Guglielmo Malusardi profile picture

Guglielmo Malusardi


About Me

Wwwwwwwweeeeeelll...Information is not knowledge / Knowledge is not wisdom / Wisdom is not love / Love is not music / music is the best...And this is the best tune ever composed:"Mr.MALUSARDI" by FABRIZIO"Bicio"LEO:)! L'informazione non è conoscenza / La conoscenza non è saggezza / La saggezza non è amore / L'amore non è musica / La musica è il meglio...E questo è il più grande pezzo mai composto: "Mr.MALUSARDI" by FABRIZIO "Bicio" LEOAnd this is the BEST GUITAR EVENT ever:)!

My Interests

MUSIC, arts, travels, sports, reading .

I'd like to meet:

ADDDDAVENI'...Perchè se vuoi veramente una cosa, tutto l'universo cospira affinchè tu la ottenga (P. Coelho e non so chi prima di lu...)


It's not a simple interest, is much much more. It's a fundamental part of my life. I'm not a musician myself.I'm a huge fan of it, especially the instrumental guitar oriented one. I join every concert I can and often I get some fly abroad to be in the right place at the right moment. I'm also professionally involved in it, as a journalist, but basically, involvements apart, I DEEPLY love music and musicians that are able to give me some of the highest emotions of my life


That's another of my "icecream whipped cream topped". I love movies, especially the "thickest" ones. The more a film touches and moves me, the more I love it. There is a kind of similarity in movies and music, specifically about actors and musicians about my tastes...I love the most, the italian second names ones:)


That's not one of my favourite things...But I'm not one of those guys that say "Television sucks"...The point is that nowadays, televisions broadcast what people want...So, if people want shit...They give'em all:)!Hey...Did anybody realize that's the same for music???


Actually I can't define myself as a book reader. I don't have time enough to do it, and I'm not as that people that use to read a book with music in the background...When I listen to the music I focuse on the music...Purely and simply...I read mostly biographies about people that I deeply admired...


Well, that's another big nut to crack...Who we can define as hero??? Scientists, sportmen, politicians, warriors? Somthing else? It's a too subjective vision, so I'm going to name just one, a man that I had the honour and the priviledge to live close some decade...Benvenuto Malusardi.My amazing, astonishing and so missed father.