Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC profile picture

Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Richard Steve Mitchell, was born in Kingston,Jamaica in the year of our Lord 196; lived in the area they call WaterHouse-Kingston 11, WI. When school was out, or on break I would be found in the wounderful Parish of St. Mary,a small town call Jeffery Town. A beautiful place were it seem as if each person is known by each other, close to Gayle, Lucky Hill, Halifax,etc,etc; most of you from that region should know where I'm referring to.He left for Canada some years later, settled in the Italian neighbourhood at the time which was Dufferin and St. Clair area, as most of us who came to Toronto, Canada the time that I did. A couple years thereafter, moved to the area of Regent Park - where there were a handful of us from the Caribbean called home in that period. living in this area opened me as well as others from the Caribbean to a whole new worldsveiw. Having dreams and aspiration, as all adolescence do some of us who did not had proper guidance, resorted to a life style which crave self pleasure and would stop at no lent to achcieve this. We would also do things that was very unorthodox that we may quenched our self seeking thirst.Without getting into detail, all this was cut short, thanks by to Jesus Christ who has now become Richard's Lord and personal friend- he was granted the unmerited favour of the grace of God. This came by way of Salvation, through no other, but the One who went to the cross and shed His Blood, that he may have the privilege of coming to Know God as Father the way we were created to know Him and to Worship Him, and therefore got baptise October 1987 by Bishop Rudolph A. Whyte(World Deliverance Ministry) and consequently did his frist outreach in 1989 in the Regent Park Community centre. we could say a whole lot more, However, Richard(Steve)Mitchell would be able to tell it all, If you give him a call and book him to speak to your young people, and adults alike. You may reach him at 647-268-5433, or e-mail [email protected] also be minded that over the years while growing in the knowledge God, Richard felt compel by the spirit of God that he should go to a higher level therefore in 1994-95 Completed the New Testament Church of God Christian Development Program, registered at Christian Life School of Theology, out of Deeper Life Christian Ministry, now (Kingdom Covenant Ministries-Centre) in Mississauga,which he obtain his Diploma in Theology 2002. Started Friends For Life Outreach & Prison Ministry while being a member at Erin Mills Holiness Church of God in Mississauga, Ontario Canada in 1998,Under the leadship of Bishop Lennox D.Walker, which is now named (Praise Cathedral Worship Centre,He reqursted to be rebaptised in 1999 by Bishop Lennox D. Walker while it was still named EMHCOG. He also went on to Canada Christian College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Theology-his minor was Christian Psychology (Christian Counselling). Upon receiving his bachelor from CCC, he felt inspired that he needed to serve the community at large more effectively that he may reach those who have been hurt by misguided preachers (Pastors)who had left the church,he therefore decided to prepare himself in some other way. He registered at Sheridan College, Brampton,ON, in Community Worker and Outreach Development Program. He also went on to obtain his Bachelor in Church Ministry with another Christian Intitution-he still believe that that institution made a mistake in not giving him is Masters. In 2002 Richard Steve Mitchell decided to take "Friends For life Outreach & Prison Ministry" a step farther by registering his ministry now with the government of Canada as a independent chartable organization, now naming it “Friends For Life outreach Ministry”, offering many different services that he may fulfil the call (Mandate) that God has called him into. Believed still he is not yet equip enough to serve his fellow mankind he's now back studying at Vancouver College of Counsellor Training. Richard is also an ordain minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 2001, and received an international ministerial licence March 2007. Each year FFLOM, with the direction of Pastor Richard S Mitchell host an event titled HALLELUJAH, hoping to use it as a vehicle to reach the unconverted through music, and other expression of the Arts. The first such event was held September 2002.We therefore pray that YOU could be some sort of help to this ministry in whatever way the Lord may lay on your heart.FFLOM also offers such services as; seminars/workshops, Youth/Peer Counselling, Family Counselling, Pardon Application, Small Business Registration, Chartable Registration, Youth Parent Counselling, Meditation Services,Pastor Richard prays that God will be your guide in all that you do and wishes you success and all that you put your hands to will be blessed…Friends For Life Outreach Ministry Inc. “A friends Loves At All Times” Proverbs 17:17Why not try these sites as well-just copy and paste- or One Love! a

My Interests

I enjoy being at a place where I could sit, stand, you name it and just watch the water do it's thing. I love reading books that can enhance my way of living, books that will spiritual bless me as well. Books that will empower me to empower others, to empower others!, you get the drift. I also just love taking long drives, this interest gives me the chance to be one and one with God, believe it or not. I aslo jus LOVE to promote Ministers of Music,and all the other God given talent out there. But concerts is what I enjoy most!

I'd like to meet:

The person/s that I truly would love to meet are Nelson Mandela, Rev. Walter A. McCray, and other person who have given hope to a people who had no hope. The person who I would enjoy to have lunch with are, TD. Jakes, Pastor C. Dollar, and Myles Munroe. I believe these men have so much that they can impart into my life as a Minister of the Gospel.Please be mindful that there are many others also who's table I would be more them willing to eat from. Ministers who's cups are fill and running over.


Music is what makes me tick, music that can perpare me to commuicate with the Most High! there is this young Lady at, KCC, in Mississauga, Man! she has what it take to bring me, as Paul would say, " into the third Heaven. She has a voice to bless, Marsha, is her name, You may hear her on the album, "Pat Francis & High Praise". It is my prayer that God would take her to places that would just blow her mind! I enjoy Martha Munzzi, she too is Good if you need to get into the face of God. Chevelle Franklyn, this lady is versatile. Judith Gayle, Darlene Zschech, Kerron Ennis. There is this other young Lady, Carmenhope, "USA" -Watch out for her! There are also some RICH voices here in Canada that would just bring you to another level in God. I just Love Music!


School Attended:: Ontario Secondary School Diploma-OSSD: Sheridan College Institute Of Technology and Advanced Learning-Maj-Community Worker/Outreach Development:Christian Life School Of Theology- Diploma In Theology:N T Church Of God Christian Development Program:Canada Christian College-Theology/Counselling:SDA Advanced Christian Leadership Certificate: SDA Recruiting, Organizing/ Managing Volunteers Certificate: Conflict Mediation Services Of Downsview-Mediation Skills-Certificate.etc,etc


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The BIBLE, and Books that are design to enrich our lives, books with value. I've come to realize that there are many Black Authors out there with great skills and are able to liberate our Minds and Spirits. I call them, liberators of the Black souls!


Marcus Garvey, Paul Bogle, Nelson Mandela, Frederick Douglass,Booker T. Washinton, Captain Cudjoe, Jessie Jackson, Emperor Haile Selassie 1st, Jesus Christ, I am aslo proud of Portia Simpson. Many others that I space will not permit me to name at this time.

My Blog


On February 14th of this year 2008 as of every year we in the western world choose to celebrate Valentine's day. We celebrate this day by lavishing wonderful gifts upon those that we are close to...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:27:00 PST


A strong nation and a free nation can only base itself upon education. Learning and technical training must be nurtured by faith in God, reverence for the human soul, and respect for the reasoning min...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:49:00 PST

Do You Promise to Love Your spouse

Revised February 13, 2008 From You, Came Her  "Do you solemnly promise before God and in the presence of these witnesses to receive each other as husband and wife, pledging yourselves to love ...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:05:00 PST


Reverend Richard Steve Mitchell   November is "Pastor" appreciation month, as a result church leader "Pastors" throughout the world are giving more attention as normal, which some throughout the ...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 05:03:00 PST


Have you ever ask yourself, or others what are the cathartics of a true leader whether for a Nation, Province/State, City, or Town/ Parish. We can extend to such place as companies, agencies and schoo...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:15:00 PST


Authored, Reverend Richard Steve Mitchell November 20, 2007 Last night approximately 10;15 pm, I got off the Jane Street bus, onto the subway headed to the Islington stop that I may catch the number ...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 07:58:00 PST


Sunday November 18, 2006 10:26pm-EST Live, there are many of us each day would get up real early in the morning turning back and fort in the bed, or where ever we had laid our heads the night befor...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 05:32:00 PST


Revised November 15,2007.1:20Pm Today is a brand new day for all of us, yes, "This is the day which the Lord has Made; we will rejoice and be glad in it", (Ps 118:24), and it is now fixed in history n...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:26:00 PST

A Message to "Steele

Steele, you are just an awesome reggae writer, songs you write and sings songs which are very Grass Root and fundamental to the survival of a people who have been suppress for years and who just do no...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:48:00 PST

Finding A Pastor in a Club, In the wee hours

On Saturday November 10, 2007, while in the studio of CHRY-105.5 located in the student center of York University North York, Ontario, most, however, do not know that North York is now considered to b...
Posted by Pastor Richard Steve Mitchell B.Th, BCh. M. CPC on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:58:00 PST