About Me
I was born on February 4th in 1970
I started playing guitar at 14, my parents bought me a used blue strat copy from Hondo for 50 dollars.
After a few months I was in a band, the Blue Jeans, ‘cause their guitarist was in the army at that time – Of course my level was quite embarassing after 4 months of experience, but I think I was lucky to have the possibility to play with other people in front of an audience even if my playing wasn’t so great, considering I never stopped playnd with bands since that moment…
In the early days I plaied in a lot of bands mainly…When I was 17 a friend of mine asked me to play in a band formed the previoust week, they were the UTEZ!!! I’ve been the UTEZ guitarist for 10 years, till the band decided to quit. I spent a really great time with UTEZ, we plaied original music and we had a lot of fans who enjoied a lot our funny live concerts, and they were always surprised for what we invented every time on stage!
In the mean time, in 1989, I met a female singer, Gloria Nuti, who performed at the Sanremo festival that year, she needed a guitarist for his tour, so we spent al that summer across Italy performing in a lot of towns from north to south.
In 1994 I started working occasionally as a clinician for Mogar Music, I made these clinics with Cesareo, guitarist for Elio e le Storie Tese, I plaied Gibson guitars and he plaied Ibanez, we both used amps and effects distributed from Mogar Music.
Around 1995 I joined the band Scomunica, a hard rock band led from the singer Moreno Del Signore, they had an original album and an endless list of covers, so we performed hundreds of gigs across the north of Italy, I plaied with Scomunica for a couple of years.
In 1996 Mogar Music offered me to be a part of the company, from that time my activity as a clinician grew up, I plaied in a lot of music stores and national shows and exibitions.
Infact, in 2000, during our Disma Music Show in Rimini, I played with the singer and bass player Guido Block, the drummer Roberto Gualdi ad Cesareo, from thet time we founded the Four Tiles, a cover band who is still alive, we became really good friends and we anjoy a lot plaing together even sometimes we pass long periods of time without plaing due to the tours or other works we all have to do.
In 1997 my son Parsifal was born!!!
In september 2003 I was contacted from the AC/DC tribute band Riff Raff, they needed to replace their guitarist sometimes, when he was on tour, but now, since 2004, I’m officially the Angus caracter in this band!
During all these years I had the chance to know a lot of musicians; some years ago I started working with Flavio Premoli (PFM) for creating soundtracks for tv (Il commissatio, RIS) sit com (Finalmente soli) and I also recorded some guitars for the musical Dracula, produced from David Zard.
I also plaied during some clinic tour with great musicians like Marty Friedman and Andy Timmons, we’re always in touch, even in there are thousand of miles between us.