MonkeyWrench Books profile picture

MonkeyWrench Books


About Me

MonkeyWrench Books is an all-volunteer, nonprofit, collectively owned and operated radical bookstore in North Austin. We provide an extensive collection of radical and hard to find literature and media, and a space for community events.In order to offer a real alternative to the homogeneity of corporate bookstores.MonkeyWrench Books serves as a clearinghouse for information on Austin-area groups, projects, and events. In addition, the store offers a space for local organizing, and facilitates greater interaction among groups working for social change. It is a place where people newly interested in political action can find support, information, and a diversity of progressive viewpoints. It is also a place where experienced ativists and organizers can share their knowledge and find the resources needed to achieve their goals.We are located at: 110 E. North Loop Austin, TX (512) 407-MWBK (6925)

My Interests

Anarchism, Theory, Situationists, Globalization, Latin America, Carribean, Asian American, African American, Race Theory, Chican@, Socialism, Ecology, DIY, Fiction, Comix & Graphic Novels, Prisons, Current Events, Queer/Trans

I'd like to meet:

To keep up to date on our events, sign up for our blog! Also, you can visit our website at for more info.Stop by the store, buy some books, coffee, or come to an event! We'd love to meet you!


Yes, we do have bands play at the store. Come check them out sometime. We'll let you know on the bulletin board.


Yes, we do screen them. Thanks for asking!


MWB stocks books, periodicals, pamphlets and zines from alternative publishers such as AK Press, Autonomedia, Black Rose Books, Common Courage, Seven Stories, International Publishers, Kerr, Monthly Review, South End Press,and Verso.


Monkeywrench Books puts theory into practice in the way it is organized. We believe in a just world without domination and oppression and we are working to undermine authoritarian structures of power. The store is collectively owned and run in a manner consistent with our vision. We have no bosses. Group decisions are made collectively using consensus process, and members are empowered to exercise creativity on individual projects. The bookstore is maintained by volunteers who believe in the importance of establishing alternatives to corporate capitalism, while creating new public spaces. There are many similar successful efforts around the globe. Through cooperation with existing notable projects and with your support, we can create a vibrant independent book and activist culture in our community.

My Blog

Friday 2/23, 8pm: FREE show w/ Coma in Algiers/Fires In Roam/Che Arthur

This Friday (2/23) at Monkey Wrench Books, a free instore concert showcasing local up and coming artists. See what people have been seeing for months in the bar scene, in our friendly bookstore. show ...
Posted by MonkeyWrench Books on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:48:00 PST

Sat, Feb 24: Zine Benefit - 8pm. Bands!

This Saturday (2/24 ), we're hosting a benefit for the soon to be released Zine Compilation. Copies cost money so there's a few bands playing, an art exhibit, and your donations go to a good cause! Fe...
Posted by MonkeyWrench Books on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:48:00 PST

Feb 25, 8pm: From the Bottom: John Ross reports back from the Mexican Upheaval

Sunday, Feb 25th at 8pm. At MonkeyWrench BooksAuthor/correspondent/poet/and globetrotting troublemaker John Ross delivers a report from the social upheaval in Mexico that followed the stealing of the ...
Posted by MonkeyWrench Books on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:42:00 PST