________________________________"Williams has a surefire crowd pleaser on his hands, one that evokes really deep emotions of life and love, and it’s a winner. ’The Turning Point’ is a beautifully done slice of life, and I enjoyed it to pieces." - Felix Vasquez Jr., Cinema Crazed
"It all worked for me. I empathized with them, I understood them, and their choices, and the changes in their life. I even in quite a few scenes felt stressed and on the edge of my seat for what was going to happen next." - The Reviewer"At about 20 minutes into The Turning Point, something interesting happens. It stops being a film, and it becomes something more-- something that is richer and more vibrant. It becomes real life." - Tony Vescio - Passionate Movie Reviews"It’s funny, passionate, entertaining and informative all at once!" - Brian Morton, Rogue Cinema"Parents-to-be would do well by checking out this movie... It’s a well-done doc that does what it sets out to do." - Eric Campos - Film ThreatThis film began in 2003, when my wife Kristan and I decided to have our first child. Being a filmmaker, I thought I would make a short documentary about our life leading up to the birth. A very personal film, made mostly for our family and future kid, something they could watch when they were old enough to be interested. As Kristan’s pregnancy went on, and I got more and more footage, I realized that there might be a feature film within all of it.I thought that the film would end once our child was born, but after the birth, I kept on filmming, as any dad with a video-camera would do. It wasn’t until our kid was about six months old, that I began to edit the footage together. I didn’t have a script of any sort, not even an outline, simply what we had lived through. I began to shape a film out of the raw footage. The first cut was almost two hours long, very rough, without a real beginning or end.Over the next two years, in the brief free time I had, mostly during our child’s naps, I kept chipping away at it. I cut the running time to around 70 minutes, while also adding more pieces to the story. I figured out how the film shoud end, and came up with a completely new beginning. A real film came into being.The Turning Point is now a journey from the beginning of my life into the second year of my child’s. It is a personal view at the process of pregnancy and a look at the steep learning curve of being a new parent. It is a funny and heartwarming ride; edited in a very tight, almost dream like fashion. I think that it will be a good film for couples looking to have a new child, or a nice look back for those that are already parents. It is a story that most of us go through sometime in our life, but told in way and from a perspective that has not been seen before. I believe that it is a completely unique film. Not your ordinary documentary,
about the extraordinary thing we call life.Featuring music by:
Watch all of XRATS Productions other short films,
music videos, commercials, etc. @ YouTube:Also be sure to check out director Ross Williams’ profile.