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Case Updates and New Website
On Oct. 24, 2006, Dr. David Cornbleet was murdered by a one time former patient, Hans Peterson. Stabbed over 20 times, Dr. Cornbleet was found by his daughter later that night left for dead in a pool of his own blood. After killing Dr. Cornbleet, Hans Peterson fled to and hid in the French portion of St Martin, while at the same time Cornbleet's family assisted police by setting up an online campaign to track down the killer. Through this myspace profile a tip came in that broke the case open, a warrant was issued and soon after Hans Peterson confessed to the crime. Strategically though, he confessed to French authorities on the island betting on the fact that since his Mother was French he would not be sent back to the US to face trial. So far that is exactly what has happened.
When Hans Peterson confessed to the murder, he had a smile on his face and gave the French authorities a four page letter with details of the crime and his rational. Hans Peterson initially planned to cut off the hands and feet of Dr. Cornbleet and seal the wounds with a blow torch. Since Dr. Cornbleet fought back, Hans was forced to stab him to death. The rational for the murder focused on Accutane, a powerful acne medication prescribed by Dr. Cornbleet for Hans in April 2002. Hans took two pills and began to feel side effects such as a massive headache. He stopped the medication immediately. Four and half years later he made a second trip to the Dr. Cornbleet’s office to torture and murder him. Within the letter Hans states that the main side effect was impotency.
Now, a year after the murder and months after Hans Peterson’s confession the debate is boiling over. While Hans Peterson’s father, Dr. Thomas Peterson blames the drug Accutane, its manufacturer Roche, and Dr. Cornbleet himself for his son’s actions, Dr. Cornbleet’s family wants Hans Peterson back in the United States to face trial for the murder. They argue that the time for a malpractice case ended the night the Hans murdered Dr. Cornbleet, and that Accutane has nothing to do with Hans Peterson’s choice to flee the murder scene and hide behind his mother’s French nationality. Continuing coverage on the case and the debate continues at is the new site dedicated to the Cornbleet/Peterson case. Please place all comments and send all emails through this new site.
Svp Lu : Bonjour, mon nom est Dan Drucker. Je suis le fiancé de la fille de Dr. Cornbleet's. Je ne parle pas français et n'ai pas utilisé un traducteur en ligne pour créer cette copie. Veuillez agréer mes excuses dedans avancées pour toutes les erreurs dans cette traduction.
Please Read: Hello, my name is Dan Drucker. I am the fiancé of Dr. Cornbleet’s daughter. I do not speak French and used an online translator to create this copy. Please accept my apologies in advanced for any mistakes in this translation.
Pour lire la version anglaise du texte cliquez ici - English Version of Text
À Nos Amis Français :
Merci de rendre visite au site web des amis du Dr. David Cornbleet, nous espérons que vous soutiendrez nos efforts afin d'obtenir l'extradition à Chicago de Hans Peterson, un citoyen des ETATS-UNIS de mère Française qui manoeuvre les Français et le système juridique des Etats-Unis, où il doit être jugé pour le meurtre du Dr. David Cornbleet.
Si vous souhaitez connaître les détails du crime, vous trouverez les informations ci-après.
Voici comment vous pouvez nous aider :
1) contactez svp le Président Nicolas Sarkozy en demandant directement l'extradition de Hans Peterson. Mettez en référence notre site web : dans votre demande.
Pour contacter le Président suivez le lien suivant :
2) envoyez svp une demande semblable au ministre des affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner. Mettez en référence notre site web : dans votre demande.
Sa page de contact direct peut être ici trouvé :
3) signez les pétitions aux gouvernements Français et Américains demandant l'extradition de Hans Peterson.
Vous trouverez la pétition ici :
4) faites suivre notre site web et notre histoire à tous vos amis, famille et collègues, en leur demandant de faire la même chose.
L'histoire :
Le 24 octobre 2006, le Dr. David Cornbleet, le père aimé, le mari, le docteur et l'ami d'un très grand nombre a été trouvé par sa fille, torturé et tué dans son bureau du centre de Chicago. Poignardé 20 fois, le Dr. Cornbleet a été brutalement assassiné et laissé pour mort par un ancien patient appelé Hans Peterson. Les détails spécifiques sur le cas sont disponibles à :
Hans Peterson a consulté le Dr. Cornbleet une fois en 2002. Quatre ans après il a fait une deuxième visite et a brutalement assassiné le docteur.
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo de surveillance de lui entrant dans et quittant le bâtiment ci-dessous.
Après avoir commis ce crime affreux, Hans Peterson s'est sauvé et caché dans la partie Française de Saint-Martin aux Antilles.
Bien qu'il soit né et ait été élevé aux Etats-Unis, et à notre connaissance ne parle pas français, n'a jamais été en France, n'a jamais non plus payé aucun impôt en France; il savait que grâce aux origines Françaises de sa mère il pouvait prétendre à la double nationalité et éviter ainsi les poursuites aux Etats-Unis.
Jusqu'ici, c'est exactement ce qui s'est produit.
Au printemps 2006, une information obtenue grâce à notre site web a permis de résoudre l'affaire. L'information a été transmise à la police de Chicago qui peu après a recueilli assez de preuves pour lancer un mandat d'arrêt contre Hans Peterson.
Sachant qu'il s'était sauvé à Saint-Martin, un mandat d'arrêt international a été lancé par les autorités des Etats-Unis contre Hans Peterson, recherché pour meurtre à Chicago.
Peu après la publication du mandat d'arrêt, Hans Peterson s'est rendu à la police Française à Saint-Martin, prétendant être un citoyen Français protégé par sa récente double nationalité.
Jusqu'ici, les demandes d'extradition et les efforts auprès du gouvernement Français de la famille Cornbleet et de fonctionnaires du gouvernement des ETATS-UNIS dont les deux sénateurs de l'Illinois et du maire de Chicago sont restés vains.
Les Cornbleet demandent aux Français de les aider dans leurs efforts en demandant au gouvernement Français d'extrader ce tueur.
La famille Cornbleet ne demandera pas la peine de mort :
Respectant l'opinion Française, la culture et les lois de la France, la famille du Dr. Cornbleet a formellement écarté la possibilité de réclamer la peine de mort contre Hans Peterson. Les Cornbleet n'ont aucun désir de voir Hans Peterson mis à mort. Tout ce qu'ils veulent est un procès dans le pays dans lequel Hans Peterson est né et a été élevé, et dans la ville où il a commis ce crime affreux.
A quel point Hans Peterson est-il Français?
C'est la vraie question que chacun doit se poser. Comme indiqué plus tôt lui qui est un criminel Américain avec du sang Français, qui ne parle pas Français, n'a jamais été en France, et a seulement payé des impôts Français pendant son séjour à Saint-Martin; considérant ces faits, a-t-il droit à la protection de la loi et des moyens de la justice Française pour le juger et le condamner?
Si comme nous vous croyez qu'il manipule les lois de la République Française à son avantage pour échapper à la justice de son pays, aidez nous à obtenir son extradition à travers les quatre points détaillés ci-dessus.
Blogs et forum :
Veuillez placer tous les questions ou commentaires que vous voudriez partager avec les amis entiers du réseau de Dr. David Cornbleet ici :
La bataille pour l'extradition
Le père de Hans Peterson parle
Information on The Reward
A $25,000 reward has been offered for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the murder of Dr. David Cornbleet.
I (Jon Cornbleet) will pay a $25,000 reward for anybody who accurately identifies the man in the video. It would be called in to the police at 312-746-8252. Once the police verify that the tip is the correct person from the video, I will pay $25,000 to whoever gave the tip or where they want it paid to. No strings attached and you can remain anonymous. I have already set up a trust at a local bank for this cause. I will also have a contract written by my attorney stating such.
Jon Cornbleet
Learn a Little About Dr. Cornbleet Through the Words of His Family, Friends & Patients
at Dr. Cornbleet’s Guest Book on
From Dr. Cornbleet's Son -
I wanted to say some things about my father.
In the bible David and Jonathan were the best of friends. I was named Jonathan because of this. My father was my absolute best friend... I love him more than words can ever express, the word love does not even begin to tell the tale of our relationship. We have a chemistry and a bond that was very unique. He understood me far greater than anybody else ever has or will be able to.
My father's heart was always in the right place. I often describe him as having a heart of gold. Growing up, he never drove a fancy car or wore fancy suits or joined a country club. What was important to him was living in an area where my sister and I would grow up to have a good education. That my mother could take off of work to raise us. He made sure that we grew up in a place where we would meet others destined for success that we would become friends with. He also never bought the finer things in life for himself, but gave my sister and I the ultimate gift, a college education. His family was always the most important thing to him.
My father was a brilliant man, always a few steps ahead of everyone else. While I was very shy early on, he knew that I was destined to be a salesman. He was the one who encouraged me to go in that direction long before I knew it was my destiny. I owe all of my success there to my father for pointing me in the right direction. I also learned how to develop repoire and relationships from him.
His office was always his sense of pride. My father truly loved being Dr. Cornbleet. He built his office into one of the largest dermatology practices in the city. Yet, he never bragged about that. He was never jealous of anybody else and always proud of what he had accomplished, a gift that I to this day really emulate and strive for. He always kept his prices very low because being a physician was his calling in life. It was the helping of others that my father loved, not the rewards of having a successful practice.
As a father, he only knew how to give. He was always involved in my life. He took an interest in everything that I did and tried to help in every way that he could. When my personal relationship was rocky, he sought a family friend to come help us out. When I was struggling as a student early on in life, he always believed in me and would tell me so. He only knew how to give and not receive. His happiness was about pleasing others. He got more joy out of going to the store and buying every one of us gifts rather than himself.
I spent a great deal of my life in his office. I worked for him almost every single Saturday for the past 10 years and also dating back at least 5-10 more was helping out on school breaks. I watched how much his patients loved him. He always thought of his patients as extended family members, tlaking about them all of the time and caring about them as people and not just customers. He had legions of patients who he worked with for 10+, 20+ and even the entire 28 years. I was always so proud of how he ran his practice, as he was very ethical, honest, and always put his patients first. He did whatever he could for them often giving away medicine and helping patients in different financial situations out. He cared more about their well being than even his own.
This whole tragedy has left a tremendous emptiness inside of me. It makes me very sad to think that I will never get to grab another sandwich together after a Saturday at the office, that he will never get to meet the children we have that he was so looking forward to meeting, that he will never see my sister get married, that the next political election I will not have my friend to share my thoughts with and that I will never get to see him treat another one of his of patients. He is and always will be my best friend. He is who I have always looked up to in life. All of my best qualities were instilled on me by him. I am and always will be proud to be his son. I take great pride in knowing what a wonderful influence he was and always will be to me.
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My Comment Box is the new site dedicated to the Cornbleet/Peterson case. Please place all comments and send all emails through this new site. Thanks - Dan.
View/Edit All All of My Comments is the new site dedicated to the Cornbleet/Peterson case. Please place all comments and send all emails through this new site.
Slain Dermatologists Family Remembers Father
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Interview With Cornbleet Suspect's Dad
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READ THE STORY BELOW!!!A great opportunity has been presented as President Bush and President Sarkozy are planning a meeting in November. It is unclear what the actual agenda will be, so we are begging all of you to help set it. The best way to achieve of this is to flood their emails/contact pages with the same messages/topic. I have tried to make this as easy as possible… just a few emails, and then sending this message on to all your friends, family and co workers. (Just hit reply, copy the HTML as is, and then paste it in a new bulletin).
1. Form Letter and Instruction for contacting the White House: Click Here.
2. Direct Contact Page for the State Department. Be sure to select the email a question.comment tab and then ‘Secretary of State†in the topic Drop down menu, and reference our site in your message: Click Here.
3. Form Letter and Instructions for contacting French President: Click Here.
As always, thanks in advanced for the support and participation,
To Our Friends in the USA:
Hans Peterson Admits to the Murder of Dr. David Cornbleet (news story) , but...
...turned himself in to French police while hiding in the French portion of St Martin. Now the Cornbleets face even a larger struggle... EXTRADITION.
Illinois Senators Richard Durbin and Barack Obama have joined the "Friends of Dr. David Cronbleet" team via the letters to French Officials. Support is growing as Republican Mark Kirk, 10th District of Illinois is now an official member of the team. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has issued a letter as well as Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. America’s Most wanted has also pledged their support.
With France continuing to deny extradition, we must now plea to the Executive Branch of the government:
Please contact President Bush and VP Cheney requesting their support in this matter. Click here for the form letter and their emails.
As United States Government support grows, we must get France on board. Please pledge your support by:1)Clicking here to access a form letter and the President of France's direct contact page
2) Signing our petition - located here - requesting the extradition of Hans Peterson.
Blogs and Forums:
Please place any questions or comments that you would like to share with the entire Friends of Dr. David Cornbleet network here:
The Battle for Extradition
The Father of Hans Peterson Speaks
Hans Peterson: is the new site dedicated to the Cornbleet/Peterson case. Please place all comments and send all emails through this new site. is the new site dedicated to the Cornbleet/Peterson case. Please place all comments and send all emails through this new site.
Media Section
Surveillance Video of the Suspected Killer
Doctor's Family Destroyed By Murder
Stories About The Murder
Doctor's Family Asks Public For Help Catching Killer
Police say doctor likely knew his killer
Chicago dermatologist found murdered in downtown officeSurveillance Video Shows Suspected Killer
Police sift through evidence in doctor's murder
Chicagoist - Slain Doctor's Killer Loosed on Video Tape
True Crime: “Who Killed the Doctorâ€
Downtown dermatologist brought his schoolteacher wife flowers on Saturday mornings
Reward Announcement
Press Coverage for the use of MySpace
Fox News:Family Needs Help Finding a Killer
NBC: Victim's Family Turns To MySpace For Help
MSNBC News: The family of a murdered doctor turns to MySpace in effort to find his killer
CBS: Family Uses MySpace Page To Seek Doctor's Killer
ABC: Doctor's family uses MySpace to try to find killer
Google News Results: "Cornbleet, MySpace"