Tom's Twin, Jerry profile picture

Tom's Twin, Jerry


About Me

I'm not Tom and I couldn't care less about any of your problems. Send me a message if you're confused by anything so that I can laugh at you. Before asking me a question, please check to make sure you are not too stoned to type. I hate those emails. Be sure to include naked pictures.

I may not have been on your friend list when you signed up. If you want me to be, click "Add to Friends" and add me!

Also, feel free to tell me what features you want to see on MySpace and if I think it's stupid, I'll be sure to tell you!

Sorry if I am bitter. My dear brother, Tom, hasn't kicked me a cent. Look to your heart, man... That wasn't me that night! That was the meth!

My Interests

Staying warm, the locations of the good soup kitchens, steam grates, good sturdy cardboard, hanging out in front of Circle K's, screaming obscenities at nuns, high gravity malt liquor, staring at the Worm Hole that no one else can see, carts without those stupid locking wheels, divided roadways, one day seeing my dear twin shaking a cup at passersdy.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people who educate, inspire or entertain me and ask them for change. I have a few close friends I've known all my life (Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker). I'd like to make more, so can I have a dollar 'for the bus?'


I have a music box on my grocery cart that plays 'Mack the Knife.' They also make us sing 'Amazing Grace' before feeding us at the rescue mission.


Last movie I saw was Leonard Part 6. I still regret that....


Sometimes I catch The Jerry Springer Show down at the mission. One, day, perhaps Tom and I can duke it out there. I might even swing a chair at him.


The Holy Bible... as long as there is free soup in the deal.


Jesus, who will one day come back on the mothership, 'Marry A Virgin,' and kill off all men who wear ties, once again returning us to the Garden of Eden, which is in New Jersey.

My Blog

Hey Kids! Read this!

I don't like kids. I hate them... they smell funny, dress like morons and I have never met anyone under the age of 18 who ever had anything worthwhile to say. So, if you are under 18, go away. Save us...
Posted by Tom's Twin, Jerry on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:52:00 PST

Wow... some loser actually wants to be me!

Wow... there are other losers who want to be me! I actually have an unauthorized clone!Some sad, pathetic loser has stolen my pic and written a whole new profile.How did I find out about 'Homeless Guy...
Posted by Tom's Twin, Jerry on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:21:00 PST

History of homelessness

The following I stole from Wikipedia. They won't let me spend longer than an hour on the computer at the library, and I am too busy watching porn to type anything of worth, so here you go: In the sixt...
Posted by Tom's Twin, Jerry on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST