About Me
LATESTY NEWS: Omar Deghayes is home! We’re proud to be part of the campaign to bring Omar back from that disgusting torture chamber. Guantanamo Bay is a direct insult to all those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism in the second world war. They ’believed’ they were fighting against imprisonment without trial, torture and state criminality. It’s a crying shame that the US and British government have let fascism in through the back door while dismantling basic freedoms, ironically, in the name of ’freedom’-wankers! We all know war is shit-look at the debacle in Iraq; yet millions were sent to their deaths believing they were fighting for justice. These governments have just poured crap all over their memory and exposed the lie. The soldiers in Iraq have just been fed the same bullshit. Protesting does work. We will fight on untill this festering hell hole is closed for good. FUCK WAR AND FUCK THOSE FUCKERS THAT SEND PEOPLE’S CHILDREN TO THEIR DEATHS TO KILL OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN DUE TO THEM HAVING DARKER SKIN AND THE LAND THEIR COUNTRY SITS ON PROCESSES OIL. MAKE PUNK NOT WAR!
"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it" - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), US civil rights leaderWe’ve done more than a couple of benefits for the Smashedo campaign. EDO MBM is an arms manufacturer in Brighton that makes components for laser guided missiles that are used to kill people in Iraq and elsewhere-tossers! You can check them out on:- www.smashedo.org.uk We done a gig upstairs at the Hobgoblin, Brighton, on the 24th of March. It was a benefit for the save-Omar-campaign. Three quid to get in-mental! After our London gig on the 20th we had another smashedo benefit gig down the Cowley Club in Brighton on Thursday the 7th June with our dirty squatter mates ’Crowzone’. We played up Cambridge on the 15th September supporting ’Pain’ what a laugh that was! We want more gigs-now! Our track ’Guantanamo Bay’ was played on Brighton radio station Radio Reverb plugging our recent ’Migrant English Project’ benefit down the Cowley Club. We played a free gig at Friary Hall, Crawley (Right next to the train and bus station) for the No Border Camp at Gatwick www.noborder.org.uk A massive well done to the No Border protestors and we hope all those who were arrested will be released without charge. It’s good to see there’s still people willing to stand up and fight against the deplorable, draconian treatment of human beings-close those detention centres down now, they are prisons for the innocent; Britain’s answer to Guantanamo Bay. As for Migrant Watch-what a bunch of moronic, fascist, ignorant scumbags! "Patriotism in its simplest, clearest and most indubitable signification is nothing else but a means of obtaining for the rulers their ambitions and covetous desires, and for the ruled the abdication of human dignity, reason, conscience, and a slavish enthralment to those in power." Leo Toystoy - Demanding the Impossible: a History of Anarchism by Peter Marshall (fontana press 1992) p374 By the way you can now visit our non-Murdock site-www.axisofarseholes.com AOA keeping it unreal! We are looking for gigs again now-not for the faint hearted! The Cowley Club gig celebrating the release of Omar Deghayes from Guantanamo Bay on the 19th Jan was a storming success. Thanks to Flat Pig, Bad fucks, The Offcuts and Los Guadomoros for their feverish participation. For any other info go to www.schnews.org.uk For Northern info go to www.madhatterscafe.com LYRICS TO SMASHEDO:-Edo Edo they’re so proud
100,000 dead not said out loud
Laser bombs the ones to beat
A family eliminated by the heatEdo Edo what a louse
A bomb landed on a Dialla farmhouse
Wife, daughter and aunt destroyed
Excuse they keep some employedSmash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash edo now
(Repeat)Edo Edo what a buy
Happy to see the innocent die
Horseshit delivered to their door
To counter bullshit of the corporate whoreEdo Edo sleeps at night
Laser bombs are in flight
Killing children who have no say
Picking up their blood-soaked paySmash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash edo now
(Repeat)Edo Edo they’re so proud
100,000 dead not said out loud
Laser bombs the ones to beat
A family eliminated by the heatEdo Edo what a louse
A bomb landed on a Dialla farmhouse
Wife, daughter and aunt destroyed
Excuse they keep some employedSmash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash, smash, smash, smash, smash edo
Smash edo now
(Repeat)There is a mass national demo due to take place at the Level in Brighton 4th June, 12 Noon, in protest at EDO MBM the Brighton Arm’s Manufacture. Check out http://www.myspace.com/carnivalagainstthearmstrade
Link to Friday’s double gig www.smokycarrot.com