The Good Ideas profile picture

The Good Ideas

Hands off the Crank!

About Me

Good Ideas include:

Leaving all doors open when creating
Turning off the tv, turning off the radio, turning off the computer, and remembering the beauty of human interaction in a sweaty, mind-bending gathering of friends, present and future
-Making loud dirty noises in quiet pretty songs
-Being able to drop a nasty hip snapping groove in 7/8 and 5/8 time
-Fuzzafying a Rhodes through the use of a DS-1
-Keeping friendship and genuine love of musical collaboration at the forefront of being a Good Idea
-Probing the nature of corporate structure
-Taking an active responsibility in the evolution of our species' arts and culture
-Utilizing the critical voice of the citizen to examine the practices and justifications of our leaders
-Playing with The Dears and NOT stealing their 9-volt
-Playing amazing shows with The Mark Inside, Winter Equinox, Form One, Theresa's Sound-world, The Guest Bedroom and many others!
-Recording the album Turning the Crank at TS Studios in Toronto with Dov Tiefenbach in July 2005
-Having the album mastered by Andy Krehm at Silverbirch Studios in October 2005
My World Visitor Map!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Joel Dalton - guitar, bass, vocals, keyboard, trumpet
Jimmy McLean - bass, guitar, vocals
Janine Carter - keys, guitar, vocals, alarm clock
the Pink christ - drums, percussion
Jon Dalton - guitar, keyboard, vocals, glockenspeil


    Radiohead The Flaming Lips Neil Young The Dismemberment Plan Pink Floyd Frank Zappa Pavement Sufjan Stevens Captain Beefheart Portishead Miles Davis Broken Social Scene Apostle of Hustle Aquamuffin Old Man Dog Trucks Leaving Theresa's Sound World Bell Orchestre Bjork Form One Incubus (The Earlier The Better) Tom Waits Bach Mozart Chopin The Beatles Sunset Rubdown David Bowie Tortoise Do Make Say Think Arcade Fire Sonic Youth Mars Volta Smashing Pumpkins Funkadelic The Roots James Jamerson Battleship Ethel Paul Simon Sarah Slean Jason Collette The Velvet Underground Kevin Breit and the Sisters Euclid Aphex Twin Frog Eyes Holy Fuck TV on the Radio Wolf Parade Marvin Gaye

Sounds Like: A Good Idea
Record Label: Trinket Trance
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Ideas' music featured on TIM

Well look at that, we've been featured on this week's Toronto Independent Music podcast along with one of our favorite bands in the world, Trucks Leaving!! Check out the whole show here: http://blogto...
Posted by The Good Ideas on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 02:33:00 PST

Turning the Crank in Stores in Toronto and Barrie!

Oh look at us crank that shaft! We've spit our bits of cog juice into the retail relm. It is possible to exchange money for plastic and paper holding our dreams at the following locations in Toronto:S...
Posted by The Good Ideas on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:37:00 PST

Good Ideas Album Release March 9th Toronto!

March 9th at Sneaky Dee's, The Good Ideas release Turning the Crank in all it's manic quirky beautiful splendor. Special guests Trucks Leaving and Kamikaze Baby will be joining us to ensure the blowin...
Posted by The Good Ideas on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 01:15:00 PST

Listen to the complete Turning the Crank album!

Did you know it was a Good Idea to go to because you can now listen to the entire album Turning The Crank in streaming audio! A little something to satiate your desires until the ...
Posted by The Good Ideas on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:38:00 PST