Unconditional LOVE-Potentiality! -The truth!! 'Our'lost civilisations and the esoteric wisdom that's been buried in the wastebins and under the oceans.Health/happiness/-Overthrowing limitation- anything that liberates us from ourselves and from each other and any outer/inner malignant force-anything that FEELS GOOOOOOOOD !!Cosmic consciousness , Quantum theory , IndiAAAAH ! Healing, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Taoism, Tantra (true religion of the rebel not a bunch of sexual positions !! This is propaganda !!) Kundalini, Wholefoods, Organic sustainable living- think you've sussed ME - well Tennis and sport played beautifully and expressively !! Yoga , Vipassanah Meditation,Geomancy,the Illuminati/New World Order,Atlantis-the Plaedies,Accelerating the paradigm!
An enlightened me !!!-My inner woman, Enlightened beings !! ie OSHO-Mohammed- Jesus-Krishna-Lao Tzu-Buddha-Krishnamurti and then Socrates, Rasputin, Alex Jones,David Icke ,Edgar Cayce,Tesla,Wilhelm ReichSOME GROOVY AUTOMATA I JUST FILMED AT KINETICA MUSEUM !!!
A Monstrous Psychedelic Bubble Exploding In Your Mind-Wacked out cosmic space music of every kind-the new psychedelic revolution-!! I can hear the spirit morphing through the ages so - Mahavishnu Orchestra, Donovan,Aphrodites Child,Amon Duul,Erik Satie, Ananda Shankar, Debussy,Chopin,Rachmaninov,Cocteau Twins, the Amorphous Androgynous,Devendra ,the Wizards of OOZE Practically anything with a SITAAAAAAHH ! Indian Ragas !!! ( no bland NEW AGE pish ! though ) George Harrison, outrageeeeeeeeeous SONIC/preposterous cover versions,any cover version of light my fire works !!! Harpsichords! Duke Pearson,Floyd and Zep, anything that's a beguiling mix of cosmic/spiritual/psychedelic/innocence- TRAFFIC- hole in my shoe,ELO,Barbara Streisand played through reverb units! Jonathan King-everyone's gone to the moon ! Tallis choral, Gabor Szabo,Bill Plummer and the Cosmic Brotherhood, CSN&Y,Buffy St Marie,Alice Coltrane,the Beatles after the Masharishi remixed their souls,Strings for pleasure,Bob James,Hawkwind-silver machine,Rotary Connection, Leon Russell.Supertramp,Tim/Jeff Buckley,Betty Davis and what she did to Miles Davis,Bill Laswell likewise 'translations',John Barry,Cerrone,Swingle Singers,the Orgone Accumulator,Paul Giovanni and random illogical 'never guilty about pleasures'
MY MUSICBarry Lyndon,Kubrick films. 'They live'- John Carpenter- ( mind control reptilian hybrids)- DIG-Performance,Manon de Source,Somewhere In Time-'Here we go round the Mulberry Bush'Alex Jones.Silent Running,the Wicker Man
Electromagnetic mind control propogating mass hallucination and candida inducing immuno suppressant- quite like it when I'm knackered though !!- As long as you know its all a lie - MAYA- illusion-I like programmes where people jack it all in and transform their lives in France !!http://www.youtube.com/user/gazcobain
Technologies of the Gods, the Voyagers,David Icke, Osho, MYSTICAL/illuminating/transformative SHIT !!!!! Mayans-Healing with Wholefoods.
No projection round here-Buddha was an ordinary man who enlightened so I approach everyone like they're human beings with unlimited potentiality !! No heroes only Godseeds!
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