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My World

About Me

Myspace Contact TablesMyspace Online Now IconsMy main purpose lately is keeping Wick on his toes, keeping the embers burning and watching as he dashes the flames. I live in Georgia (for now) with my finace and 5yr old granddaughter. She is one of three, i also have a grandson who lives in TN...the other two live in florida (which i hope to see soon). I have 4 daughters all grown now. I have 2 great son in laws (my girls are blessed). I have had an interest in almost all things in one way or another. I have had the pleasure to be involved in BDSM with some very skilled people, I have had the chance to live not only in the north (where i was born and raised) but also all along the south. I have friends from every walk of life and enjoy the diversity we all share. I am a recovering addict/alcoholic (it's been almost 20yrs now). I have been in the medical field for over 25 yrs and worked in almost every aspect of it, from elderly to addictions. I wouldn't change a thing about anything including the abuse i suffered from an ex. This has made me who i am. The profile shows who i am at different times, sometimes my soul struggles with happiness as well as sorrow, my heart aches for the ones who hurt and my light shines for the ones i hold dear to it. I hope you all take a look at the diversity of my friends and if the mood hits you please feel free to add me as yours.

My Interests

Computers, reading,music which varies from classical to old rock, fairies, wicca, mythology, languages esp japanese and italian, dragons.BDSM Erotica either films or books. Learning new things and making new and interesting friends all the time.A Song of Simplicity

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I'd like to meet:

Well I have met him, he is my best friend my lover and my confidant. John I hope you know how much you are loved. I love meeting new and interesting people who don't form opinions about sexuality,race,or religion

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Country,rock,alternative,classical some rap but not much. I listen to alot of different genres even italian music been told i am very eclectic target="_blank"

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Horrors,suspence,fantasy, some true stories, erotica, XXX but then again don't we all.
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ER,Criminal minds,L&O SVU,CSI,

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Patricia Cornwell,Laurell K Hamilton,Stephen King, Anne Rice. True crime, horror, suspence, mystery, some Bio's, Recovery stories. I have a treasured signed copy of "Screw the Roses,Give me the thorns" I have seen some other authors on here and read some of the reviews and look foward to adding them to this list, you can find them in my friends list.
Buried at PhotoCasket.com My internal battle between good and evil!


My kids and now my grandkids
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Your soul is bound to the Fourth Totem, Solomon: The Owl .Solomon appears as an azure feathered owl. He embodies wisdom, judgement, reason, and stability. He is associated with the color azure, the season of autumn, and the element of water. His downfall is farsightedness.You are most compatible with Ravens and Monkeys.
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My Blog

My story the readers digest version

Ok readers digest version. I come from single parent (mother) family was raised with my one sister another was placed for adoption (we have since reunited). I was sexually abused by my mothers employe...
Posted by (¯`·._)Wicks’lame(¯`·._) on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:45:00 PST