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Endgame International Film Festival


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ENDGAME International Film Festival Cancelled

About the Festival:
Dear Friends of the Endgame International Film Festival,We are writing to you because you have inquired about or expressed interest in the Endgame International Film Festival.Although there has been a great deal of interest in the festival -- many people have written with questions, and we have a long list of people who have requested the final DVD -- we have not currently received the number of entries required to make the festival what we would like it to be. Although there are still several months before the final deadline, we don't have reason to believe that the situation with change significantly by then.It looks as though people who are interested in the themes the festival centers around are currently focussing their efforts on things other than filmmaking. And existing filmmakers are already concentrating on other themes, or haven't heard about the film festival.Because of this, we must sadly announce that the Endgame International Film Festival is being cancelled. Those of you who have applied will have your entry fees refunded. If you have any questions feel free to contract us.As interest in Endgame's themes continue to grow, and access to quality video equipment becomes cheaper and more widely available, we hope that there may be a place for a similar festival in the future. However, that time has not yet come.Please see below if you are interested in other existing projects that relate to similar themes.Thank you, The Endgame International Film Fest Team

About Derrick Jensen:
Hailed as the philosopher poet of the ecological movement, best-selling author Derrick Jensen returns with a passionate forecast of how industrial civilization, and the persistent and widespread violence it requires, is unsustainable. Jensen's intricate weaving together of history, philosophy, environmentalism, economics, literature and psychology has produced a powerful argument that demands attention in the tradition of such important books as Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and Brigid Brophy's Black Ship to Hell.

Derrick Jensen is the author of The Culture of Make Believe, A Language Older than Words, Listening to the Land: Conversations about Nature, Culture, and Eros, a USA Today Critics Choice for one of the best nature books of 1995, and Railroads and Clearcuts. He writes for The New York Times Magazine, Audubon, and The Sun Magazine, among many others.