Bodybuilding, Hapkido, magic, ice hockey, guitar, culinary stylists, meditation, massage, shiatsu, phrenology
I am
My Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I can pass this guy."
I'd like to meet:
A Marine who served with my Father at Tarawa.Worth your time. A video on World progression including Myspace...The 60's generation came up with a lot of answers for today... check out this video
Popaye will go to jail for ...
Making an erotic cake for your cousins first birthday
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
Classic Rock, Blues, Punk.
Zepelin, Doors, Pink Floyd, Bowie, Supertramp, Hendrix, Clapton, Ramones, Cramps, Ramones, Surf Tunes, Rockabilly, Choking Susan;
Witnessing the evolution of music in my lifetime. Best...1977, Los Angeles Forum, row 6... click below
The Jerk, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Annie Hall, Duck Soup, Blazing Saddles, Fish called Wanda, Groundhog Day, Caddyshack, Bride of the Monster(Wood), Fists of Fury, Holy Grail, Airplane, Spinal Tap, and Pumping Iron because I was there.
Jon Stewart, South Park, news back in the day when it was actual news; not what panties some bimbo forgot to wear
Gray's Anatomy, Illustrated Man, Body Language, 1970's Hustler
my Nephew, Mom and Dad