bébé girl francais fry profile picture

bébé girl francais fry


About Me

LOve good times, love to laugh my ass off!! I am great at making people laugh, least I think so!! ha ha ha he hee!!!I'm living in Maine, I miss South Florida, and all my friends. I never judge a book/person by its cover! I'm into a lot of things,love tattoos on myself and others!

Get this video and more at MySpace.comLayout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layoutslove to be a beach bum! or a ski bum, ha hah ha! I'm onew of those very passive aggressive types! It all depends. Have an identacle twin sister, who also loves tattoos! WHOSE WHO?? HA HA HA!!! Will never tell!!! We are so a like, yet so different! She's my bud! I'm not very tall, good things..the best,,LOL, come in small packages!,,,,and they made two of us!!!Ive lived, and learned, not perfect, no one truly is!

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My Interests

Tattoos,The sun,playing in the snow,w/ my dog in the winter,silly people, being silly! Listening to music, and writting when I need to get things off my mind.Skiing,sailing, laying on the beach..espesially where I use to live!, any beach,drawing.Old pictures, love pictures in Black and White, love the way things were at one time! To each/his/her own.silly people,don't take life always too seriouslly,knowing we are only here to visit.

I'd like to meet:

I would have loved to have met Maralyn Monroe, and hung out. I would like to meet Peter Cameron, he's the man behind so much! METAL SANAZ...DEMAND IT! SHE ROCKS! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


I love Black Sabbath!PinkFloyd, It depends on my mood, Mazzy Star(SHE IS AMAZING!)GOOOD MUSIC!, The Killers.,METAL SANAZ


"The Hills have Eyes",scary, but great!, Charlie and The Choclate Factory-the original one! Funny movies.A Clock work Orange.A Bronx Tale,mob movies, Scar Face. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Lost,The Family guy, That 70's Show,old cartoons.My name is Earl.South Park. Old Saturday Night Live,,John Balushie!


A million little pieces, charlie and the choc. factory,Helter skelter. Bastard out of Carolina.


MYSELF!...and any one that can overcome, and beat an addiction! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow