★Hilda★ profile picture


I'm on holiday til 29th May!!!!

About Me

I am a lunatic. I love rock n roll, whiskey, wine and gorgeous girls...and some gorgeous guys too! Background then: I lived in Barnsley until I was 18 then moved to London to go to University, join a band and find fame and fortune.... I've done all but the last one so far but am working on it! I've sang in 5 bands since I've been down here - Waterbratz! State Secumber, Electric, Sugar_Rush and now finally (until I die) Drugdealercheerleader. So far it's been a series of near misses but I've had a lot of fun along the way supporting people like Mike Munroe (Demolition 23), Tyla (Dog's D'Amour), Enuff Z Nuff, Bang Tango, Pretty Boy Floyd, Crash Kelly, The Levellers, and loads more... Music tastes vary from the very cool - Velvet Revolver, to cult rock n roll bands - Mansun,
to Heavy Metal - Iron Maiden, to 80's hair metal - Motley Crue, to pop - Madonna, to the downright cheesy.... you should check out my record collection but beware and wear goggles! One thing to note for anyone requesting an add.. the reason I don't have a squillion friends on here is because this is for people who are cool, interest me or for lovely laydeees! I also add bands that I REALLY like... I rarely add people who don't message me first... and to those who cut and paste standard messages... do you think I'm dumb?? If you like my band 'Drugdealercheerleader' and wanna help us towards the goal of megastardom... you have a better chance of getting your request accepted... finally if what I've said has put you off... I don't care and you aren't worth it... so C-YA! H. x
I edited my profile with my head and my brain !

My Interests

I love live music, if there's a band playing there heart out, giving their all onstage I can appreciate how hard this is, even if I don't like the music I can still dig the effort and you deserve all you get. After a show I like to head off to a club or bar and dance (not very well mind) the night away to good old rock n roll with attitude - Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, LA Guns, Cinderella, Sex Pistols, Hanoi Rocks, Ramones, New York Dolls, Dave Lee Roth, WASP, Marilyn Manson, Velvet Revolver.. and my new favourite band 'OKGO!' the list goes on. I also like to chill with my JD and coke listening and watching the headbangers go to it with Motorhead, Iron maiden, Judas Priest etc. What I can't stand are narrow minded bigots - the people I left behind when I moved to London - the homophobes, the racists and the knuckleheads out looking for a fight.. well for all those people I just feel sad - I've had more fun in a few years than they'll ever have in their life - who's the loser now?

I'd like to meet:

Paul Draper, David Lee Roth, Bruce Dickinson, Gene Simmons, Jonathon Ross, John Lydon but generally cool people (not the burberry brigade or townies). People who like to have a good time all the time!! People who are up for fun and don't mind me being a prat sometimes...


Hard rock, heavy metal, sleaze, glam, some indie (esp. Mansun). See my other interests etc. for bands I like - too many to name.... but special 'current' faves are, The Duloks, Splen, Disarm, Teenage Casket Company, Peep show, System of a Down, Pink, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Danko Jones, OKGO!, Reel Big Fish, My Chemical Romance ... Quote: "The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."Hunter S. Thompson


An American Werewolf in London, The Lost Boys, Hellraiser, Dracula, Sin City, Gladiator, 8mm, The Alien films, The Godfather trilogy, The Producers, 28 days / weeks later, Lord of the rings films (yeah I know I'm sad), Bond films (yes.... shut up will ya!!)

Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Don't have much time for TV but if I watch it's something sport or music related... or decent drama (24, Heroes, Moonlight, The lost room etc.)..... oh and American Dad!!!


I like Christopher Fowler (esp. Spanky), James Patterson and Irvine Welsh


Freddie Mercury, Bruce Dickinson, Dave Lee Roth, Paul Draper, Jonathon Ross, John Peel, Tommy Cooper, Eric Morecombe, my old man and anyone with the balls to stand on a stage and play their own music

My Blog

Bands I checked at Download

Well then, here we go - big long list despite me being off my tits for most of the fest... I always have time for music... and friends of course! In no particular order: Motorhead - As nasty and aweso...
Posted by Hilda on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:44:00 PST

My daft Download idea....

Me and Ringo will no doubt be staggering round the Download festival shouting and gibbering that 'it should have been us playing instead of that nasty loud inaudable stuff on the stage over there'.......
Posted by Hilda on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 06:05:00 PST


..yes mentally but also emotionally. Thanks so much to all my friends who have messaged me and posted comments wishing me a happy birthday. I know this is only cyber space but it really means a lot to...
Posted by Hilda on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 02:30:00 PST

Here’s what I’m up to this Summer...

Well here goes..... Gonna be going to see the following shows/gigs/festies this Summer: Bon Jovi @ Twickenham Download @ Donnington Park (who wants to hook up over the weekend?) Foo Fighters @ Wembley...
Posted by Hilda on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:03:00 PST

It’s been a while - Canada and other travels

So I thought I’d post something on here. Well since my last message I’ve been touring again - seems like one none stop road trip at the moment! It’s not just touring with my band but...
Posted by Hilda on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:35:00 PST


DDCL were in the studio the last couple of days recording our 'single version' of Gimme Some Love for release at the end of March/April... it's being mixed today and tomorrow and then off to mastering...
Posted by Hilda on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:07:00 PST

car crash

Grrrrrrrr... Last night on the way to rehearsals I was involved in a crash... some fucking numbnut decided to take herself and her family on an expedition across a busy road througha  red light.....
Posted by Hilda on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 06:04:00 PST

Dontcha just love ’em?

Journos.... well, obviously everyone has their own opinion and journalists are people right? ...maybe..... sometimes.... It just makes me laugh that so called impartial journalism can be so biased som...
Posted by Hilda on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:39:00 PST

Album released today!!

Enjoy the time you waste is released on Pebble Beach via Pinnacle today..... To grab a copy you can either order online or go into your local record store and opick up a copy - some shops will be carr...
Posted by Hilda on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:29:00 PST

Driver / Roadie needed

Hey friends in the UK (pref in/nr London) I need someone to help us out on tour... someone who is willing to drive a bunch of drunken bafoons around the country while we play rock n roll music... if y...
Posted by Hilda on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 04:21:00 PST