The AntiTom profile picture

The AntiTom

the AntiTom

About Me

I don't work at MySpace and I'm here to hinder you. Send me a message if you are confused by anything, I can make it worse. Before asking me a question, please slaughter a small goat in my honour. I was not on your friend list when you signed up. Add me now or I won't let you know the precise date of the apocalypse. Also feel free to tell me what features you would like to see on MySpace and I will ridicule your puny mind! If you take a tutorial on HTML/ designing your page, you will have wasted a significant part of your life.

My Interests

I am Uninterested by my interests.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet & contaminate you all. I am destruction. I am darkness. I am Lies. I am the ripped butt on your jeans. I am the lost sock. I am the packet of nuts impossible to open. I am the cola that came out of your nose. I am the spilt milk. I am the untraceable bad smell in your fridge. I am the stringless tampon. I am . I am Dooooooom mwah hah hah hah haha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (lightning, thunder , maniacal cackling , hands raised claw-like to the sky etc. )
I am sorry but I cannot accept your friend request if you are under 16 because I am too evil.


Noise Noise Noise.


Make my bum ache. (butt ache).


Has been diluted beyond all purpose.


Yes I do own some books.


Are a self destructive concept.

My Blog

Advertising on pages

First of all PROFILE TRACKERS signing up for a a profile tracker is a good way to give your Myspace password to some seedy dick wit to do what his miserable little company wants to do with it. Secondl...
Posted by The AntiTom on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:33:00 PST

Metal Bands that use the inverted crosss

STOP The inverted cross is not a Satanic symbol to begin with. The inverted cross is the cross of St. Peter and is the pope's own cross! St. Peter was crucified upside down, says the m...
Posted by The AntiTom on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 02:05:00 PST

Put some damn clothes on

 absolutely refuse to add anyone who has thier profile pic taken in thier underwear. I don't care what you look like I don't wanna see it . put it away you people sicken me . gak.  Oh and t...
Posted by The AntiTom on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 12:47:00 PST

Death in the family

I don't know if you noticed but we've lost "I cant believe it's not Tom" . We'll all miss him terribly I thought it was a hilarious concept that made me laugh not just once but repeatedly every time I...
Posted by The AntiTom on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:00:00 PST

Petition about the line up at the DOWNLOAD festival

please  go to htmlAnd sign kellies petition (if you agree)
Posted by The AntiTom on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 01:41:00 PST