Art: Drawing, cartooning, painting, teaching,'s all a big mix being creative, one thing feeds another. Travel, having cartoonist parties and B-B-Q's. Shopping for old stuff, books, etc., going to museums, hanging with freinds, playing board games, especially pictionary. Cooking, my dog Shazam (I love dogs) Movies, etc. My interests are all extensions of my artistic passion and drive and my good freindships.
Hmm, this is a hard one. I have met many of my heroes, some were kind, gracious people, some were assholes. I don't have that obcession that so many people have with celebrity. The people I'd like to meet would probably be artist now long dead like Prud hon, Dean Cornwell, Dega, Maynard Dixion, Walt Disney, Hank Ketcham, John Buscema, Hitchcock.
I have really ecclectic tastes since I like all kinds of music. From TMG to Sinatra, world music, soundtracks etc. I often have I-tunes playing in the studio as I work. A few faves are: They Might Be Giants, Vast, Peter Gabriel, the Beatles, Sinatra (colombia years) Bowie, Sachmo, Cesaria Evora, Randy Newman, Paul Kelly, Calexico, Coldplay, Outkast, some old country, blue grass, Classical: Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Pucini, lots of 60's, 70s and 80's music. Talking Heads, David Byrne, Lori Anderson, Electronic music: Tangerine Dream, Steve Roach, Michael Sterns, Philip Glass. I love to mix-it-up on my CD player.
Full Metal Jacket, Nightmare Before X-mas, Casaclanca, Notorious, 2001, The Philadelphia Story, Artists and Models, The Apartment, the Incredilbles, The Matrix, Citizen Kane, Wizard of OZ, StarWars, The Day Earth Stood Still, Delicatessen, Amile, City of Lost Children, The Shining, Soilent Green, Sideways, Maltese Falcon, Defending Your Life, Films by Eastwood ( Including the Leoni Spagehtti westerns) Once upon A Time in the West, Frankenstien, Arsenic and Old lace, Corpse Bride.
Mostly HBO and Showtime: DEXTER! (Was)Deadwood, Sopranos, Rome, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Wire, Bill Maher. Gallatica, Lost ( it's very uneven) Don't watch much network TV at all. I love TCM, hate that AMC has commercials. I'd watch old shows like The Munsters or Gusmoke (the B/W eps) Some Nic toons, Some cartoon Network, though they don't have much I watch anymore, mostly Adult Swim. Discovery and History Channel. Travel Channel, Food net. I have digital cable which gives me hundreds of channels with nothing good to watch on them, so I mostly watch TV at night to fall asleep or to break up the boredom of working late in the studio.
I wish I read more books on fiction and non -fiction, though I do read all of the time. Currently reading The Revenge of Thomas Eakins. I read a lot of magazines (mostly art related) and a lot on line, Blogs etc. I am always reading scripts for the work I do. I enjoyed Cornel West's Democracy Matters and H.P. Lovecraft's The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories.