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No One Left Behind

About Me

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Myspace Contact TablesIf you would like to write a letter or send a card to Cpl. Joshua Hoffman, here is the address: Joshua Hoffman c/o Juanita Hoffman & Heather Lovell Bristol Village at Charter Colony 620 Fern Meadow Loop #104 Midlothian, VA 23114 Everything sent to him helps encourage him to fight and recover everyday! Thank you to those of you who prayed for him in Jan. when he was first critically injured. We didn't think he'd make it there for quite awhile.While the numbers change daily and theres no way to be absolutely certain, we estimate there are 190 homeless veterans in Grand Rapids alone. Nationally, over 230,000 ! We are helping vets within Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon and Kalamazoo counties as well as surrounding areas. We assist veterans with transportation to and from the VA, help with paperwork, and connecting them with the resources they need to stay alive. Their age ranges from 21 to 76. Thirty three percent of all homeless men are veterans. The largest percentage are Vietnam Vets, they deal with physical as well as PTSD* issues. PTSD* agent orange exposure and gulf war syndrome are becoming increasingly more familiar with the vets we serve.No One Left Behind and our business sponsors help anyone that has served our country.If you would like to help Please contact us homelessvets@yahoo.com~

My Interests

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Tell us your stories about a person you know who is currently or has served in the military. Maybe we'll post your story on our site. Poems are great too.

I'd like to meet:

We would like to meet anyone who can help. You can help by adding us to your friends list and telling your friends that you support Veterans. You may e-mail us homelessvets@yahoo.com If you'd like to receive information on homeless veterans, sign up to be on our mailing list, volunteer your time and/or a special talent or send a gift, please e-mail us through MySpace or Yahoo and someone will contact you soon. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Thank You to everyone who supports this organization. Let's work together to make sure No One Is Left Behind. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


Third Strike and Shackle Jack...Local bands that support us our military forces and support our cause. You all rock! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" Full Metal Racket"Written by :Buddha Performed by Shackle JackIm in my tungsten-steel military mobile Aint got but one thing on my mind Better see the enemy before he sees me Locked and loaded and its killing time One plus three plus seven makes eleven Yeah the body count is on the rise At home a school teacher, but here a grim reaper My familyd never recognizeMy M-16 And my service pistol Will keep me company While I pray for peace I will prepare for war Cause Im a military man And Im kicking down your doorMy ear drums are humming, they never saw it coming Chalk up another victory Cause when my squads on a mission, better call the mortician Hes about to hit the lottery My trigger finger steady, Marines are born ready Heart, soul, body and mind So if youve got the stones to be a hero Go on and sign the dotted line-------------------------------------------------------- --- "Fight ON" Written by: Sean Silverly Performed by:Third Strike *This song was written for Cpl. Joshua Hoffman who was shot in the line of duty in Iraq. Cpl. Joshua Hoffman is paralyzed and still recovering from his injury*FIGHT ON!You answered the call to honor, sought no glory in return. Trained that precious freedom, was something that must be earned. Never asked a single question, your service was your goal. Received the proud distinction, of the insignia of gold.The tides of war were swelling, you were tasked to quell the wave. In a barren place you didn’t know, a million miles away.The environment was hazy, combative heat was burning strong. All the orders were accurate, but something was going wrong. Screams and shots in all directions, bullets piercing like a blade. You couldn’t have seen it coming, or knew the price you were to pay.The war for you now is over, but your battle has just begun. For a moment you were a soldier, yet you were always somebody’s son.(CHORUS) It’s your god-given right, take hold of the light and fight on! Standing tall by your side, strength and love as your guide, so fight on! Determination and will, gets you over the hill, to fight on! With a warrior’s soul, you will never let go, you’ll fight on!You fought for freedom in the desert, now you fight for your own at home. Every day seems like a struggle, but remember you’re not alone.Friends and family support your cause, getting stronger day by day. Until you stand on your own, as you did once before… let nothing get in your way!******************************************************** ***





Be the hero, help Homeless Veterans!..

My Blog

All Homeless men are drunks = FALSE

  Some turn to drink, Why you ask? Red Tape and a chemical imbalance caused by PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is one answer. The veterans we see who are homeless have gone through a deb...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:35:00 PST

We Support ALL our Veterans! Poems, and insightfulness on Vets Day

RememberWritten by Father Denis Edward O'Brien, USMC It was the Veteran, not the reporter,who has given us the freedom of the press. It was the Veteran, not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:05:00 PST

Our Mission

We have had a lot of people ask us about are plan to help the veterans. We have had many thought on how to help. The answer is far from clear. Every one we meet has a a different story and proble...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:37:00 PST

Who are homeless veterans?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) says homeless veterans are mostly males (2% are females). The vast majority are single, most come from poor, disadvantaged communities, 45% suffer from men...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST

Meeting details for 10/9/06

We got a lot of work done tonight at the meeting. We finished off the mission statement. We also targeted some fundraising events. We will be anouncing the shortly. Thanks to everyone thet came out to...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 06:54:00 PST

Just some quick stats about our veterans

 Since WWII 502,198 American soldiers have been killed in action and 1,086,738 have been wounded (War Department Figures) this does not include all the accidents, bombings and other little tiffs....
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:44:00 PST

Benefit CD for the homeless vets

We are looking for bands to contribute to a CD to help out the veterans. I have a deal in place for its sales and promotion. We would like to have it out in December. you can e-mail me your mp3's or c...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 12:27:00 PST

Take time to read this. It says it all

Man walks along the railroad trackHe's Goin' some place, there's no turnin' back The Highway Patrol chopper comin' up over the ridgeMan sleeps by a campfire under the bridgeThe shelter line stretchin'...
Posted by Homeless_Vets on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:56:00 PST