I'm interested in finding out how electricity works and learning to ice skate. And learning how ice skates work, if that's possible.
Someone super cool. You know who you are. Seriously, give a call. It's not scary. We're just two people, walking the planet. Let's meet up, we'll chat. If it goes well, we'll make out Love Boat style. "Oh, is that your suitcase?" you'll ask. "I thought it was, but perhaps it's yours," I'll reply as I check the luggage tag. "Why, it is yours, but it looks exactly like mine!" you'll roar as you take a look at the luggage tag. Our fingers touch. We sear with electrical current. We're drawn to one another. Fingers, then hands, wrists, up the rest of the arm, shoulder. But my shoulder is more to your chest, really, because you're much taller than me. But, still. We'll work it out. Where were we? Right, making out. We'll make out right there in the check-in area, even though pursers are trying to get us to sign up for ship activities and other guests are lining up behind us, looking anxiously at their watches. And a couple of them step around us with a bit of a stomp and a harumph, which is rude, but they have places to get to, too, but we just don't care.
I mostly like songs that could be about me. Like, "Think of Laura." That's a good one. Or "Brown Eyed Girl." "Burning Down the House" works in a way. "Brick House." You hear me.
Stripes, Lost in Translation, Strange Brew, Pirate Movie, Grease 2, the Muppet Movie, Under the Cherry Moon, Balls of Fury & HARD TO HOLD
Garth Merenghi's Dark Place, John Morey Presents, 24, Lost, Boston Legal, 'tourage, Law & Order, Roseanne, Aqua Teen, 2021, Gilmore Girls
For the most part, I don't remember the books I read. I'm not sure why I insist on reading them, really. Goes right out. But there's piles of them over here. Really, it's ridiculous. I do know how to read, I'm just not adept at it so much.
Anyone at peace, happy, self-expressed. Bill Muray, Walt Whitman, John Donne, Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris, Nora Ephron, Amy Sherman-Palladino, www.pamie.com, Willy Wonka, Liz Phair, Rhoda, Laverne, Writers, Readers, Mom