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Black and Green Distro


About Me

The largest green anarchist book distro on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Distro is part of the Black and Green network. That page is in the works once again, but is a vast source for green anarchist information.
Real world address: Black and Green
PO Box 81303
Athens, GA 30608
Send us some rad stuff.
The list is subdivided into sections, please look through them all since these can be a bit arbitrary and overlap is inevitable, but I stuck with one as often as possible.
PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING. Please message me with what you want and I'll get back to you ASAP about shipping and payment methods. Right now that includes paypal, hidden cash and money orders.
This is a small scale distro, the prices I get aren't usually aren't at a massive discount so many books are list price but significant discounts are given where I can have them.
YOU DO NOT A MYSPACE ACCOUNT TO ORDER!! Email me at blackandgreenpress [at] TO ORDER!
WHOLESALE: Contact me about wholesale for copies of ST 3 and 4, Arson 2, and Go Light.
Books are split into categories now: anti-civ, anthropology/indigenous, ecology, history, wildness/field guides, fiction, zines/pamphlets then music, and shirts.
2 new feraledge shirts
Community shirt
Original feraledge shirt design (restock)
Primal War: child shirt design (restock)
Other Side of Eden - Hugh Brody (restock)
Misery Signals - Mirrors CD
Rally the Fray - To Never Live in Denial CD
A shit ton of new zines, about 40 new ones!
Black and Green Classic Reprint Series Zines
Against Civilization edited by John Zerzan. - Updated and revised edition of the now classic anti-civ collection. Trashing civilization from every angle and drawing all of those critiques together in one volume. We all know what the problem is, some are just less willing to accept the consequences, so the critiques are put together here for the reader to dive into various fields, writing styles, and perspectives. Great introduction whether you're new to this or been along the whole time. 275 pages, Feral House. $14
Against His-Story, Against Leviathan by Fredy Perlman. - The absolute anti-civ classic. There's so much to this book and to Perlman in general that there's no way to sum it up without missing everything. The language, the delivery, and the depth to every bit and idea that makes it to the page. This book is a history of civilization written in an almost mythic (as opposed to historic) sense. It hits on just about everything from the birth of the many headed beast in Mesopotamia and its growths, drownings, and merging into the singularity that we know now. It's one of the most intelligent and scathing critiques of civilization ever written and the kind of book that hits harder every time you read it (and no doubt you'll read it multiple times). Amazing. 296 pages, Black and Red. $8
The Culture of Make Believe by Derrick Jensen. - There is a reason why everyone knows who Jensen is: he's an amazing writer, totally on-point, and unabashedly for the destruction of civilization. Personal and well researched, this mammoth book starts with an understanding of hate and leads through a question of how this civilization and, most importantly, those who drive and maintain it, keep it running. If you're concerned with the fate of this world and where things went wrong and why, this is one of the best places I can say to start. 700 pages, Context Books. $22.
Elements of Refusal by John Zerzan. - This is classic Zerzan. The primary essays on symbolic thought and culture, the origins of agriculture, and on. Absolutely essential JZ. CAL Press. $15
Fighting for Freedom by Edgey Wildchild. - Good introductory anti-civ book for those coming largely from a leftist grounding. Anti-civ takes on most leftist issues. 142 pages, Planting Seeds Press. $5
Flaming Arrows by Rod Coronado. - Finally a collection of works from Rod Coronado spreading over the last decade and beyond. Old and recent stuff, so the best of Strong Hearts (!!), the essential 'Memories of Freedom', and much more. If you have any interest in wildness, yearn for something passionate and enraged, and a piece of animal/earth liberation history, look no further. Rod is an eco-warrior extraordinare. He's an amazing and completely inspirational person who's done time before and is serving time again. Check out his words and give props and support where it's badly needed. 119 pages. THIS IS OUT OF PRINT TEMPORARILY
Species Traitor no. 4 - An insurrectionary anarcho-primitivist journal, but not the kind to be dated. Focus in this issue is on the consequences of sedentism and domestication pre- and post-agriculture. A major focus is on the merging of rewilding and resistance as two parts of the same struggle while looking at each side of both from personal and strategic angles. Critical look at animal liberation and questioning the stronghold of revolution. 192 pages, Black and Green Press. $10
Welcome to the Machine by Derrick Jensen and George Draffan. - Jensen and Draffan dive into modern surveillence supertechnology and show that it's not fringe science or science fiction, but the real and logical conclusion of civilization. Looking at the panopticon as the foundation for civilized society from the all seeing eye of a looming god to the high-tech eyes of the State the role of technology is clearly the physical domination of domestication. If I'm to hand a Jensen book to someone with no previous knowledge of who he is or where these arguments spread from, this is it. 236 pages, Chelsea Green. $18
Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. - The fate of human societies. This book is a mainstream classic, but it has some vital info in it. This is the man who was notorious for saying agriculture was "the worst mistake in human history" and he doesn't back away from that. Looking into the cultures and consequences surrounding domestication and the rise of civilization. More of a punch than 'Collapse' as well. 494 pages, W.W. Norton. $16
Land of the Naked People by Madhusree Mukerjee. This is a contemporary account of the hunters and gatherers on the Andamanese Islands, those made incidentally famous by their militant refusal of aid following their untouchable survival of the 2004 Tsunami. Merging historical accounts of Indian colonization of the islands and it's peoples and the consequences of civilization upon these island peoples. Strong stuff. 265 pages, hardback. $20
Other Side of Eden by Hugh Brody. - Hunter-Gatherers, farmers and the shaping of the world. This book is classic. Brody primarily centers his work among Arctic gatherer-hunters, various Inuit bands and more. This book does a number of things, aside from portraying gatherer-hunter life among the people he's lived and worked with, he brings to life so much more than charts, graphs, and tables about material life. It's all about the spiritual connections, community, and the happiness of living within your means. It gives that picture and then it gives a clear picture of the threats to that way of life (historical and contemporary). From agriculture and domestication, the expansion and warfare that become a necessary reality with them, to the borders of states, fenced and enforced by law to the impacts of industrialism and modernity. This book touches on the joys of life without civilization and the threats imposed by it. And it does so with a gracious style that would easily give this book a wider appreciation, see why. 374 pages, paperback. $15
Restocking soon.
Restocking soon.
Animal Tracks (Peterson Field Guides) by Olaus Murie and Mark Elbroch. - If you know much about tracking, you know Elbroch is the shit, seriously. Here's a trick, want a taste of that knowledge/info without dropping the (well worth it) $40 on his massive ones? Look no further, this is the standard field guide size/style book with Elbroch all over it. For all the field guides that you can get and are most likely to willingly carry EVERYWHERE, this is it. Needless to say, it's HIGHLY recommended. 390 pages, Houghton Mifflin. $20.
Deerskins into Buckskins DVD by Matt Richards. - The author of the now infamous and thorough brain tanning guide available has made this extremely helpful DVD. I found it hard to buy a primitive skills DVD, but it's amazing how much simpler it is to learn this things when you have the necessary visual aid to just hearing how to do it. Your hides will thank you. Backcountry publishing. $25
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. - This is the classic novel of the darkside of civilization. Both a look into historical accounts of power and colonization and allegory for the whole of civilization. Don't overlook it! 166 pages, Penguin. $2 with order.
ANARCHY: A JOURNAL OF DESIRE ARMED. current and previous. - The long running classical mag who's title says it all. $3
GREEN ANARCHY. - Who are you kidding? You know what it is! Journal of theory and practice also happens to be the largest circulation N. American anarchist journal to boot. Current and back issues all $3 (break down coming soon, but right now I know there's plenty of 23 to 19).
* * * * *
We’ve chosen a handful of vital essays/pamphlets, scanned, retyped and gave em new covers. These are the kinds of pamphlets that we recommend as vitally important. Some of our favorites to date and surely more to come, but here’s as good a place as any to start;
The Achievements of General Ludd: A Brief History of the Luddites & Lessons from the Luddites by Kirkpatrick Sale - a great primer on the anti-tech insurgents against the industrial revolution
Anarchy and Ecstasy: Visions of Halcyon Days by John Moore - a long out-of-print classic by one of the forbearers of anarcho-primitivism. One of the few anarchists to seriously take on the issue and relevance of spirituality to anarchy situated in a deep refusal of religion. $3
Animal Liberation: Liberate to Devastate of Devastatingly Liberal [NEW EDITION] - originally an obscure British text railing against the reformism of animal rights, this new version includes Kevin Tucker's "Open Cages, Closed Minds" essay that looks critically at the ideology and morality of veganism and animal rights, and their impediment to animal liberation. $3
Egalitarian Societies by James Woodburn - An anthropological classic, this essay looks at the way hunter-gatherers such as the Hadza and !Kung live without hierarchy and coercion. Woodburn remains one of the most important anthropologists past and present. This essay was central to his reconsiderations of gatherer-hunter life, making an extremely vital distinction between those who lived fully in the present and the impacts of delay (domestication, sedentism, and surplus). For any anarchist interested in where things started to go wrong, this distinction brings out horribly important questions about where we want to go and what the impacts of where and how we get our food are on any society. $3
The Original Affluent Society by Marshall Sahlins - Probably the most well-known and well-read text on the engaging, truly-experienced lives of hunter-gatherers. This set forth the controversial and widely elaborated separation between play and work, and even more, how much more ‘free time’ gatherer-hunters have over their domesticating kin. $2
A Post-Historic Primitivism by Paul Shepard - This essay is perhaps one of Paul's best, and that’s saying a lot. Here he’s taking elements from many of his other writings to present a concise case for an expansive concept: the future primitive. One of the best primitivist texts, we cannot recommend this enough. His words cut deeper than Obsidian. $3
Technological Addiction by Chellis Glendinning - A cornerstone writer for those seeking to critique intoxication culture, this piece sums up much of her findings from My Name Is Chellis and I'm In Recovery from Western Civilization. Essential reading for feral-edgers, addicts, and everyone else stuck in this demeaning pattern of abuse called civilization. $2 * * * * * *
The Abolition of Work and Primitive Affluence - The classic anti-work essay by the infamous Bob Black, paired with his very own "postscript to Sahlins"... $2
America: A Prison House of Nations & A Nation of Prisons by Tom Big Warrior - A piece on historical and modern indigenous struggle against prisons. $1
Arson 1 & 2 - Newish Aussie anti-civ zine that lives up to its title. Indigenous resistance, fighting the primal war, looking into the twisted soul of civilization with well rounded and mature writing equals excellent reading material. $3
The Atlatl: Primitive Weapon of the Stone Age by Kris Tuomala - This step-by-step guide will have you launching darts in no time! $3
A Balanced Account of the World by Wolfi Landstreicher - A critical assault on the scientific worldview. $1
Beginners Guide to Responsible Sexuality For Men - Has a convenient insert on general sexual healthcare for men, a subject often overlooked. $1
Beyond Agriculture - An interesting look at agriculture, horticulture, etc. $2
Comin' Home: Defining Anarcho-Primitivism by John Moore - A short but classic piece by the much-missed writer, takes on the early criticisms of anarcho-primitivism. $1
Civilization Will Eat Itself by Ran Prieur - Handwritten zine by the infamous anti-civ blogger before he was infamous or a blogger. $3
The Disgust of Daily Life by Kevin Tucker [NEW EDITION] - A scathing look into our everyday misery as domesticated beings. this new printing includes "The Allegory of the Accident" and the poem "Collapse" which was featured in Green Anarchy 12. $3
The Economy is Suffering: Let it Die! - A short pamphlet from Treason, with several essays by John Zerzan and T. Fulano. $1
Feral Revolution by Feral Faun - Early essays against civilization and for wildness. $3
Future Primitive by John Zerzan - This groundbreaking work belongs in the same breath as Sahlin's "Original Affluent Society"... $1
Go Light: Thoughts on Primal Parenting and the Wild Child - Tackling a vital and very often overlooked element of 'primitivist praxis' from some folks in the know. Mix of experience, anthropological writings and primal skills/knowledge for and to kids. Very essential. $3
Herbal Abortion - Excellent, comprehensive yet concise womyn's DIY Guide. $2
Herbal Abortion: The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge by Uni M. Tiamat - A very popular but hard to come by handbook for herbal abortion. $4
Herbal Birth Control: A Brief History With Ancient and Modern Herbal Recipes by R.R. Mcgregor - As the title implies, it takes a look at the historical role of herbal birth control, and provides some suggestions for modern use. $2
Hot Pants: D.I.Y. Gynecology and Herbal Remedies - Another acclaimed but rarely found guide, recommended by many as the best. $2
Industrial Domestication: Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination by Aldo Leopold - An original insight into the role of industrialism in domestication. $1
Lugnut 4: The Descent of Man - Irish zine that is a fine introduction to anti-civilization/anarcho-primitive thought. $2
Memories Of Freedom by The Western Wildlife Unit of the A.L.F. - I'm at a loss of words. There is pure magic in this thing. If you haven't read it, you simply MUST. This isn't some standard ALF 'do it for the animals' deal (not that there's something wrong with that either!), but a true, heartfelt and immensely powerful story of Operation Bite Back which changed the ALF for the best bringing arson and serious strategy into the mix of raid and release. They targeted research labs, breeders, fur farms, and, specifically, all relating to wild animals. This is a spiritual journey and if you care about wildness, animals, anything, then this pamphlet will shred you apart and fill you with an unspeakable urge to act. So yes, you need to read this. My highest recommendation. $3
Morel Mushrooms and Their Poisonous Look-Alikes by John Plischke III - Great guide for mycophiles, very easy to understand for amateurs. $3
Our Enemy, Civilization: An Anthology Against Modernity - Great collection of essays against this culture. $2
Patriarchy, Civilization, and the Origins of Gender by John Zerzan - Another well-known essay by John, which takes a look at the rise of the repression of womyn as civilizations rose. $1
Pieces of Self: Anarchy, Gender, and Other Thoughts edited by Wildflower - The folks at Quiver take a great anarchist approach to a topic that is usually confined to feminist critique. $2
Prescription For Change: Community Response to Substance Abuse - An anarchist look at how to deal with the rampant addiction in this culture. Not anti-civ, but well worth the read. $2
Primal War - From the early days of Black & Green. Where primal war originated. $2
A Primer for Herbal Healing coloring book - Perfect for young ones, and fun for all! $1 or free with Go Light (FERAL family values package deal, HURRAH!)
Radical Anthropology 101- A short pamphlet introducing primitivist ideas in easily-accessible language. good for your crimethinc-er friends who just read Ishmael. $1
Reclaim/Rewild: A Vision for Going Feral & Actualizing Our Wildest Dreams - We screwed these up when copying and they're actually a weird, small size... but the zine is great nonetheless, with plenty of moving pieces and helpful information. $2
The Reproduction of Daily Life by Fredy Perlman - A look into the way the dominant culture shapes and constricts our activities to fit its best interest. $2
Security Culture: What It Is, Why We Need It, and How To Implement It - Pretty self explanatory. $1
Society Of The Spectacle by Guy Debord (w/DVD) - One of the few Situationist texts worth reading, Debord's classic as translated by (get ready to boo) Ken Knabb (boo for at least 5 seconds, then read on) is reprinted in zine form, along with an English-dubbed DVD of the rare film-adaptation. $5-8
Species Traitor. - An insurrectionary anarcho-primitivist journal. Each issue breaks down like this: theory/history, rewilding and resisting, and reviews. 3 is a 110 page zine focusing on resisting symbolic culture and 4 is the beginning of the new era in 200 page book format. No. 3 is $3 and no. 4 is $10. Message me for wholesale rates.
Strong Hearts 1-4 by Rod Coronado - Rod did these zines during his first stint in prison, and they inspired a whole generation of animal liberationists. We've managed to reprint all four issues of this amazing zine for y'all, so check it out! $2/each, whole set for $5
This Time We Fight Back! 1 - A newer zine from Canada, featuring an interview with Derrick Jensen and some great articles on witch-hunts and fighting and healing. $2
Towards a Less Fucked-Up World: Sobriety and Anarchist Struggle - An excellent primer on how intoxication culture is an impediment to anarchy, and how it plays out in anarchist communities. $1
Uncivilized: A Primer on Civilization, Domestication, and Anarchy - A great introduction for those unfamiliar with anti-civ anarchy. $2
Warbound 1 - This zine takes the personal approach to a critique of domestication all around, but also features a piece on an anti-civilization approach to addiction and intoxication culture. $2
Writings of the Vancouver Five - Prison writings from the infamous insurgents and possibly the first eco-anarchist resistance group, including Ann Hansen. $2
Kill the Slave Master. CDEP. - Epic, raging anti-civ metalcore. This CD is a rarity now to boot. Ex-Race Traitor and Creation is Crucifixion. $6
Misery Signals - Mirrors CD. - Metalcore at its finest. Everything you could want and more in an uber-talented and epic band. About half the songs are anti-civ and it's all soaked in musical depth and intensity. One of my favorite bands. $10
Rally the Fray - To Never Live in Denial CD. - Extremely anti-civ melodic hardcore. 'This is my search for the primal' in a melodic chorus has an amazing feel to it. Check it out. $10
CHECK OUT THE IMAGES IN MY PICS SECTION (note the photos are blurred, not the prints, new photos some other time [sorry it's really late]). $10/all sizes.
THESE ARE ALL T-SHIRTS OR HOODIES. The person in the shirt is just wearing a long sleeve underneath!
Animal Lib: fox. Light grey ink on black shirt. Youth large, small, large, xlarge and xxlarge. Shirts: $10
Animal Lib: monkey. Creme ink on black shirt. small and xxlarge. Shirts: $10. Hoodie: xlarge for $20.
E.L.F./Owl. Vegas Gold and white ink on black shirt. 'The Night is Ours...'. Sizes youth large, small and xlarge. $10
Feraledge. Gold and green ink/front, gold 'Poison Free Youth Gone Wild. xxx' on back. Black shirt. Youth large to xlarge. $10
Morels not Morals. White ink on black shirt. Droolfest. Sizes small and large. $10
Mycophile. White and grey ink on black shirt. Youth medium through adult medium. $10
Primal War: star. White and green ink on black shirt. Sizes large, xlarge and xxlarge. $10
Primal War: world we want to see. White ink on black shirt, double sided. Sizes small to xxlarge. $10
Species Traitor. Black and white ink on green shirt. Double sided. Sizes small, large, xlarge, and xxlarge. $10
The most popular shirt to date: Give Chance a Piece (no war but the primal war). Black shirt, grey ink. These could go FAST. Sizes youth large to xl. $10
Feraledge tools. Black ink on athletic heather shirt. Sizes small through xlarge. $10
Also small, medium and large hoodies for $20.
Feraledge 'fucked up' shirt. Straight to the point. 2 sided, white and green ink on a black tee. Sizes small through xlarge. $10
Also small, medium and large hoodies are $20.
Front and back:
Community. Double sided olive shirt with yellowish creme/brown on front and creme on back. Sizes small through xlarge. $10.
Front and back:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/1/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Primal War/Species Traitor
Green Anarchy
Green Anarchist
Re-Pressed Distro
Beating Hearts Press
Influences: Wildness. Resistance. The failures of domestication.
Sounds Like: Power outages. Dams bursting. Concrete eroding. Forests regrowing. Culture existing.
Record Label: Black and Green Press
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


Black and Green is moving southwards!! Here's the new contact for Black and Green, Primal War, Species Traitor, and Kevin Tucker:PO Box 81303 Athens, GA 30608And email addresses: Black and Green - bla...
Posted by Black and Green Distro on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:18:00 PST


SPECIES TRAITOR 5 I'm soliciting for some essays and other things for Species Traitor 5. I'm hoping to have this out by early spring 2007 and am working hard on it now and am still open to gettin...
Posted by Black and Green Distro on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 11:15:00 PST


Interested in bringing green anarchist/anarcho-primitivist speakers to your campus, hometown, or event? Look no further. Send me a message if you're interested in booking anarcho-primitivist writer/th...
Posted by Black and Green Distro on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:18:00 PST