PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OTHER SITE @ themagicofmichaelkeating.comI Love performing close up, onstage, or on film. I really enjoy Networking and brainstorming on projects. It's really cool to see something go from a idea to reality. I also really like working out when I can and socializing
WHO I"D LIKE TO MEET CONT: Will Smith. I have been lucky enough to have met so many stars along the way that I really don't get star struck anymore but I a while back I had a oppertunity to possibly work with him in Miami on his last tour through Franz Harary and I have to say that I was excited about it but then it fell apart at the last second. I was crushed but hopefully it will happen again sometime
Smallville, The Aprentice, Medium, MTV Cribs & NEXT, HGTV (whatevers on) Ghost Hunters (Yeah I know it's hokey lol)
Im reareading the War Magician now about Jasper Masklyn and i read a lot of motovational books like Tony Robbins Personal Power (This is a on and off constant read)
Ronald Regan, some of my friends, My Mom (she raised all of us on her own no welfare or anything)