Restaurant-ing, film making, emceeing, singing, recording music, listening to music, gardening, dogs, cats, evolving.
Current and Past Musical Involvements:
Diamond J, Priscilla White, Bobbhisattva, Jake Johns, Kathy Fidorra, Bryan Boleratz, Angelique Buman, Gabriel Poland, Ken Hardley, the Good Shephard Praise Band, Gospel by the Brook, Limousine, a Sector 8 Project, Steve Piper, the Erie Saxophone Quartet, Hudson, Gene Stovall, Rex White, Josh McGuirk, the Medikation Age, Straightish, Expert McGuirk, Lady Marcivel, Johnny 'Merta' Guns, 3JCM, Seven Second Chances, Dominick DeCecco, John McTiernan, Shotgun Jubilee, and counting...
Stay tuned. We’ve got a few buns in the creative oven. ...Can you smell the dough?
Our work has been featured on:
Current TV, the Fine Living Network, ABC, HBO, NBC, Comedy Central and others
Hunter S Thompson, Buddha, Gary Gygax, the Coen Brothers, Louis C K, Lyrics Born, Triple H