Girly Comments & Graphics
Girly Comments & Graphics
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
People who are guided by compassion for others. People interested in creating equality through music and art. People living simply...and folks simply living.****
Myspace Graphics
Music...Various types of music infuse my soul, the time I grew up in musically was crucial to the way things are coming together these days. I appreciate all kinds of music, it is hard to find any that I do not enjoy. Look through my friends for some real talent, you may find something you really attune to...I was raised on rock and soft-rock, folk, blues and motown. I found Hawaiian upon moving to Hawaii at 17, and I found reggae, ambient, and more out of this world stuff, since growing up. I think music is the art of the ear and heart. That we need it as much as food or be truly happy. Some heavy metal I find utterly obnoxious as well as it's virtual opposite the classical genre. I am I suppose a bit of a moderate after all.I am constantly looking for more music that I like, SO when you are bored with nothing to do...please send me your favorite videos or artists in here and let us be real friends!Pink Floyd Great Gig In The Sky
The Fountain,The Emerald Forest, Adaptation, Amelie, A Beautiful Mind, Basquait, Beat the Drum, Frida, Pollock, What Dreams May Come, Ray, Like Water for Chocolate, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Amadeus, Beloved, Powder, The Beach,Phenomenon, Million Dollar Baby, Malcom X, Cry Freedom, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, As Good As It Gets, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Welcome Home Roxy Charmichael, Girl Interrupted, The Butterfly Effect, Hideous Kinky, Life is Beautiful, The Game, Jackie Brown, The Motorcycle Diary's, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Snatch, Minority Report, Tu Mama Tambien, Babel, The Manchurian Candidate, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Delta of Venus, Legend, The Mission, Millions, Meet Joe Black, The Piano, Stand and Deliver, The Core, The Terminator, Sky Captain and the World of Tomarrow, Men In Black, The Fifth Element, Gattaca, The Matrix, The Green Mile, The Professional,Vanity Fair, In America, Good Will Hunting, Slingblade, The Quick And The Dead, Sarafina, Shawsahnk Redemption, Crash, Proof, Edward Scissorhands, The Notebook, Heat COMEDY: OH BROTHER WHERE ART THOU, Bridgit Jones Diary, Drop Dead Fred, The Water Boy, Mr.Deeds, Bad Santa, Bad News Bears, The Blues Brothers, Dave Chappelles Block Party, Bruce Almighty, Miss Congeniality, DOCUMENTARYS: Born Into Brothels, Bowling for Columbine, Woodstock, Buena Vista Social Club, anything educational or musical.
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo .
***The Emerald Forest is still one of the best movies ever...I WISH folks would make many more progressive, positive movies...
There is value in entertainment but entertainment toward a goal of a new deeper morality...that, would be very cool!
I mean how many futuristic movies can you think of where you would take delight in being in that future dream....not very many?
Yeah...this is exactly what I am talking about.
Reading books always seems to lead to thinking and writing...I am reading The Continuum Concept, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, The Quotable Nichiren:Words for Daily Living, Lord Byron Selected Poetry and Meeting the Madwoman. Books I have loved include: The Bible, The Urantia Book, The Third Eye and all books by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, Tibet Tibet by Patrick French, The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, Alice in Wonderland, The Island of Blue Dolphins, Books by C.S. Lewis including the Narnia cronicles, A Wrinkle in Time and others by by Madelyn L'Engle, Books on Herbs and Huna, Books on Rocks and Minerals, On Music and Art, On Self~Actualization, Autobiographys and Biographys...and soon Physics. ...Books are only fun when they are opened
My beautiful and talented sons and my incredible lovely daughter!
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*~ my maternal grandmother Georgia Viola Bounds and "Uncle" Dock Bounds my gracious and loving mamaw and papaw!All Of my personal guru's from early life to now.
ALSO ~ all my teachers in EVERY aspect of the word!
~musically talented friends, and friends in the arts
~friends who are making an effort to make a real difference in life, in whatever capacity!
~moms and dads everywhere who raise decent kids!***
OH...and Trees!
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