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I hope you enjoy this video with images from Bushi Tales #1 and #2 set to "Khentet", a track from the Bushi Tales soundtrack.Check out the Bushi Tales website to see the most current story pages. You can also see tons of pics from the conventions we attend in our huge gallery. Then tell us what you think on the message board. BushiTales.com
Akiyo Yamashiro- Hachiman's hand picked leader for the quest to the unholy city. A top student at the Budo Institute in the disciplines of Kyojutso & Aikijujutsu. Mikah Yamashiro- Akiyo's sister. The top student at the Budo Institute in the disciplines of Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu.Kimoyo Egami- The top student at the Budo Institute in the disciplines of Juttejutsu & Taijutsu.Yatsu Hoshi- The top student at the Budo Institute in the discipline of Naginattajutsu and Kimoyo's best friend.This is the Cyclops from the first story arc. Learn much more about the Cyclops in Issue 3. Lin did a super cool color job on this page.
Buy the soundtract at BushiTales.com Pics from Emerald City Comicon. We did some site seeing too, so you will see those pics also.Pics from Anizona 3.
You can purchace these issues at select comic book stores or go to BushiTales.com and click on the "Archive" link.And there is an upcoming "Art of Bushi Tales" book that will be available at Emerald City Con.