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Thank you for coming to my web page. It's very nice of you to pay attention to little old me. I'm a writer and comedian living in Los Angeles. I'm a political comic who has very little patience. Feel free to check out my semi-daily blog where I will give you the straight dope about what is going on. That's something the cool kids would say right? I'm not a cool kid. I'm more like an Ethiopian dipped in bleach. Well I've got to go before I develop a kidney infection or some sort of cyst. I'm not sure if that's possible, but it could happen. You never know..."425" height="350" This is me in a showcase at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto. Enjoy it, or bad things will happen.Garage Comedy in association with Magicopolis is proud to present The Bar Show! hosted by comedy magician Erik Tait. Featuring comedy and "bar" magic from a real bar. Around 10pm Every Saturday night at Magicopolis you'll see two comics and two magicians so close you could kill them. (but don't)
All of this is completely FREE no drink minimum and no cover charge.
the first Bar Show, Saturday June 7th will feature:
the Host Erik Tait (Magician)
Debbie Lockhart (comic)
Chris Zapatier (Comic)
Michael Rangel (Magician)
Free Every Saturday night 10pm at Magicopolis 1418 4th Street, Santa Monica 90401 21+ only
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