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Mauro Usai

Mauro Usai (

About Me

Alghero (Sardinja) 1964. Musician, Composer (music for theatre).TRAINING: - Diploma in Flauto Traverso. - Master Class with Dave Liebman, Steve Lacy, John Taylor, Ralph Towner. ESPERIENCES: - 1981 - 1987 "L'Altro Suono" (L.P. “Quindiciquarti”) - 1988 - 1996 "De terra","Parole d'inverno", “Il piccolo principe”. - 1989 – 1991 “Argot”. - 1991 - 1998 “Raimi”, (L.P. "Arbeschende" e "Razza barbaricina"). - 1999 “Tempus fugit”. - 2000 "Cosima quasi Grazia". - 2002 "CalaGonone Jazz". - 2002 “Rosa bianca”. - 2003 "Abitanti del silenzio". - 2003 “Animanera Black ‘n soul”. - 2003 “Eleonora d’Arborea”. - 2004 “Racconti in giallo e blues“. - 2005 “tre6nove”. - 2007 "L'isola delle storie"RACCONTI IN GIALLO E BLUES

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Member Since: 12/5/2006
Band Members: MAURO USAI: Tenor & Soprano sax, flutes (fl.traverso,quena,pipjolos, trunfa, tji, sikus), keyboards. GIUSEPPE CHIRONI: El. & ac. Guitars. PIERLUIGI MANCA: El. Bass & Double Bass. ALESSANDRO CORONAS: Drums. BOBORE FAEDDA: Dijieridoo. BATTISTA GIORDANO: Ac.Guitar (only "Labirinto").
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