Spirituality, Reiki, Natural Healing, NET (Neuro Emotional Technique), Mind and Body, Psych-K, Prosperity, Success, Laws of Attraction, Living My Dreams, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Iridology, Essential Oils, Natural Cures, Indigo Children, Urine Therapy, Homeopathy; Science and Religion working hand in hand; A Return to the Old Ways; A Simple Life; Horses; Natural Foods; Herbs; Metaphysical; Release Technique; Meditation; Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and their use for healing specific conditions; Relationships; Children; Psychology; Philosophy; Metaphysics; Theology; check out my web site: www.chariss.com
Spiritually minded people who want to hear about God's love and plan for their lives. I have a message and if you want more information about how you can book me to speak to your club, group or organization, check out my personal web site at www.chariss.com
and look for the "Book Chariss" link on the home page.
Blessings, Love and Light!
For all the artist in my friend's list, Check out my sister -- Pat Walker's art workshops at the following link: http://patwalker-workshops.com
Enya, Flutes, Sacred Spirits, and from the earlier days I loved the Beatles, the Doors, Rod Stewart, Janis, the Eagles and some of the other artist from the same time frame ... What is there not to love about MUSIC!
Diversity is fun!
Favorites: Conversations with God; The Secret; What the Bleep Do We Know; Down the Rabbit Hole; Tuesdays with Morrie; The Celestine Prophecy, The Matrix
Myspace Graphics
Favorites: Conversations with God, Trilogy; The Celestine Prophecy; Going Deeper; anything written by Carolyn Myss and Deepak Chopra; Don Miguel Ruiz's books -- The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love; The Secret; Jonathon Livingston Seagull, Siddhartha, The Master Key, A New Earth ... Just to name a few.
We are all a spark of God's Love and Light! Being created in divinity, we are all heros!