I=C=E=M=A=N profile picture


He threw rock at me six times, and just when I caught on to his pattern, he threw scissors...

About Me

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Married, living in Southern California. No kids, I love camping, traveling,the beach,running,and working out. I love football,cars, movies,music,sweets,sunsets,trees(yes trees),positive people,cooking,video games,eating good food, my dog and ofcourse my wife.Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds "Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always."...GANDHI

My Interests

The art of creation. Drawing,painting, building, cars, tattoos, and my biggest passion... Pro football... GO NINERS!

I'd like to meet:

New friends and friends from the past, and anyone else who catches my interest. ..


Everything from Madonna to Megadeth. I love electronica, and techno. I can listen to the Crystal Method for days. Pearl Jam,A.F.I.,Green Day,Live,Bob Marley,Queen,Zep,Ozzy,Linkin Park,Beasties and the list goes on.......


Slapstick comedy rules! American pie(s). Kingpin, dumb and dumber, super troopers. Carlitos way, Planes and trains and autos, nightshift, donnie darko, Shawshank redempshin, any action movies... This list could go on for days. Oh, and my favorite... True Romance!


C.S.I. , 24, Seinfeld(always), Americas Most wanted,court T.V., The "L" word(don't ask), and yes... I'm kinda the reality T.V. junkie... BUT NOT American Idol.( I still wanna Keep my man card).


Do they have cliffnotes?


The guy that invented the wheel, Creative people, People that care for people in need,OUR troops, Cops, Steve Young, Michael Jordan, Eddy Vedder,Dave Grohl,The Farrely Brothers.....