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Y Gwir yn Erbyn y Byd

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Druides, bardes, vates
Derwyddon, beirdd, proffwydi
Druids, bards, seers
Dechreuodd y cwlt yn Aberystwyth pan oedd Han a Prysor yn coleg fel myfyrwyr (an)aeddfed. Roedd Prys yn sgwennu caneuon a dechreuodd eu jamio efo Han. Mae Han a Prysor yn dilyn Derwyddiaeth a daeth Prys i fyny efo'r enw Vates (Vah-tes) ar ôl dod ar draws yr enw Lladin am Ofyddion wrth astudio hanes.
Trefnodd Prys CD-dwbl amlgyfrannog i fudiad Cymuned, a sgwennodd gân Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd ar ei chyfer. Heliwyd aelodau gwreiddiol y band at ei gilydd er mwyn ei recordio. Han (Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion, Mean Red Spiders, Estella, Imagica et al) ar bass, Gorwel Roberts (Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion) ar gitar flaen, Phil Lee Jones (Mistecs, Estella, Mim Twm Llai, Gwibdaith Hen Fran et al) ar y dryms, a Prysor ar gitar a llais. Recordiwyd Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd yn stiwdio Bos, efo Gwyn Jones (Maffia Mr Huws, Sian James, Anhrefn et al) yn cynhyrchu, ac hefyd yn chwarae bongos a congas ar y trac.
Ar ôl gadael coleg a symud nol i'r Arctic, a gadael Gorwel ar ben ei hun yn Aberystwyth, ymunodd Oz (Anweledig) ar y gitar flaen. Recordiwyd sesiwn i Radio Cymru yn stiwdio Blaen y Cae, efo Dyl Mei yn cynhyrchu. Ar y sesiwn oedd 'Canibals' a 'Stafall Gefn' - fyddai'n endio fyny ar eu halbym cyntaf efo 'Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd' - a 'Shindig'. Hefyd recordiwyd 'Gwyfyn y Glaw', a'r epic 'E' (a ymddangosodd ar yr albym hefyd).
Prin oedd y gigs, fodd bynnag, tan aeth Prys, Han, Oz, Phil a Gorwel yn ôl i stiwdio Bos a Gwyn Jones i recordio'r albym 'Ymosodiad y Contiad y Môr Rheibus o Du Hwnt i'r Cyrtans'. Daeth Yr Arglwydd Snedli (Bob Delyn, Anweledig, Jecsyn Ffeif, Geraint Lovgreen a'r Enw Da a pob grwp arall bron!) a'r Bonwr Bari Gwiliam (Anweledig, Beautiful South et al) draw i wneud y brass.
Roedd yr albym i fod i gyd yn Dub, ond doedd y band ddim yn hapus i recordio'n fyw efo click track, felly llanwyd y recordiad efo stabs vocals, er mwyn tynnu'r rhan fwyaf allan wrth gymysgu. Ond rywsut aethpwyd yn 'carried away' efo sut oedd y caneuon yn swnio, felly gadawyd lot mwy (gormod) o vocals i mewn!
Ond mi gafodd yr albym dderbyniad da iawn gan gerddorion, cynulleidfaoedd ac adolygwyr, a lot fawr o airplay ar y tonfeddi. Trefnwyd ffeit gacan gwstard torfol yn y Ring, Llanfrothen, i lawnsio'r albym, a chwaraewyd tua deg o gigs mewn tua dau fis.
Mae'r band wedi bod yn dawel ers chydig, yn rhannol am nad ydynt yn cael gigs gan brif drefnwyr a gwyliau Cymru, ond gan fwyaf am fod pob un aelod yn brysur efo prosiectau eraill.

The cult started in Aberystwyth while Prysor and Han were (im)mature students in University. Prysor was writing songs and was jamming them with Han. Both Prysor and Han follow Druidism, and Prys came up with the name Vates (Vah-tes) after seeing the latin name for Ovates while studying history.
Prysor organised a various artists double CD for community pressure group Cymuned, and wrote the hit song - Y Gwir yn Erbyn y Byd - for the project. The original members of Vates were gathered for recording the song. They were Han (Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion, Mean Red Spiders, Estella, Imagica et al) on bass, Gorwel Roberts (Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion) on lead guitar, Phil Lee Jones (Mistecs, Estella, Mim Twm Llai, Gwibdaith Hen Fran et al) on drums, and Prysor on guitar and vocals. The trach (Y Gwir yn Erbyn y Byd) was recorded at Bos studios and produced by Gwyn Jones (Maffia Mr Huws, Sian James, Anhrefn et al), who also played percussion instruments on the track.
After both Han and Prys finished university and moved back up the Arctic, leaving Gorwel all alone in Aberystwyth, Oz (Anweledig) joined the band on lead guitar. A Session for BBC Radio Cymru followed, recorded at Blaen y Cae studio, with Dyl Mei producing. On the session were 'Canibals' and 'Stafall Gefn' - both of which were to eventually appear, along with 'Y Gwir yn Erbyn y Byd', as bonus tracks on the album - and 'Shindig'. Also recorded that weekend were 'Gwyfyn y Glaw' and the epic ten minute trance rock stomper, 'E' (also to feature as a bonus track on the album).
Gigs were rare, until Prysor, Han, Oz, Phil and Gorwel went back to Gwyn Jones and Bos Records' studio to record the album 'Ymosodiad y Contiad' (trans: 'Attack of the Cunts'). Also present, providing the brass were Yr Arglwydd Snedli (Bob Delyn, Anweledig, Jecsyn Ffeif, Geraint Lovgreen a'r Enw Da and almost every other band on the Welsh scene!) and Bari 'Baza' Gwiliam (Anweledig, Beautiful South et al).
The album was intended to be a dub album, but because the band hated playing to a clicktrack, all songs were recorded live, and were filled with vocal stabs so as to drop most of the vocals out of the mix. But somehow we got carried away with the way the songs sounded, and we kept most (too much!) of the vocals in, while intending to release a dub mix version of the album in the future. However, three dub tracks were included.
The album was well-recieved, proving popular and enjoying critical acclaim and airplay. A mass custard pie fight was arranged outside a local pub for the launch of the album, which proved a memorable night, especially for Prysor, who was hospitalized after 'launching' himself over a wall outside the pub at 2.30AM. Once he was out of plaster, about ten gigs were played in the following two months.
The band have been fairly quiet of late, partly because they don't get gigs from mainstream organisers on the Welsh language scene, but mainly because all members have other projects occupying their time. But we are always here, and will always appear. The cult lives on!.

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"Plant y ceiri 'da ni, Bobol yr Iwerydd, rhyfelwyr a beirdd i gyd, derwyddon..."
"We are the children of the hillforts, the Atlantic People, warriors and poets all, druids..."__________________________________________________ ______________
23.06.07: Parti Lawnsio Albym Vates: Sgarmes Gacan Gwstard
23.06.07 Vates Album Launch Party: Mass Custard Pie Fight
23.06.07 Parti Lawnsiad Albym: Ring, Llanfrothen: Ymosodiad! Slepjan slei i Prys!
23.06.07 Album Launch Party: Ring, Llanfrothen: The Phantom Flan Flinger Lives!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/5/2006
Band Website: you’re on it
Band Members:
Lead guitar - Oz
Vocals/guitar - Prysor
Drums - Phil Lee Jones
Bass - Han
Guitar - Alun E Guitar/mandolin/charango - Gorwel Roberts
Percussion/shake/synth - Gwyn Maffia
Sax, horns - Yr Arglwydd Snedli
Trumpet - Bari Gwiliam

Influences: The Ruts, King Tubby, The Specials, Zion Train, Lee Scratch Perry, The Skatalites, The Clash, Manu Chao, The Pogues, Sly and Robbie, Peter Tosh, Bob Marley, Ennio Morricone, psilosybin, Dôn (Danu)

Sounds Like: chicken porn in a wardrobe
Record Label: Recordiau Bos Records
Type of Label: Indie