)O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( profile picture

)O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O(

Attune to the sacred flow of life, breathe in energy, exhale peace... ..

About Me

Welcome, Merry Meet! Come and share joy and gratefullness with me... Summer time is a time for growth and searching out what means the most to us. It is a time for healing, abundance, love and most of all pleasure. Pleasure in the feeling of ones own skin, the cool waters of the rivers and lakes, oceans and shores. Pleasuers in family and foods grown in one's own garden or fresh picked off of the vine. Drinking wine or good beer with friends by an open fire, Camping in the woods and making love under the stars. It is a time of hot passion and inner knowing. A time when our inner inspiration strikes and adds to the forces of light and loving energies of the planet we live on. A time when we want to drive with the top down. (No Thelma and Louises please, I value you too much, come to my house before you drive off a cliff and we can go swimming instead) Summer is a time to share your inner journey and become one with our Selves. A time to birth who we truly are, want and need to be. Your SELF is calling. Listen to the night creatures, the frogs, the crickets, the owls, the fireflies, the moon is calling to you. Answer that call of the wild things...Be a wild thing... AHHHOOOOOOHHHH!!!!!!! Howl and be one with the inner wolf, the one within you who calls to cry out into the starry night, the one who needs to be released... the one who has needed the wild WOMAN or MAN within you to run with NATURE!!!!!!!! Be free! Drum, dance, chant, sing and BE WILD! Blessings!Enter my space, enjoy, listen to some favorite music of mine and sip some Earthy tea.. Please take your time and go through the magical places on this page. Meditate, chant, sing, dance and I hope you feel wonderful in doing so... Blessed Be!

I honor the Sacred times of the year with ceremony, art, cooking,decor, dance, herbal ritual, drumming around a fire and celebration! Blessed Be!Earth My Body, Water My Blood, Air My Breath, and Fire My Spirit... MyGen Profile Generator Welcome! I am a nature based spiritual We'Moon who follows the Wise Woman Tradition in all things I do. I am a Usui Tibetan Reiki Master/Teacher,a Karuna Reiki practitioner, an herbal Wise Woman,a Belly Dancer, a Spiral Faery, and lover of all things wondrous and magical. My heart is in nature and healing. It is my life's goal to give all women (We'Moon) the tools they need to heal, be empowered and to find great joy in being themselves. Stand up and have a voice and be who you are! Every We'Moon is a Goddess! I am currently a Reiki Master/Teacher and am working with some lovely people on their healing journies.I have just moved forward onto another Reiki journey by becoming a Karuna Reiki practitioner, enhancing the Usui Tibetan Reiki, as well as raising my healing ability to a more focussed energy for more specific issues. Karuna is magical and I enjoy every second of all Reiki and herbal healing. I have been on a healing journey of my own and wish to help others and to inspire people to nurture themselves with the simple pleasures of living on this magical planet. Reiki has opened my entire life up before me and has brought me a kind of peace and positive outlook that I love. Reiki is a Blessed gift from the Goddess, God, Great Mystery and is love itself.I am so honred to be able to pass attunements and help others bring the wonders of this healing energy into their lives. It transforms not only the bodies ability to heal but also the mental, emotional, and the spiritual aspects of you as well. It is a truly enjoyable way of living. I am blessed and so very grateful. I have been studying The Wise Woman herbal knowledge in the hopes of reconnecting to my ancient remembering that lies deep within us all.I feel deeply about showing kindness to all living things, doing Native American movement meditations, chanting and doing all things to enhance love of SELF and all forms of healing. I am a fun spirited, active in charity work,gracious to my fellow Earth walkers and all creatures of this amazing planet, our Mother. I have two beautiful and talented grown kids who amaze me each and every day. My children were raised with love and light and nature as their school yard and playground. I believe every child should be a living part of you and should always be nurtured by instinct and not by what the expert of the week says to do. My lovely children are evidence of closeness of body, mind, sprit, soul and heart nurturing. Every child deserves to be held, loved and cherished by their loving parents. I have an unexplainable connection to nature and find Mother Earth my inspiration and my Muse. I hope I tread lightly and do no harm, after all, She gives me unbelievable joy. My goals are to bring healing to as many people as possible, to empower women to feel good about themselves, to enrich everyone around me with health, love and light and to have an ever outward spiralling goodness for all. Create, create, create! I am finding myself openning to a knowing connection of the shifts that happen all around us everyday. I have felt the tides rise, the presence of our animal friends, dream teaching, as well as an unquenchable thirst for creativity....I am Blessed in so many ways and I am thankful. It is wondrous and a blessed gift, this life of mine. Blessings! Myspace Falling Objects

My Interests

Merry Meet and Welcome to My World...Blessed Be! Dance to your inner music!!! Circle of Goddesses...Dance for all that you feel, and are! Respect for others shows how much we truly respect ourselves... Be love in all things...Serenity.... Embrace all that Gaia has to offer as She has embraced us all. Create, reuse, honor all life, strive for peace, heal what and who you can...

May the arms of the Great Mother surround you... ENJOY
Ritual love for ourselves increases our love for others...Dance unlocks a We'Moon's passion for all things... I am unlocking...I dedicate my dance movement meditations to the Divine... Our society is based on rushing from one thing to another. Relax, renew, rejoice in the pleasures of doing something for you...Find love in friends... we all have so much to share and teach...Wisdom comes from experience, find a Crone to honor today... I love to burn a candle to remind me of my Blessings...Whatever feeds your spirit, makes your heart sing, fuels your passion, DO IT! Dance your dreams!Simmering in a warm soup of evolution, I am as you are, cooking up the Goddess's plan...~~ Celeste Labadie ~~
Reiki In The Redwoods! Most wondrous experience!!! Magical indeed...Time to enjoy life's joyful small things...My interests are... ..Reiki, herbal knowledge, Wise Woman Tradition, Raising children in a natural way. Womens rights and FREEDOMS, empowering women everywhere, Eve Ensler,Living a non toxic lifestyle,meditation, yoga, walking, Belly Dancing,music from India,beauty,simple pleasures of life, chanting, gardening,making herbal oils, nature, swimming, cooking, drumming, music, dancing, campfires, beadwork, BOOKS, writing, fishing, and animals. Walking barefoot,smelling ripe fruit, the taste of the first homegrown tomato, the smell of the river first thing in the morning, thunder storms on a hot summer night, the feel of skin on skin, a bare back in the breeze, brie cheese,the feel of my hands on a tree, the smell of a quiet breeze in the morning, waking up in the woods, the sounds of birds, floating on my back in the water and looking up at the starry night sky, childrens laughter, A Raven's call,A Blue Jay's morning wake up call,The feel of a drum beating and pulsing sound in my body, reading by the creek, getting together with gal pals, talking about something I LOVE, singing when no one else is around, the smell of fresh paint in Autumn, The first sign of Autumn approaching, the colors of the laeves changing, HALLOWEEN (Samhain), the color of pumkins in candlelight, a really good hat, a shawl wrapped around me instead of a bulking coat, sitting quietly and having animals come along, chocolate anything, cheesecake, anything that brings the peaceful feeling of oneness with all beauty and life, the feeling of being true to myself, doing things because I want to and not because I have to, and most of all... the feeling of a breakthrough! There is so much I can learn from simply openning my eyes, letting go of expectations and seeing the abundance the Goddess, God and Great Mystery have given me. Namaste...

I'd like to meet:

I call upon all my Spirit Animal Guides to assist me each day and I am always amazed and touched by them ...I am grateful and blessed...When we nurture all of life we mend the sacred web of Spider Woman. Showing compassion is a form of mending the sacred web...Heal...Heal...Heal...Healing...Healed.Natural Beauty...Maya Angelou has such kindness and wisdom inside of her, she is such a Goddess...Please help the fight against Breast Cancer. It is a fight we can win if we join in together and support the research.

Eve Ensler Inspires Women Everywhere. Join the V-day fight to end violence against women all over the world! It is time we stood up and put and end to terror on women!!!DANCE for yourself and feel the passion for yourself...Transition is one of life's journies into your Self...May it be Blessed.I thought that menopause would come much later than 39. Help is in the herbs not in the hormone replacement... Call on ancient wisdom and remember...Butterfly Woman Discussing her past in the in between time. Where it is murky and grey though golden hues hint of the magic she has aquired. She recreates herself. From once a beautiful butterfly comes a soul deepening. Growing a new kind of wings. Wings with not only beauty but wisdom and vision...Take care of the healer in you and remember to rest, relax & rejuvinate yourself...Women have been healers for as long as time. It is my goal to honor my ancestors by giving healing Reiki to all who want it. NamasteI allow ancient wisdom to flow through me and be a guide for my own healing...Call upon a healing Goddess...Open up to your own beauty... Honor tree Spirits and they honor you in return.The trees in my life are sacred. They represent ages of wisdom and unconditional love for all...We could all learn so much from trees...Drawing beauty from within to create beauty without...Healing hands have been sacred since the beginning of time.The beauty of Reiki is the connection with all life, energies, and beings with a touch. A sacred touch of all the ages of healing... Reiki drumming is a powerful healing experience... Goddess drums that heal... Fantastic!!!The drumming Goddess seems to take over when I am in the moment of drumming and my Reiki is healing with every beat. It is such a powerful gift and an awsome feeling...Rejoice my friends...Beautiful drums are sacred healers...Beauty comes from all we have experienced in our lives. We have given birth, loved, lost, breastfed, had surgeries, danced in the moonlight, drank too much red wine, eaten bountifully, felt burning passions, healed ourselves a hundred fold and been on a path to becoming who we are meant to be. So I say, own it, be it, nurture it. It being you, your body. Celebrate who you are and don't wait for life to begin after you lose the weight. There is nothing "wrong" with who you are today. Goddesses come in all different sizes. If we were all the same there would be no spice, nothing to claim for our own. I see your beauty! Bountiful Blessings My Sisters!"She exhibits a physical and sexual self that seems unrestrained, unfettered by cultural taboos and social conventions. She is an image of "natural" femaleness of uninhibited female power!" Quoted from article about the scholars who observed The Venus Of Willendorf statue in 1929. I Whole Heartedly AGREE! The beauty of women is everywhere... May we all find deep connections...Butterflies are for transformation... who will I become...Lift your arms in rejoicing for who you are and all the beauty surrounding you... YEA!May we all be guided along our healing journies...The shape of our bodies is sacred, no matter the size or shape... We are all beautiful and worthy of loving ourselves and being loved by others...Wondrous moments of being true to ones self... Yoga by the water is my plan for the summer...Medtate daily on love, light, and all positive aspects of self.Let go of the fear that we are subjected to daily and breathe in the moment of being still and connected... Unlock the true potential within...If we open our eyes to truly see, the Goddess is everywhere... we are so Blessed...Herbal healers, Wise Women, She Who Remembers, Shaman, Great Storyteller, Grandmothers, Mothers and Sisters are Goddesses. I celebrate being myself and being unique and beautiful in all ways.Goddesses come in all shapes, and sizes. All are beautiful!Sacred time...Just me and The Goddess...Beautiful and powerful ISIS...I am Honored...Find the sacred in Nature...A wterfall on a mountain of Basalt...Powerful!Sometimes the greatest compassion we can show is for ourselves...It is said that when we call upon Kuan Yin, it is considered a sacred call and that she will open up your life with compassion, love, understanding and peace...Genesh has come to me a lot lately and represents Transformation. I feel an awakening and a moving forward with my own healing and I am grateful for my Guidance.Sacred Moment...The sharing of energies and the beautiful feeling that we are all connected...Asking my guides for direction and when I meditate on healing...Connect with Earth and see the element enrich your being...We are all elements within our bodies... Earth- run your fingers through your earthy hair... Air- fill your lungs with air through your nostrils and feel air enrich your blood... Water- feel how fluid lubrictaes your bodily tissues as you move... Fire- Feel and hear your stomach rumble with the furnace heating up to burn your fuel... Spirit- the soul space inside that conducts all the other elements... Beautiful...I am a dedicated barefooter...The healing waters...May they wash over you and cleanse all pain, fear, self loathing and past experience shame from you...Women are born with generations of suppression to cleanse and give over to the healing waters. Remember, We are perfect just as we are...Dance with others who's energy will lift up the greater good of all...See you in the stars...Go with great peace and love in your heart... Spread the joy of all you are...Please enjoy this beautiful Ancient Mother meditation and feel the connection to your Inner Wise Woman, Inner Sage, You are a Goddess...


.. Dean Evenson, Cha-Das-Ska-Dum,Goddess chanting and ancient music, Dead Can Dance, Brendan Perry who is amazing and has a heart shaking voice,Enigma, Radiohead, drumming, native flute, Celtic, Native American, Healing, New Age, Jazz, U2,India Arie, Tori Amos,Lisa Lynne,Loreena Mckennitt,Armik,Moby,Andrea Boccelli, Chopin,Gershwin, Cole Porter,Diana Krall, Louis Armstrong, Edith Piaf,Etta James,Billie Holiday,Johnny Hartman,Nat King Cole, Benny Goodman,B.B. King,Goldfrapp,Van Morrison, Sinatra,IZ, Bjork,, some Alanis Morrisette,The Orb, Tool, A Perfect Circle,Joni Mitchell,Belly dancing music,drum circle fun, always open to new artists.Anything that connects me to joy. I absolutely love Deva Premal and am finding my world openning up to more sound healing such as golden bowls, crystal bowls, etc. Dead Can Dance and Brendan Perry inspire me to do dance healing which lifts me to new places and guides me to a letting go that enables me to not ferment in past experiences. Creating a form of movement or dance that fits me and my desire opens creativity and creation that elevates my spirit. Nothing can heal if I am not in a good place inside myself. BLESSINGS and thanks for reading about me.The river is where I gain my strength from the Goddess. I live on the river so whenever I feel life is taking to much, even in winter, I can trek down the way and put my feet in. I adore going to my favorite swimming hole early in the morning light to feast on nature, Osprey nests, Eagles, turtles, duckies, and swimming with the salmon. Floating down the current and letting go so the Goddess can carry me. Take the plunge into the Goddess life blood and nourish your Self...

Teachers Everywhere Everywhere she turns she feels their watchful gaze- tender, urgent, enigmatic, patient, methodical, dazzling, lovingly guiding her, pushing her for a year or a hundred or a thousand or a million- whatever it takes. ~~~Janine Canan~~~Gather with friends as often as possible... Hold each other and laugh until you pee...Dean Evenson, Cha-Das-Ska-Dum and his beautiful wife create such beauty with sound. Healing music for all aspects of who we all are.


Please join me in this beautiful Goddess meditation... Singing and chanting helps keep the throat chakra balanced so revel in your own sound... Namaste.....Enchanted April, My house in Umbria, Chocolat, Practical magic, How to make an American quilt, Under the Tuscan sun, The others, Harry Potter, out of Africa, Bridges of Madison County, Tombstone, Dances with Wolves,Sirens,Photographing Faieries,Pan's Labrinth,and many many more! I love sappy movies and uplifting movies.Accepting the dark with the light creates balance as the Yin and Yang of all creation...Get away from the moments by using your body as an art form....Let art inspire you.....Spirals are a gift from the Goddess to remind us of loves ever outward spiral... Love forever extending... I am honored by all the beautiful creatures that come to visit and share their gifts with me...Namaste Starhawk inspires me to tread lightly on our Mother. Blessings of joy to you my friends... We are all soul sisters and we can uplift our communities.RELEASE, RELEASE, RELEASE!!!


Deva Premal brings me to places I love... Raise you voice and feel your own inner power... Enjoy in love and peace... Namaste...

.. Planet Earth, Sunrise Earth. IFC, Sundance Channel, Discovery Channel. Mostly,I try not to watch too much television. I try to be out in nature as much as possible and spend most of my time reading, making some kind of herbal creation or doing an art project.I am always painting, reading, redoing my home, or some other fun thing. It seems that every time my life shifts, my home shifts and out go the old clutter knick knacks and in comes something more peaceful. Right now I am into anything Zen like. :} Lots of white, candles, wood, big earthenware bowls, pinecones, seashells,river rocks (I live on a river) organic, earthy. AAAAAHHHHHH...I have free flying birds in my home who run the place along with my tiny dog Pearl. I love to explore other aspects of life rather than t.v....The thought of getting back to basics is heartwarming. Canning, weaving, sewing, knitting, baking, wrapping up in a handmade something feels so comforting... just like stirring homemade sauce made for the garden...


..There are so many valued books in my life. As you could tell if you saw my bookshelves and the boxes my husband says to give away, but I can't part with. :} Herbal Wise Woman Tradition Series, Outlander series, Reiki,Anything by Starhawk, Goddess/Woman empowering books, journals,Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukov, Daily Meditations, Yoga, Herbal how to's, Nature,Susan Weed,Harry Potter, P.C.Cast, Starhawk, art books,gardening books, music books, Barbara Brennan's Hands of healing light, Goddess novels, Celtic novels, Biography of people who have made a difference in my life, and any other inspiring and magical meaning reading. Always open to ideas! Any Suggestions are welcome if something has meant a great deal to you. I love poetry too, dark and light.Susan Weed is THE Herbal Wise Woman and has inspired me along my own healing journey. The Wise Woman Tradition has been around as long as time herself. I feel so connected when making herbal oils, infusions,teas, balms, and am moving forward into making candles. Using Reiki with the herbs and in the herbs gives me healing on an entirely new level.... Loving Light and The Earth Mother connected...Herbal infusions the Wise Woman Way! I love feeling the ancient wisdom pouring through me! The feeling of self empowerment!The Wise Woman classes! Moments of sacred laerning for you and many others to share! So FUN!Sacred learning! Smiling is a way to give back to others and to yourself. :}


..Any one who is open and peaceful minded who makes a difference for the greater good of all. Go We'Moon!We all have the nurturing ability to heal our world and in doing so, heal ourselves Guides come in many forms, find yours...Teaching dreams is where we may find our guidance... The fullness of woman holds unknowable beauty in this time we live in...BeautyCrows and Ravens guide me when I call to them... They have gifted me with feathers and beauty. Their song is soothing for me and seems to come just when I am in need...These White Ravens are found only on Vancouver Island... Standing people offer so much comfort and security...This is the closing hand position for my meditations on The Seven Direction Movement meditation...Hold at your Hara and breathe deeply while giving thanks for our teachers... feels powerful...Mossy green sleep...Ahhhhhhhh...I just love this! Peace be with us all...Mantra for honoring the divine... Om Namah Shivaya (Om Nuh-Muh Shee-Vah-Yuh) " I bow to the Divine within" or " I honor my innermost self"Celebrate the Sacred!Third eye openning...Truly seeing...

My Blog

Sacred Corn Mother by Susan Weed

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  |  MOTHER &a...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:48:00 PST

Wise Woman Wisdom, Motherwort by Susan Weed

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:00:00 PST

Herbs for Hags by Susan Weed

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:59:00 PST

The journey of the rose part 2 by Julie Charette Nunn

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:56:00 PST

The journey of the rose part 2 by Julie Charette Nunn

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:57:00 PST

Dance With Coyote by Joanne Dodgson

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> July 2008 Volume 8 Number 7 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 01:52:00 PST

Nature- a new relationship

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> June 2008 Volume 8 Number 6 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &nb...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:00:00 PST

Wild as a Rose

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> June 2008 Volume 8 Number 6 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  |  MOTHER &a...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:57:00 PST

The Goddess Speaks of roses

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> June 2008 Volume 8 Number 6 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:54:00 PST

wisdom keepers

.. -->DWLayoutTable--> ..TR> ..TR vAlign=top> ..TR bgColor=be844a> June 2008 Volume 8 Number 6 ..TABLE>..TABLE> What's Inside Wise Woman Herbal Ezine this Month... INDEX  | HEALING WISE &n...
Posted by )O( Lorie Spiral Hands )O( on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 09:52:00 PST