists can also send in a logo and photos and the site will put it in a permanent page.
Stay tuned to Wellington here and I´ll keep you wired.
[find me at number 1 in top friends]
Profile courtesy of Wotzon.com