♥ All Animals profile picture

♥ All Animals

Age is really just a number

About Me

Want a gorgeous purse that is not made of leather? Shop http://www.mattandnat.com

Happy Holidays


Did you know you can end world hunger if you stop eating meat, dairy, and fish? Don't believe me? Research it and you will find the truth. Don't care about the starving people of the world - continue to eat meat. I am not one to judge. :) "the amount of land, food, water, and energy used to raise 10 billion animals a year for slaughter could be used to grow food for all the starving people of the world." Also, you will be saving the lives of about 90 slaughter animals per year. Go to GoVeg.com for a free vegetarian starter kit.

Animals before profits.
Do the right thing. Do not buy products that contribute to animal cruelty.

I became interested in MySpace because I love to learn about life and people. People fascinate me, and I think MySpace allows people a unique opportunity to express themselves in a creative manner. That's not to say I never get annoyed or bothered by rude or inconsiderate people, but generally I believe most people are good at heart.
I live in a historic area right outside Chicago. The area is filled with many beautiful churches, great architecture and cool people. The building I live in is a 1920's building with original interior woodworking and architecture. My home is filled with vintage art from the early 19th century, and my place is decorated in a romantic style (think flowers and no clutter).
I love to make my friends and family laugh, and I am willing to do a multitude of goofy things to accomplish this. I also like being a prankster.
I love to eat and live a healthy lifestyle. I believe society's standards for the female body need to change. Curves/Healthy should be in, not thin! :)

I love to travel for pleasure and to meet new people. An ocean's beach is one of my favorite places to be.
I feel strongly about living a passionate life and doing the things that make you happy. I am blessed with great friends and family and a good job. I think life is what you make of it - so get out there and get living!
I do not believe in judging people and dislike racism, intolerance and violence.
I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports and nurtures me. He is a one of a kind gem, and I feel extremely lucky to have him in my life. Click on his picture to sample some of his music. Leave him a comment if you can. :)
Oh last but not least - I have a Holland Lop Bunny named Bun Bun. He is the sweetest and most fun pet I have ever had.
Bun Bun lives with his many toys and playhouses in his own room with Turtie the turtle and Miles the Beta Fish.If you want to know more about me, feel free to message me.
My World Visitor Map!

My Interests

Human Trafficking Does Happen. Read Real Life Stories!

"If slaughter houses had glass windows nobody would eat meat." The late Linda McCartney

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men.”Leonardo da Vinci, artist and scientist

"Nothing will benefit human health or increase the chances for survival of life on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."-- Albert Einstein

MILK does not do the body good FIND OUT WHY
Go Here for the truth about dairy products and strong bones.

Visit ChooseVeg.com everything you need to know about adopting a healthy and humane vegetarian diet.

Visit VegIllinois.com for listings of vegetarian-friendly establishments in Illinois.

Visit FreeVegKit.com to order your FREE Vegetarian Starter Kit, packed full of helpful info, tips, and recipes.


Companies That Do/That Don't Test on Animals Companies That Don't Test on Animals (PDF Format | Word Format) http://www.caringconsumer.com/pdfs/companiesDontTest.doc

Companies That Do Test on Animals (PDF Format | Word Format) http://www.caringconsumer.com/pdfs/companiesDoTest.doc

My Holland Lop Bunny, Bun Bun (he is the sweetest), fashion (no fur, wool or leather though!), tennis, rollerblading, biking, yoga, reading, watching movies, seeing live music, antiquing, cooking, making pottery, watercolor painting, seeing art, swimming, white water rafting, photography, hanging out with friends and family, doing volunteer work.


Chris Ott, Carey Ott , Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, Al Green, Enya, Led Zepplin, All kinds - basically anything goes, depending on my mood, but my least favorite is country.


Love sappy, comedy, documentary movies. Do not like violent movies.


Do not watch tv enough that I have any favorites.


You want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous? READ SKNNY BITCH by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin You won't be disappointed!
SKINNY BITCH by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouim. Love almost all kinds: health, spiritual, classics, fiction, art, etc. Some favorite authors include Joyce Carol Oats, Carl Sagan, Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker...


All people of the world who fight for human and animal rights.

My Blog

Are you a meat addict?

Meat addiction is a serious, potentially fatal disease. And it's always fatal to the animals who suffer and die for our burgers, hot dogs and chicken nuggets. Could you be struggling with meat addicti...
Posted by Valerie on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 09:08:00 PST

Boycott Companies who Test on Aminals

Copy (Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) this list and print it and bring it with you when you shop to avoid buying from these companies who do animal testing:A) Actonel, Adidas, Aim, Ajax, Always, Arm&Ha...
Posted by Valerie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:16:00 PST