SACREBLEU! TV on Austin's TIMEWARNER cable 10. You'll be transported by vintage variety, wondering if you're in 1920's Morocco or 1960's France. Perhaps you're on another planet. We're introducing fresh talent every show. You'll find us delving into everything from physics to philosophy, from film to poetry--with a mission to promote high-fidelity humans.
Lounge, Ambient, Jazz, Latin, World, Classical.
The Holy Mountain (financed by John and Yoko), Santa Sangre, PI, The Remains of the Day, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove, The Young Frankenstein, The Seventh Seal, Memento, Being There, Harold and Maude, The Cremaster Cycle, Much Ado About Nothing, Gandhi, Boondock Saints, Amores Peros, Aguirre: The Wrath of God, Henry and June, Annie Hall, The Amateur, Waking Life, Total Eclipse, Witness, Elvira Madigan, Dead Poet Society, The Graduate, One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest, Midnight Cowboy, American Psycho, Stand By Me, Nel, A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, The Cruise, The Pillowbook ...
SACREBLEU! TV on Austin's TIMEWARNER cable 10.
This needs to be thoroughly updated:
THE SONNETS TO ORPHEUS by Rilke, GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY by Ludwig von Bertalanffy, COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY by Archie Baum, MEDITATIONS by Marcus Aurelius, TO BE HUMAN by Krishnamurti, THE PROPHET (and others) by Kahlil Gibran,THE SERPENT POWER by Sir John Woodruffe ("Arthur Avalon"), CHILDREN ABOVE 180 IQ by Leta Hollingworth, GIFTED CHILDREN: MYTHS & REALITIES by Ellen Winner, GENIUS by Hans Eysenck, THE G FACTOR by Arthur Jensen, SETTING UP YOUR SHOTS by Jeremy Vinyard, SPIKE MIKE RELOADED by John Pierson, tomes on ontology and eschatology...
All deeply questioning minds. The smart and the savvy