I am Uninterested by my interests.
I would like to meet & contaminate you all. I am destruction. I am darkness. I am Lies. I am the ripped butt on your jeans. I am the lost sock. I am the packet of nuts impossible to open. I am the cola that came out of your nose. I am the spilt milk. I am the untraceable bad smell in your fridge. I am the stringless tampon. I am . I am Dooooooom mwah hah hah hah haha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (lightning, thunder , maniacal cackling , hands raised claw-like to the sky etc. )
I am sorry but I cannot accept your friend request if you are under 16 because I am too evil.
Noise Noise Noise.
Make my bum ache. (butt ache).
Has been diluted beyond all purpose.
Yes I do own some books.
Are a self destructive concept.