Public School campuses are being... shut..down. Entire administrative teams are being fired. Art, music, writing and physical education classes are being thrown out of schools to make room for extra reading and math drills to prepare children for high stakes testing. Schools are becoming warehouses of mass produced, one-size-fits all, testing distributors and have completely replaced any remnant of centers of discovery, creativity and learning. This is a direct result of the National No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Despite these burdens and challenges, Educators and communities are determined to find solutions and empower students and families to still capture their dreams. The Blueprint Schools Documentary takes a lens to the local implementation of NCLB, specifically the Blueprint Initiative of the Austin Independent School District (AISD). In 2002, in accordance with NCLB guidelines, AISD implemented the Blueprint Initiative. Six schools were targeted in low-income, inner city communities. As schools were, approximately 200 teachers were either fired or mis-placed, curriculum was changed, and parents and educators cried foul. This is the story of how a local community has been impacted by National Education Laws. The Blueprintschools documentary project is being produced by Andrea Melendez*