Bandits profile picture


About Me

A long time ago (2 years) In an Iceland lorry container far far away (Chwilog, North Wales) a band was bourn! Robin founded Bandits two years ago, but soon after the beginning of it all two of the band members seperated due to musical differences, leaving Fred (Rhythm Guitar and Vocals) and Robin (Drums and Percussion) who were introduced to each other by a mutual friend (Llyr) Since then we have been searching for a new bass player and a lead guitar, But finally the long search is over as we welcome our new Bass player Nathanial, and our new Lead Guitarist Mathew, and things are better than ever. We will finally be putting Chwilog on the map.... kinda.
Robin has been playing drums for quite a few years now, and it allways ready to through down a new beat for any sort of track.
Fred has been playing guitar effectively since he was still in his mothers womb, and is completely self taught. He plays a bit of everything from drums, african drums and bass to keyboard and didgeridoo... but not violin. His voice best suits softer styles of music, but he can also growel *Raaaaaar!*
Terri hasn't been playing bass long, but Fred is training her up, and soon she'll be slapping harder than Old Gregg on a lonely Friday night
We play a bit of everything rock-reggae-prog-rock-metal- ect.

Keep an eye on the Bandits, because these are exiting and productive times, and lots of new tracks will be popping up soon!
Please add us on Piczo.
And check out our youtube site

Myspace Layouts at / Green guitarist


My Interests


Member Since: 14/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Robin - Drums ..
Fred - Guitar And Vocals ..
Terri - Bass .. :

Influences: influences... where to start.... As a band in this day and age it is hard to be unique, everybody just seems to sound like everybody else. We are on a journey to try and do something new. We know everyone seems to be searching for 'the new sound' but they seem to do this in one genre of music, we explore every genre from reggae to thrash metal and we try to learn something new from every genre we come across. So our influences range from Bob Marley amd Johan Sebastian Bach to Metallica and TOOL, taking in any Frank Zappa, Steve Reich and Nightwish along the way. We aim to sound like ourselfs, and even though some of our stuff may sound like some particular artist or band, we are not trying to copy anyone or sound like anyone apart from ourselvs.
Sounds Like: We sound like a bunch of musicians having fun and dong what we love most
Record Label: Unsigned

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