Fr. Luciftias Peripsol profile picture

Fr. Luciftias Peripsol

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

There are astronomers who tell us that the reason why the skies are black is because the universe is still young. In truth, every place you can point to in the sky is occupied by a star or galaxy, but the light from most of these distant objects has not reached us yet over the vastness of space. Billions or trillions of years from now, when the universe is old, the light traveling from all of the stars and galaxies will begin to permeate the universe. The void of space will brighten until the entire universe shines gloriously.Mankind too is young, and much younger still is the movement known as Thelema. Thelema is practiced by few in this world. The realm of the True Will on Earth is blackness pierced with the light of the men and women who are Stars. I have a vision, however. I see that as mankind grows older, more and more people will come to realize the power of their own Wills. They will tear off the shackles of slavery to their terrestrial and heavenly masters, take responsibility for their own actions, and begin to perform the Great Work. The light of each person's Will shall begin to reach out to all others; inspiring, challenging, and reinforcing each other. Below, as above, will become a glorious blaze of light. . .. . .and I am blinded by the BRIGHTNESS OF THE HEAVENS.
Femme de punition.
Femme de résurrection.I am a Thelemic Ceremonial Magician and E.G.C. Priest living in the San Francisco Bay Area. I took my Minerval Degree in the Ordo Templi Orientis at Joshua A. Norton Oasis in South San Francisco on 2/17/96 e.v. I joined the Thelema Lodge community in the East Bay on March 3rd of that year and took all of my subsequent initiations there. I was appointed Deputy Master of Thelema Lodge in 2004 e.v. and was elevated to Master in October 2005 e.v. The name "Luciftias Peripsol" is in the Enochian language and is from the Call of the Thirty Aethyrs by John Dee. It means "the brightness of the heavens". Thelema Lodge has its own MySpace account here . You can find my LiveJournal account right here By profession, I am a Special Education Elementary school teacher. In terms of hobbies, I am an avid numismatist (since 1979) and collector of coins from 450 a.e.v. to 500 e.v. and from 1600 e.v. to date. I am also a semi-active amateur astronomer (interested in Astronomy since 1978). Another major interest is books--they hold up my walls.

My Interests

Thelema, Aleister Crowley, ancient coins, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greek, Ancient Rome, antiques, archaeoastronomy, archeology, Aristophanes, Astronomy, Axiology, Babalon, Baroque Music, bodhrans, Book of the Law, books, cemeteries, classical music, coins, computers, cults, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Doctor Who, double entendres, Dungeons and Dragons 1.x, eBay, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, education, EGC, Evergreen State College, Fender Rhodes, ffxi, final fantasy xi, foreign coins, fraternity, friends, gemini, Giordano Bruno, Gnostic Mass, Gnosticism, good deals, Greek qabalah, H.P. Lovecraft, Hannah Arendt, Hermes, hermetics, hieroglyphics, history, Howard Stern, infj, initiations, iPod, Italian cooking, italy, Jack Parsons, Jorge Luis Borges, karma yoga, Liber Al, literature, Luciftias Peripsol, Macintosh, magick, making fun of Kenneth Grant, Messier objects, mithras, monty python, moog, multitasking, music, muxai, mythology, nonsense, numismatics, occult, Ordo Templi Orientis, OTO, overworking, pan, pasta, Pearl Buck, percussion, periodic table, permanence, philosophy, politics, priapus, priestesses, progressive rock, public television, puns, pwdre ser, qabalah, qliphoth, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, reference books, renaissance music, René Char, Roman coins, Roman Empire, San Francisco, Saturn, Science, SF peninsula coastline, silliness, Sirius Satellite Radio, Sisyphus, sleeping, Sol Invictus, special education, Saint John's College, Star Ruby, symbolism, symbols, synergy, synthesis, tarot, teaching, Thelema, Thelema Lodge, To Mega Therion, traditional music, twisted humor, Varese Ligure, walking, writing

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded folks.
Yeah, that's my life. . . "Notre héritage n'est précédé d'aucun testament." "La couleur noire renferme l’impossible vivant. Son champ mental est le siege de tous les inattendus, de tous les paroxysms. Son prestige escorte le poètes et prépare les hommes d’action." "Je n’écrirai pas de poème d’acquiescement."
--René Char, Feuillets d'Hypnos, 1946 I DESIRE PEACE, BUT NOT AT THE COST OF MY FREEDOM.

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4


Ange, Area, Arvo Pärt, Atrium Musicae de Madrid, Baroque Music, Beatles, Beethoven, Heinrich Biber, Bo Hansson, The Boston Camerata, Can, Carl Orff, Cartoon, Christian Vander, Clemencic Consort, Cluster, Cream, Daevid Allen, Daniele Luppi, Demetrio Stratos, Faust, Frank Zappa, Gentle Giant, G. F. Handel, Gong, Gregorio Paniagua, Grobschnitt, Hawkwind, Heinrich Biber, Hespèrion XX, Jannick Top, Jethro Tull, J.S. Bach, Kate Bush, King Crimson, early Kraftwerk, Led Zeppelin, Ludwig von Beethoven, Magma, Neu!, Neil Young, The New London Consort, Pere Ubu, late Phish, early Rainbow, Renaissance Music, Erik Satie, Sheila Chandra, Silvestre Revueltas, Slapp Happy, Steely Dan, Steve Hillage, Synergy, Traffic, Univers Zero, early Varttina, Antonio Vivaldi, Ween, Wesley Willis, The Who, W. A. Mozart


Dolemite, Fantastic Planet, Harold and Maude, My Dinner with Andre, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Wicker Man


The Day the Universe Changed, Doctor Who, The Prisoner, The Story of English, Project: Universe


Aleister Crowley, Between Past and Future, The Book of the Law, Burnham's Celestial Handbook, The Equinox, Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, Feuillets d'Hypnos, Liber AL vel Legis, Liber VII vel Lapidis Lazuli, Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, René Char, Standard Catalog of World Coins, Star Names Their Lore and Meaning, Time Life Books


Hannah Arendt, René Char, Aleister Crowley, Grady McMurtry, Benjamin Franklin My Three Pillars of Philosophy and Spirit

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Fr. Luciftias Peripsol's Details

Status: I am married to Monica
Here for: Networking, Friends
Orientation: I like girls
Body Type: 6' 1" / Now losing weight. . .
Ethnicity: Northern Italian
Religion: Thelema
Sign: Gemini
Smoke / Drink: Absolutely NOT / Occasionally
Children: I haz one daughter
Education: College Graduate
Occupation: Special Education Teacher
Income: None of your beeswax