Home town : Warminster Wessexville Wiltshire UK
. Took time out to raise kids, repair cars, watch football, dance till dawn, annoy folk and do what we wanted.With most of the original crew & ex Gang war/volatile headspace guitarist/DJ John, we're back on the radar.
...being an individual being different from the rest.
Having wintered reasonably we're nearly finished with the recent stint in the studio doing either an album or something bordering on one. Most of the old songs have been given a new lease of life with the addition of John on guitar. A bit of spice to proceedings is being added by the Wessex Collective so fun is being had by all. June is busy festering in the back of Camel's trusty van with sat nav, guitars & drums as there will be no football to watch, (cheers you overpaid wankers). Blackpool beckons on 7th August followed by who knows.....ask the Doctor, Who?