I don't see why people bother to write so much in this section. No one is genuinely that interested. For those who are seeking to truly speak to me and get to know who I am though; here is a piece of me. Please read on. Most of ya'll will probably just jump straight into the picture page-- I do the same thing, I'm not offended. ^_^
Jessica is my name. I am a walking frustration.
I stand in a place where what the world wants for me and what makes me happy are playing tug of war. I'm sure most can relate.
ART and ME:
I spend my days creating art as much as my energy can allow. I love the fact that art surrounds us and I bask in that notion every day. My big toe is art. Your left butt cheek is art. My cousin's third pinky toe is art. *sighs* I guess you can say I find beauty in many things most people might not think could be. That is what inspires me to create.
Filipinos like myself always fall into the stereotype that all of us are NURSES. Yeah its pretty much almost true in most cases. At least with yours truly. I'm pursuing my traditional stereotype as of recent and working in the medical field as a Dialysis tech.
I love life and despite the grim intro I'm such a happy-go-lucky person you would get so sick of me smiling you'd slap yourself hoping I'd feel the pain.
I love laughing and new things. To learn is to live and to grow; its like breath man! Ya can't live without it!! In my 5 foot frame, I feel like I grow past the trees with the things learn everyday, about life, the people I meet the things I see, love, family, school, driving, picking my nose, scratching my butt..EVERYTHING!
There! Some pieces of myself to you, whoever you are--